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Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Project Meeting Content Group 2002-01-28 - 2002-01-29.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Project Meeting Content Group 2002-01-28 - 2002-01-29."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Project Meeting Content Group 2002-01-28 - 2002-01-29

2 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 2 Overall Agenda Monday, 2002-01-28Tuesday, 2002-01-29 14:40 - 15:00 Opening, Agenda (IMAC) 15:00 - 16:15 Status reports (All partners) 16:15 - 16:45 Data input issues (IMAC, TARX) 16:45 - 17:15Coffee break 17:15 - 17:30 Data input issues (IMAC, TARX) 17:30 - 18:30Special partner projects (ICCS, IMAC,...) 9:30 - 10:00 Theme-based work - Introduction (TARX, IMAC) 10:00 - 10:45 Individual themes (IMAC, TARX, theme leaders) 10:45 - 11:15 Coffee Break 11:15 - 13:00Working groups 13:00 - 14:40Lunch Break

3 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 3 Overall Agenda Tuesday, 2002-01-28 14:40 - 16:45 Data input tutorial (AIT) 16:45 - 17:15Coffee break 17:15 - 17:30 Data input tutorial (AIT) 17:30 - 18:30Results of working groups (all partners) Open round (all partners) Next steps (IMAC) The main goals: 1. Clarify open questions regarding the data formats & usage of templates 2. Introduce and explain availabe tools for data input 3. Working on themes in order to start the construction of topic maps

4 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 4 Detailed agenda 1st day Monday, 2002-01-28 15:00 - 16:15 Status reports (about 10 minutes per partner) SUL/KVA/NRM/LMG, MUS, MECH, ONB, ICCS, GRAN, CC/New italian partners, ALI 16:15 - 16:45 Data input issues Solving the mystery: Usage of the templates for fragment generation, some examples (TARX) 16:45 - 17:15Coffee break 17:15 - 17:30 Data input issues Data structures, standards & concordances (IMAC) 17:30 - 18:30Special partner projects Presentation of Z39.50 Server (ICCS) DSK Test data (IMAC)....

5 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 5 Our workplan for the next 2 days Envisaged results Record the actual status of your work - solve problems and plan the next steps (adaption of the timetable - if necessary) Introduction of and training in using the data entry tools, formulate further needs Finish the work on theme structures, decide upon and define concrete contributions (and schedule them) Use face-to-face communication for discussion & share expertise

6 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 6 Status reports Part 1: Status reports [all partners] 15:00 - 16:15 Please give a short presentation: - work done & actual status - main achievements - most important problems - critical points -... Swedish partners MUS MECH ONB ICCS GRAN IAT CC ALI IAT

7 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 7 Data input issues Part 2: Data input issues [TARX, IMAC] 16:15 - 17:30 Coffee break 16:45 - 17:15

8 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 8 The fragment templates The problem with the templates for fragments - solving the mystery Some examples in order to show the usage of the templates TARX

9 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 9 The fragment templates Another example - object description Information about the record (some of these fields will be generated automatically if using an electronic system) Information about the object and its content (equivalent to domain-specific data dictionaries, could be adapted to your needs)

10 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 10 Data structures & concordances The basis: content examples (object descriptions) SULBooksExport from Libris Marc/Marc21 Smaller unitsno examples Metadata Scheme (Dublin Core ?) ICCSArtworksRegistration by artists (paper) Dublin Core data + For demo purposes: usage of minimal data set for selling templates, Z39.50 Server purposes ALIArchive objectsRegistration by using the Own data structure templates MUSMuseum objectsExport from collection Spectrum management system (Museum System) ONBArchive objectsField list for photgraphies, object descriptions on the basis of the template

11 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 11 Data structures & concordances The basis: Content examples (object descriptions) GRANArtworksField list available (registration form for artists) MECHMuseum objectsObject descriptions (fragment Meta data set template) NRMMuseum objectsField list available What is missing? Content examples from other partners (mapping to standards and DC) Examples of other content types (especially shop items) Delivery of all content already available => Registration tools / delivery methods ?

12 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 12 Data structures & concordances Analysis of data Step 1: Mapping to domain-specific standards (if necessary) Library MARC / MARC 21 Archive ISAD (G) EAD Museum AMICO CDWA institute/standards/cdwa CIDOC Artwork Machine Readable Cataloguing General International Standard Archival Description Encoded Archival Description Art Museums Image Consortium International Standard for Museum Object Information Categories for the description of Works of Art Background information: D2

13 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 13 Data structures & concordances Analysis of data Step 1: Mapping to domain-specific standards - an example Object ID Fields used by partners [MUS, DSK, MECH/TARX, NRM] AMICO field Owner accession number Object Name Object category (MUS) (DSK, e. g. painting, graphic) Object type Material Material/technique Medium (MUS) (DSK) (Fragment) Dimensions Measurement Dimension (MUS) (DSK, dimension/ (MECH) measurement/unit) Attributes Iconographic Keywords (MUS =>AAT) categories & (Fragment) description (DSK) Material/technique - terms - text Dimensions - unit - value Subject Matter - terms - text

14 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 14 Data structures & concordances Analysis of data Step 1: Mapping to domain-specific standards - an example Location Institutional holder (MUS) (DSK, name/address/person Fields used by partners [MUS, DSK, MECH/TARX, NRM] AMICO field Owner name Owner place Related works Related documents Related images... Related Works Reproductions Links Media Inform. Digital Images (Fragment) References... (DSK) (MUS) Actual mapping results: Crosswalk document (AIT) Details could be given during the tutorial To Do: Proove & finish mapping!

15 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 15 Data structures & concordances Step 2: Mapping to Dublin Core for cross-domain search ( Analysis of data The Dublin Core Elements Content elementsIntellectual property elementsInstance TitleCreatorDate TypePublisherFormat DescriptionContributorIdentifier SubjectRightsLanguage Coverage Source Relation

16 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 16 Data structures & concordances Step 2: Mapping to Dublin Core - an example Analysis of data Museum data [partners, CIDOC, MDA, AMICO] Object categoryResource type Object measurementFormat Creator (artist,...)Creator KeywordsSubject OwnerPublisher Copyright statementRights... For details: Crosswalk document (AIT) To Do: Completion of mapping (use of all fields, for all domains), proove actual mapping attempts

17 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 17 Data structures & concordances First draft of data structure of the REGNET system: RN_T220v01_AIT_data_structure Simplified overview - What is it all about? SULMECHGRAN... Content Provider Standards MARC CDWA Cross-domain searching (Z39.50)... DC Metadata format Publishing by converting to XML (using available DTDs) First version of data entry tool Content provider tutorial

18 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 18 Special partner projects Part 3: Presentation of special partner projects [ICCS, IMAC, new partners in the projects,...] 17:30 - 18:30

19 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 19 The Swiss data base of cultural heritage No mapping to domain-specific standard 1. Dublin Core Mapping 2. Converting in XML (7000 records) 3. Adaption of an existing system (XML-databased) for information retrieval 2. Analysis & Preparation of data 1. The data base Art works located in 3 museums - Museo cantonale darte, Lugano - Musée d art et dhistoire, Genève - August Deusser Museum, Bad Zurzach About 10.000 objects, some with digital images. Available for demo purposes within REGNET.

20 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 20 The Swiss data base of cultural heritage Data fields used in the data base Object data ID, title, institution, further titles, physical description, object category, date (creation), material/technique, measurement, inscriptions, iconographic description, iconographic categories, object source information. Related object information Photographic reproductions, digital image, bibliography Ownership information Owner (person, institution) Information about object condition Restauration report, location of restauration Could be a good reference model for museums! Standard: Documentation standard for collections (DSK, 1996). Documentation information Record ID, recorded by, date. Artist information Artist name, Birth place, Death place, Death date, Activity period, nationality, profession, copyright statement Geographic and personell subject Owner (person, institution) Online Demo?

21 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 21 Sample data ICCS - Z39.50 Server Sample data - Z39.50 Server ICCS E. g. New partners in the project... [open for your contributions] Others relevant developments

22 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 22 Agenda 2nd day Tuesday, 2002-01-29 9:30 - 10:00 General issues theme-based work Procedures for quality control and improvement of document management & communication (IMAC) Status of topic map development (TARX) 10:00 - 10:45 Individual theme - status & needs Results available for individual themes, needs and open questions (TARX, IMAC, theme leaders) 10:45 - 11:15Coffee break 11:15 - 11:45 Working in smaller groups Working groups on special themes 13:00 - 14:40Lunch break....

23 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 23 Agenda 2nd day Tuesday, 2002-01-29 14:40 - 16:45 Data input component A tutorial for the content providers (AIT) 16:45 - 17:15 Coffee break 17:15 - 17:30Data input component [continuation] Discussion, next steps 17:30 - 18:30 Results & next steps Results of the intermediate work done in smaller groups. Set up of a referential document in order to start the construction of topic maps. Open round: questions, next steps. Reporting.....

24 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 24 Agenda 2nd day Tuesday, 2002-01-29 Revised agenda 9:30 - 10:00 Opening Summary of the 1st day: Open questions. General Remarks. (IMAC, all partners) 10:00 - 10.45 Data input tutorial/REGNET data structure Tutorial for the content providers (AIT) 10:45 - 11:15Coffee break 11:15 - 12.15 Data input tutorial/REGNET data structure Tutorial for the content providers (AIT) Discussion. What must be done to fulfill all needs? 12:15 - 13:00 Working on Themes Status of theme-based work (IMAC) Topic map development: An example (TARX) Results available for individual themes, needs and open questions (TARX, IMAC, theme leaders)....

25 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 25 Agenda 2nd day Tuesday, 2002-01-29 Revised agenda ? 13:00 - 14:40Lunch break 14:40 - 16:00 Working on themes Working groups on special themes 16:00 - 16:45Results of working groups Results available for individual themes: adapation, needs and open questions. Set up of a referential document in order to start the construction of topic maps. (All) 16:45 - 17:15Coffee Break 17:15 - 18:15Summary & Open Round Organisation Issues (Document management & communication). Reporting & Next Steps. Discussion & presentation of special partner projects

26 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 26 Results of the days must be... Status about the existing products List of data which could be processed (individual) demos ? Status of clarified issues & not solved issues Input from technical group discussion(s) / data input issues Results of theme work groups Main achievements, working plan, progress in coordination work, timetable? Definition of possible new products (discussion) Reporting & organisational issues

27 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 27 Theme-based work Part 1: General issues [IMAC, TARX] 9:30 - 10:00

28 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 28 Management issues The process of content production (actual state) 1. Generate documents (fragments, samples,...) 2. Collection & distribution through coordinator Thematic ContentOther documents Validation, feedback,Analysis, distribution modification 3. Publishing on the server The content production - Quality control & document management Actual status: all documents related to WP 2.1 published on the server. Exception: no thematic content.

29 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 29 Management issues Editorial Group Constituted by 5 partners: 3 of 5 should check the delivered content 1 Person: IMAC (or) TARX 2 Persons: SUL, CC, MUS Tasks of the editorial group 1. Decision on themes to be addressed 2. Assuring that sufficient aspects of a theme are covered 3. Approaching partners with requests for additions to themes 4. Monitoring the terminology that is being used Volunteers are welcome, members are: SUL/KVA, TARX, MUS, (IMAC) Step 1: Introduction of an editorial group Only a control of homogenity of thematic products!

30 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 30 Management issues Alternative 1: Stick to the old method 1. Distribute content to editorial group 2. Publishing by Gerda after validation Step 2: Decision about publishing method IMAC could coordinate the process! Alternative 2: Direct upload (Load Area) 1. Using the load area for direct upload 2. Information of partners using email/forum 3. Publishing in official section after validation (email to Gerda) Alternative 3: Using document server Availability through search,meta data!

31 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 31 Management issues Alternative 3: Using the document server Step 2: Decision about publishing method 1. Describing document 2. Uploading document 3. Information per email/ forum Using the official section only for general & central documents (guidelines, summaries,...) Online Demo?

32 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 32 Management issues 1. Access: 2. Work Area A: Content Engineering 3. Login: family name (member), company short name (password) Instrument: The project forum Step 3: Improve communication - Share knowledge

33 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 33 Management issues The project forum - suggestion for the usage Step 3: Improve communication - Share knowledge One subject for all general aspects One subject for editorial group issues Per theme: one subject moderated by theme leader - General information about the theme - Links/hints to most important documents - Discussion of modifications, contributions, etc. In general: each partner is allowed to generate new subjects in order to discuss problems (automatic email notification of participants) Online Demo?

34 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 34 Status theme-based work - Topic map development An overview about the topic map development (proposal) TARX

35 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 35 Theme-based work Part 2: Individual themes [IMAC, TARX, Theme leaders] 10:00 - 10:45 Coffee break 10:45 - 11:15

36 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 36 Overview themes and status Theme-based work - A status report Tour dHorizon Theme scheme & relations to other themes, List of relevant fragments Saints Theme scheme, fragments, object descriptions (MECH/TARX), coordination started (?) Masks & Amulets Theme scheme/guidelines (fragments to be written), coordination started (?) Decision about fragments for 1st phase, deadlines Coordination with partners (MUS, ALI, LMG, ONB) Committment by others about contributions (ALI), finalising theme structure Status To Do

37 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 37 Overview themes and status Theme-based work - A status report Art Galleries Outline of related topics, indepth considerations for regional aspects (ICCS, GRAN) Linnaeus Theme structure & guidelines prepared, coordination started (?) Habsburg Conceptual work on sub- theme Sissi (ONB) Decision about sub-structures, suggestions for further (regional aspects), draft for an overall scheme (?) Coordination with partners (ALI, MUS, ONB), decision about concrete contributions Discussion/coordination about other aspects by analysing possible contributions of partners (IMAC, MECH, ALI) Status To Do

38 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 38 Overview themes and status Theme-based work - A status report Measuring Theme scheme/guidelines (fragments to be written), coordination started (?) Early Renaissance Working on fragments, in Europe coordination of italian partners in progress Leather Theme schemes/guidelines, fragments (MUS), coordination started (?) Gilt Leather Theme structure, fragment list, coordination started (?) Committment by others about contributions (KVA, MECH), finalising theme structure Theme structure and fragment list, coordination with partners (MECH) Merging with Gilt Leather, coordination (MECH) Merging with Leather (MUS) Status To Do

39 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 39 Overview themes and status Theme-based work - Presentation of individual themes For each theme: topic map layout, contributions by partners (optional), discussion TARX/IMAC/theme leaders

40 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 40 Tour dHorizon 1. Introduce the theme Aim of the topic 2. Description of whole collection Short description (D1) 3. Description of museum/institution Institutional information 4. Description of objects 5. Description of artists Related: - Regional aspects (e. g. Swiss art) - Thematic aspects (thematic focus of collection) - Formal aspects (object types in the collection object categories) Useful fragments

41 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 41 Theme-based work Part 3: Working in smaller groups [all partners] 11:15 - 13.00 Lunch break 13:00 - 14:40 Please: - work on open issues - decide upon contributions & deadlines - prepare a short presentation for the last session

42 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 42 Theme-based work Part 4: The data input component [Tutorial for the content providers] 14:40 - 17:30 Coffee break 16:45 - 17:15

43 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 43 Data input issues Part 5: Results & next steps [all partners] 17:30 - 18:30

44 January 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 44 Results of working groups Reporting: D4 Available Content and Products Updated status reports Must be provided by all partners (in a format suitable for publication) Sample data (the collections) Data formats, mapped to standards and Dublin Core (prooved & finished) Thematic products Detailed description of individual themes (theme leaders), corresponding topic maps Overview about potentials in the future What could be provided in the next months (by each partner), extension of products IR 2.1 D4

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