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Published byAlejandro McCarthy Modified over 11 years ago
Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Extended Project Group Meeting Den Haag, 2002-11-21 - 2002-11-23
November 2002 2 Extended Project Group Meeting Agenda for the Meeting Thursday, 2002-11-21 09:00 - 09:15 Opening (MUS) 09:15 - 10:30 General Project Management Issues (All WP Leaders) 10:30 - 11:00Coffee break 11:00 - 12:30 Work Session 1 (Groups) 12:30 - 13:30Lunch 13:30 - 15:00 Work Session 2 (Groups) 15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break 15:30 - 17:00Working in groups Summarize and prepare reports (Work Session 1+2) In parallel: CSC group 17:00 - 18:00Reporting on issues of the first day (by a rapporteur, 1 per group) 18:00 End of the 1st day 20:00Social Dinner
November 2002 3 Extended Project Group Meeting Agenda for the Meeting Friday, 2002-11-22 09:00 - 10:30 Work Session 3 (Groups) 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 - 12:30 Work Session 4 (Groups) 12:30 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 - 15:00 Working in groups Summarize and prepare reports (Work Session 3+4) In parallel: CSC group 15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break 15:30 - 16:30Reporting on issues of the first day (by a rapporteur, 1 per group) 16:30 - 18:00Final consolidation 18:00 End of the 2nd day 20:00Social Dinner Saturday, 2002-11-23 Open for further bilateral/ specialised discussions: - advantages/disadvantages, - training on tools, - working on workflows.
November 2002 4 Extended Project Group Meeting Goals of the Meeting The main goals: 1. Tool training (!) Use the tools for practical (demonstration) work following the prepared How Tos 2. Usability testing Test the tools with regard to the usability => A first set of questionnaires Pretest for the real usability tests => Adapt questionnaires, gain experience (Best-Practise, Worse-Practise) 3. Plan the remaining months... Tasks, priorities, responsibilities
November 2002 5 Extended Project Group Meeting General Management Issues All WP Leaders 9:15 - 10:30 - General Management Issues (AIT) -Overview about WP 4 (TARX) - WP 4.1 Working Plan (IMAC) - WP 4.2/WP 4.3 (VALT, IAT) - Technical & Content Status (VALT) - Reports on first demonstration activities (IMAC,...) -...
November 2002 6 Extended Project Group Meeting WP 4 Demonstration, Assessment & Evaluation Overview of tasks in WP 4 Deliverable D11: Evaluation Report: REGNET trial service and recommendations IAT 2003-03-07 Task Briefs T 4.1 Execution of the demonstration phase (trial service) Responsible: TARX Interim Report IR 4.1 Edited by TARX Due by: 2003-01-31 Deliverable D9: Report: REGNET System operation" TARX 2003-03-07 T 4.2 Refinement of system and services where appropriate and necessary Responsible: VALT T 4.3 Analysis of trial service, assessment and evaluation of the system Responsible: IAT Interim Report IR 4.2 Edited by VALT Due by: 2003-01-31 Interim Report IR 4.3 Edited by IAT Due by: 2003-01-31 Deliverable D10: Prototype: REGNET - Demonstration (Trial Service) VALT 2003-03-07
November 2002 7 Extended Project Group Meeting Main objectives & expected results: Initialisation of the service and maintenance Documentation of the system behaviour and performance Documentation of user responses Effort for WP 4.1: 55,9 PM = > Working program for Den Haag: A set of documented usability tests WP 4.1 Execution of Demonstration Overview of WP 4.1
November 2002 8 Extended Project Group Meeting For feedback and documentation: Reference Model (available content & functions templates) Questionnaires for user feedback Templates, e. g. for case studies & guidelines Methodology Work package leaders Strategies: Set up the reference model of the concerned content Set up scenarios related to the workflows of content provider Demonstration Content providers WP 4.1 Execution of Demonstration Workplan: Tasks within WP 4.1
November 2002 9 Extended Project Group Meeting Carry out and manage demonstrations: Provide access to a substantial part of content Use REGNET-Facilities Define workflows & products Demonstrate system to others (usability testing with internal and external groups) Demonstration Operate & Offer infrastructure: Ongoing task of all content providers Install software Set-up testbed sites Set-up databases Ongoing task of all CSC operators & test centers WP 4.1 Execution of Demonstration
November 2002 10 Extended Project Group Meeting Demonstration Demonstrate possible usage scenarios of REGNET Tools, Training in effective usage/task support... Guidance for integration in work flow content of content providers Deliver and adapt software compo- nents according to the feedback gathered. ( -> Task 4.2.) Collect and analyse user and system behaviour data. ( -> Task 4.3.) WP 4.1 Execution of Demonstration Training in usage of tools: Software developers & WP 4 coordinators Further content development: Internationalisation, topic maps Dependant on feedback - if necessary and required!
November 2002 11 Extended Project Group Meeting Give feedback: Own experiences (e.g. case studies) Test user feedback (usability tests) Built groups for working on specialized topics (integrate external partners) Feedback & Documentation Ongoing task of content providers, CSC operators & test centres Consolidate collected feedback/results, assess, final evaluation (-> Task 4.3.) Task leaders WP 4.1 Execution of Demonstration Content provider, CSC operators & Test Centres as authors (case studies), con- tributors (links), editors (structure) and users Build up a knowledge base for project know-how and experiences (case studies, forum (working groups), guidelines, FAQs …)
November 2002 12 Extended Project Group Meeting WP 4.1 Execution of Demonstration Give feedback: Prepare posters, brochure, fact sheets,... Prepare best practice dissemination (case studies) Promote the project, test phase etc., e.g. by organising information events, distribute material, prepare newsletters... Attract and promote participation Task for all partners Marketing Setting up and contribute to reference model Ongoing status reporting Reporting Content providers, software developer Interim reporting and final reporting Task leader(s) Other issues Strategic development: CSC operators & Test Centres (Re)define service portfolio (Re)define service levels/fees Other services (see above)
November 2002 13 Extended Project Group Meeting Demonstration Activities Report on first demonstration issues IMAC - The REGNET Testbed Campaign - REGNET Information Events - First Feedback – Main Topics
November 2002 14 Extended Project Group Meeting Goals & Requirements Demonstrate and test the REGNET developments. >> Market preparation, new partners Testbed-Activities 1.10. 2002 - 31.3. 2003 The REGNET Testbed Site 1. Contribute test data 2. Describe data structures 3. Feedback! First actions in Austria & Switzerland & Germany Demonstration Activities Access point for new partners (test users): Search, access own databases, consultancy...
November 2002 15 Extended Project Group Meeting 1. Confirme participation Participation - Step-by-Step 2. Information about data & structures 3. Setup XML-database, import of existing data 4. Work with the system 5. Feedback (Test report) Data entry (own data), Multisite search, E-Shop and Auction, Tool for the production of small presentations, catalogues... Portal services (forum,...) Tools for the test: Testbed material available: Registration forms, Checklists, Guidelines (english, german), flyer,... To promote the action: first roadshows & other events … Demonstration Activities
November 2002 16 Extended Project Group Meeting ParticipantsResults/Next Steps Interesting feedback 1 new partner Several contacts Customer base Newsletter Working group (1) REGNET Information Event, 24.10. 2002 Zürich Approx. 70 participants, mainly museums invited on the basis of own mailing list and in cooperation with the official museum organisation in Switzerland (VMS-AMS) Demonstration Activities Best-Practise: An established partner for the promotion! Presentation, Report, Case Study & FAQ available
November 2002 17 Extended Project Group Meeting ParticipantsResults/Next Steps Contact to a small E- Publishing company (World- of-Culture) Contact to the Deutschen Museumsbund Contact to another EU-Project for supporting evaluation (VNET 5) (2) EVA Berlin 2002, 07.11. 2002 Exhibition & Conference: A REGNET booth and 2 presentations during the conference. Participants: Suppliers of online information services/E- Publishing services, cultural institutions and research institutions Demonstration Activities Presentation, Report, Case Study & FAQ available
November 2002 18 Extended Project Group Meeting Case Study Template Template for : I. Targets to the event II. Planning and preparation of the event III. Evaluation of the event Demonstration Activities => Use this template for further case studies (Knowledge base)
November 2002 19 Extended Project Group Meeting First feedback of participants Topic Maps Visitors not familiar with it, but interested Curious about new method of content structuring REGNET System Advantages & Disadvantages Why participate/use? ASP-Modell, Costs Networking: Integrate existing databases/servers, … Technical Aspects Features of the system, further development (full-service system) Copyright-Issues Storage of data, usage of standards, … Main areas of interest Demonstration Activities XML and relational databases (why, interfaces, …)
November 2002 20 Extended Project Group Meeting Demonstration Activities Frequently Asked Questions List of about 30 FAQs to be answered ! >> Together with a discussion of advantages & disadvantages (Final Consolidation Session)
November 2002 21 Extended Project Group Meeting Working Sessions Working Sessions: Tool Training & Testing 11:00 - 15:00 Afterwards: Summarize and prepare reports Results of Work Session I and II should be reported at the end of the first day! 17:00 - 18:00
November 2002 22 Extended Project Group Meeting Concept of Work Sessions (rotation) Responsible technical partner(s): expertise of tool or a group of tools Group of content partners: rotate to attend all work topic groups Responsible technical partner(s): expertise of tool or a group of tools Group of content partners: rotate to attend all work topic groups Technical partner(s) present the tool(s): What to do with (Know-what) How to deal with (How to?) Technical partner(s) present the tool(s): What to do with (Know-what) How to deal with (How to?) Scenarios set up by the content partners: Using the tool(s) Write down observations regarding the questionnaires and the tool(s) Scenarios set up by the content partners: Using the tool(s) Write down observations regarding the questionnaires and the tool(s) EACH WORK SESSION (WS) Write down & report results: observations comments on questionnaires... Write down & report results: observations comments on questionnaires... 1 3 2 60 min. 90 min. 30 min.
November 2002 23 Extended Project Group Meeting Application flow of Work Sessions Work Topic 2 E-Business (Shop, Auction, Procurement) Work Topic 2 E-Business (Shop, Auction, Procurement) Work Topic 1 Search & Re- trieval, Data Entry, Thesau- rus Management Work Topic 1 Search & Re- trieval, Data Entry, Thesau- rus Management Work Topic 3 E-Publishing, Topic Maps, Multilinguality Work Topic 3 E-Publishing, Topic Maps, Multilinguality Work Topic 4 Portal & Modules navigation issues Work Topic 4 Portal & Modules navigation issues Technical Partner: AIT Technical Partner: AIT Technical Partner: VALT, ZEUS Technical Partner: VALT, ZEUS Technical Partner: TARX Technical Partner: TARX Technical Partner: MOT Technical Partner: MOT Content Partners: NRM, SUL Content Partners: NRM, SUL Content Partners: CC, ONB Content Partners: CC, ONB Content Partners: MUS, MECH Content Partners: MUS, MECH Content Partners: GRAN IAT, ICCS Content Partners: GRAN IAT, ICCS Every group (G) takes course in every WT WT n G 1 G 3G 2G 4
November 2002 24 Extended Project Group Meeting Rotation of Work Sessions WS 1 WS 2 WS 3 WS 4 WT 1WT2WT 4 WT 3 G 1G 2G 3G 4 G 4G 1G 2G 3 G 3G 4G 1G 2 G 2G 3G 4G 1 WS = Work Session, WT = Work Topic, G = Group Building of groups
November 2002 25 Extended Project Group Meeting Guidelines for Work Sessions Please give a short presentation: - Impression of the tool - Strenghts and weaknesses - Necessary improvements -... Comment on => Experiences with questionnaires => Comment on the methodology... Reporting (1 rapporteur), 15 min. 17:00 - 18:00 Guidelines for the work sessions [Electronic version] Questionnaires together with scenarios [Electronic versions]Electronicversions
November 2002 26 Extended Project Group Meeting Report on the Working Sessions
November 2002 27 Extended Project Group Meeting The 2nd Meeting Day
November 2002 28 Extended Project Group Meeting Agenda for the Meeting Friday, 2002-11-22 09:00 – 11:30 Work Session 3 (Groups) 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break 11:30 – 14:30Work Session 3 (Groups) 12:30 - 13:30 Lunch 14:30 – 16:00 Working in groups Summarize and prepare reports 15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break 16:00 - 18:00Final consolidation Reports of the Working groups Advantages & Disadvantages Frequently Asked Questions Saturday, 2002-11-23 Open for further bilateral/ specialised discussions: - advantages/disadvantages, - training on tools, - working on workflows.
November 2002 29 Extended Project Group Meeting Final Consolidation - Report your experiences! - Brainstorming: Advantages & Disadvantages -Frequently Asked Questions - Next Steps -...
November 2002 30 Extended Project Group Meeting 4…4 4 4 4 4…4 4 4 4 Advantages & Disadvantages of the System Under which circumstances you would buy a new information system? Which advantages must a system offer?
November 2002 31 Extended Project Group Meeting 4…4 4 4 4 4…4 4 4 4 Advantages & Disadvantages of the System What is your impression of the REGNET System in general? AdvantagesDisadvantages 4…4 4 4 4 4…4 4 4 4 Would you buy the REGNET System or parts of it (actual)?
November 2002 32 Extended Project Group Meeting 4…4 4 4 4 4…4 4 4 4 Advantages & Disadvantages of the System What are the most important advantages & disadvantages? AdvantagesDisadvantages 4…4 4 4 4 4…4 4 4 4 I. Data Generation/Management (incl. Search, Thesaurus)
November 2002 33 Extended Project Group Meeting 4…4 4 4 4 4…4 4 4 4 Advantages & Disadvantages of the System What are the most important advantages & disadvantages? AdvantagesDisadvantages 4…4 4 4 4 4…4 4 4 4 II. E-Shop, E-Procurement, Auction
November 2002 34 Extended Project Group Meeting 4…4 4 4 4 4…4 4 4 4 Advantages & Disadvantages of the System What are the most important advantages & disadvantages? AdvantagesDisadvantages 4…4 4 4 4 4…4 4 4 4 III. Topic Map Generation/Navigation
November 2002 35 Extended Project Group Meeting 4…4 4 4 4 4…4 4 4 4 Advantages & Disadvantages of the System What are the most important advantages & disadvantages? AdvantagesDisadvantages 4…4 4 4 4 4…4 4 4 4 IV. E-Publishing
November 2002 36 Extended Project Group Meeting 4…4 4 4 4 4…4 4 4 4 Advantages & Disadvantages of the System What are the most important advantages & disadvantages? AdvantagesDisadvantages 4…4 4 4 4 4…4 4 4 4 V. Portal What is missing?
November 2002 37 Extended Project Group Meeting Frequently Asked Questions Let us try to answer them...!
November 2002 38 Extended Project Group Meeting Project Knowledge Base Which activities are planned?=> Provide Case Study! Which guidelines are needed and who could provide them? - Handling of images in the Internet - Connecting remote databases - How to use topic maps? -...
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