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Expanding Content with Multimedia Welcome to Nuts and Bolts of Multimedia Content.

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Presentation on theme: "Expanding Content with Multimedia Welcome to Nuts and Bolts of Multimedia Content."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expanding Content with Multimedia Welcome to Nuts and Bolts of Multimedia Content

2 Expanding Content with Multimedia Multimedia examples What have you used in the last week? Web pages with pictures Online encyclopedia with hyperlinks Video clips of news stories Animated tutorials

3 Expanding Content with Multimedia Online multimedia gone crazy? July 2006 – 5.1 million videos on YouTube August 2006 – grown to 6.1 million Total views were 1.73 billion –Lee Gomes – Wall Street Journal Online

4 Expanding Content with Multimedia Participating Panelists Mike Brumm – Creative Director Illinois Legal Aid Online - Mike Monahan - Pro Bono Director Eve Ricaurte – A2J Programer for Iowa Legal Aid online remote intake system

5 Expanding Content with Multimedia Opinions: Is multimedia content useful? Is it worth the resources to develop?

6 Expanding Content with Multimedia Why use multimedia? Making sense of complex issues Reaching new audiences Serving current audience better –Low literacy –LEP –People with disabilities

7 Expanding Content with Multimedia Multimedia built for the web Multimedia content (just like all content) should be designed for the web – not just recycled and posted. Choose your format to best match the goal of the content (i.e. teach, practice, play, etc.) When adding media avoid a cluttered site keep it clean

8 Expanding Content with Multimedia Video Information or news vs. training Make sure your audience knows what to expect – length of video, time to download type of video, type of content and intended audience.

9 Expanding Content with Multimedia Guidelines for creating online video content: Avoid using video if the content doesn't take advantage of the medium's dynamic nature. –Better for things that work better on film than they would as a combination of photos and text. –Or supplement video with text or highlights.

10 Expanding Content with Multimedia

11 Guidelines for creating online video content: Recognize that Web users are easily distracted, and keep distracting elements out of the frame of your shots. - Jacob Neilson

12 Expanding Content with Multimedia Examples: Illinois going to court video – Produced video (script, actors, video shoots (permissions, edited with video editing and sound software.)Illinois going to court video – Watch and learn web videos (Mike Monahan)

13 Expanding Content with Multimedia Videos for the Web: Advice from Illinois Legal Aid Online: –Produced video: Things to consider Cost Time and process Staffing (script writers, actors, videographer) Production (video shoots, sound, lighting, editing)

14 Expanding Content with Multimedia Video for the web: Basic videos (not produced) using the web- casting software. Things to consider: –Lower time/cost investment than producded video –Benefit vs. time investment (i.e. talking head with transcription text provides some benefit at less investment.)

15 Expanding Content with Multimedia Video In-depth: Why do we use Flash? Flash plugin vs. other video plugins (Quicktime, Windows Media, Real, etc) a. Higher Penetration levels - 98.3% Flash Player 6 and above - 83.2% MS Windows Media Player - 66.9% Apple Quicktime - 55.3% RealOne Player b. Lighter download - don't have the number, but Flash plugin less than 1MB where as Quicktime is around 18MB

16 Expanding Content with Multimedia Video In-depth Progressive Download Flash Videos vs Streaming Flash Videos (Flash Media Server) a. Streaming allows the user to jump to portions of the video w/o having to wait for the video to download b. Streaming saves bandwidth. Download only what you view.

17 Expanding Content with Multimedia Questions…

18 Expanding Content with Multimedia Webcasting What is webcasting? Webcasting allows statewide website administrators to capture and stream live or archived audiovisual content over the internet. Using a Flash-based tool created by Illinois Legal Aid Online, a user can webcast content using only a webcam and a laptop with a broadband internet connection. Potential uses of this tool include producing online trainings for legal services advocates and pro bono attorneys, as well as developing pro se content for clients.

19 Expanding Content with Multimedia Webcasting vs. Video Think of as two different types of media – –Webcasting captures a live meeting/training audience should expect that. –Video produced for the web should follow web guidelines. For both provide information for your audience on what to expect (i.e. length of time, this is a lecture, etc.)

20 Expanding Content with Multimedia Legal Aid Webcasting Examples: =home.dsp_content&contentID=4962

21 Expanding Content with Multimedia Background of Webcasting Why Illinois began the webcasting project –Provide a way for legal aid programs to archive and distribute trainings. How has the use of the webcasting system grown? –Ability for people to watch live trainings. –Use for posting non-training videos to the web.

22 Expanding Content with Multimedia Webcasting Resources The basic how-to of webcasting and other important info:

23 Expanding Content with Multimedia Webcasting: Staff and Planning Webcasting in Georgia: –Starting a webcasting project Resources and staffing needed for the project Decisions on content and trainings to webcast Feedback and interest so far.

24 Expanding Content with Multimedia Questions

25 Expanding Content with Multimedia Animation Flash – most common for use on websites Why? –Explain complex issues –Dynamic –Attracts attention

26 Expanding Content with Multimedia Legal Aid Animation – How to Use this Site – Flash

27 Expanding Content with Multimedia FAQs on How to Use this Site What does something like this cost? –They've been running between $1,000 - $1,500 depending on the following –factors: –1. Number of script revisions –2. Length of the presentation –3. VO talent recording/editing vs provided VO in mp3 format.

28 Expanding Content with Multimedia FAQs on How to Use this Site What level of expertise is needed to program this type of presentation? It's a rather simple process to build one of these tutorials, it just takes time as the animation is timeline based and has to be synced with the audio. Someone with intermediate Flash skills could build this out for you rather easily.

29 Expanding Content with Multimedia FAQs on How to Use this Site Where can we find a Flash programmer? eloper iFreelance Uwh86xGDR8JpjpktfeXUAc%3d Uwh86xGDR8JpjpktfeXUAc%3d Another option would be to snag a student in college and have them build it out. Probably pay a lot less.

30 Expanding Content with Multimedia Questions Do you all have other examples of animation in use on your websites?

31 Expanding Content with Multimedia Interactive Animation Allows a person to respond and interact.

32 Expanding Content with Multimedia A2J What is A2J? Developed by the Center for Access to Justice and Technology, Chicago-Kent College of Law Software to develop custom user-friendly interfaces for document assembly Leads users through an interview with visual and audio cues Compatible with Hotdocs and coming soon – case management software

33 Expanding Content with Multimedia A2J in use: some examples Iowa Remote Intake – Eve RicaurteIowa Remote Intake

34 Expanding Content with Multimedia A2J and HotDocs Idaho Answer to Eviction Interview:

35 Expanding Content with Multimedia Want to learn more? Visit the Center for Access to Justice and Technology: January 2006 LSTechie Article on A2J

36 Expanding Content with Multimedia Questions on A2J/Interactive Animation

37 Expanding Content with Multimedia Thoughts on the topic… Is legal services technology being left behind the online media revolution? –

38 Expanding Content with Multimedia Resources – General New multimedia folder in the Pro Bono Net SWEB Library. Adding Audio to PowerPoint nglish/frame.htm nglish/frame.htm

39 Expanding Content with Multimedia Resources – Existing content Not ready to develop your own content yet? Consider free sources: – MSN Videos – Public domain photo sources FirstGov: FlickR

40 Expanding Content with Multimedia Usability Resources - page 5 – multimedia 2006 edition

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