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Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Review Meeting (REV-01-01), 2001-10-25, Brussels.

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1 Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Review Meeting (REV-01-01), 2001-10-25, Brussels

2 October 2001Presentation D1: Content Creation and Content Management 2 WP 1.2: Digitising & Documentation Lists all tasks valid for digitising projects Describes modules needed for digitising Allows to convert any individual collection and to build up a digital collection Considers objects related to themes of the thematic approach The overall goal: A digitising plan which A cookbook for all digitising activities (according to the REGNET policies)

3 October 2001Presentation D1: Content Creation and Content Management 3 Identification Selection... Focus: Different Levels of digitising (e. g. partly, complete) Models Processes Tools & Confi- guration Best- Practises How-to- Manual Complete new digitising into REGNET system Configuration Framework Modules needed for digitising Customized digitising Plans Module- oriented approach Tools & Configuration Standards Description Format Storage Type TextImageAudio... AMICO... Metadata Indexing... XML... OnlineCDDiscette... Best-Practises Partner Existing methods, tools, experiences... Module 1... Module 2 Module 3Module 4Module 5 Migration of existing digitising into REGNET system Co-existence between existing digitising in different systems WP 1.2: The choosen approach

4 October 2001Presentation D1: Content Creation and Content Management 4 A. Preparation B. Digitising & Description C. Post- Processing The digitising process 1. Planning (collections & policies) 2. Preparation (formats & themes) 3. Framework (conventions & standards) 1. Scanning & storing 2. Describing Steps fulfilled within WP 1.2 Description of models for digitising Starting considerations for the different models Description of steps & modules in the process Recommendations for tools and standards Best practice example Customized Plans Preparation of the digitising process

5 October 2001Presentation D1: Content Creation and Content Management 5 Customized digitising plans Who wants to do what by using which standards and tools? The main results An example: digitising plans of the Swedish partners

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