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Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Status of WP 2 / WP 3 Extended Project Management Group Meeting 2002-06-24.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Status of WP 2 / WP 3 Extended Project Management Group Meeting 2002-06-24."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Status of WP 2 / WP 3 Extended Project Management Group Meeting 2002-06-24

2 June 2002 2 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 2 - Preparation of content (WP 2.1) 2.1.1 Cataloguing & digitising Cataloguing of objects Digitising of objects Data input/upload Sub tasks in WP 2.1 Content Preparation 2.1.2 Thematic content production Theme structures Fragments linked to themes Thematic views for navigation Ongoing task of all content providers Using existing systems and/or (offline) data entry tools Preparation for the REGNET demonstrator, Set-up of individual databases for each partner. Progress: New version of templates & possibilities to convert data (Word, Excel to REGNET DTD) Status WP 2.1 June 2002

3 June 2002 3 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 2 - Preparation of content (WP 2.1) 1. Available Content (prepared offline) Status WP 2.1 June 2002 Collections Object data: Word/Excel (XML), XML, Own databases (Access etc.) Images related to objects (Tiff, Jpeg) Themes (thematic texts) E. g. texts regional aspects of art (styles etc.) (17) Texts related to other topics: Saints, Leather, Gilt Leather, Measuring, Masks & Amulets, Linnaeus, Habsburg/Elisabeth, Early Renaissance Shop Items Tour dHorizon: Texts, object data and images Sellable (art) objects with basic description & prices Museum shop items Some of it only in partners native language

4 June 2002 4 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 2 - Preparation of content (WP 2.1) 1. Available Content (prepared offline) (continuation) Status WP 2.1 June 2002 Profiles Collection Profile (with some illustrating images Company Profile (with some illustrating images Artists Artists CVs (native language & english) Selection of works (with images, prices, copyright holder) Next Steps (Conversion) Upload to the system Linkage/relations Online editing Usage for the portal Detailed information in Sofia (conversion, status), content collection plan Events Description of work (in native language and english) Example(s) for an exhibition information (text/images) Will be quantified during the meeting (status reports)!

5 June 2002 5 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 2 - Preparation of content (WP 2.1) 2. Set-up of databases (preparation of the demonstrator) - online Databases for object data/images: Status WP 2.1 June 2002 login: regnet password: user001 Next Steps Finalising concept for testing Content criteria definition Content/database tests Discussion about criteria and procedures in Sofia! Poster Collection22.985 object records with images (poster) ONB Picture Archive (catalogue cards) A set of catalogue cards: Leit- and Stückkarten. Special: order functionalities KVA6807 records: object data, bibliographic data. Different fields & functions Dorfmuseum Feldbrunnen 1052 records: object data (without images) MECH116 records: object data (internal database)

6 June 2002 6 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 2 - Preparation of content (WP 2.1) 3. Theme Input (thematic texts) Status WP 2.1 June 2002 login: regnet password: user001 Next Steps Validation of fields (themes) Upload of available texts Use the template! Linkage Agreement on fields. Further technical solutions for the linkage problem in Sofia!? 4. Associations Object data Themes Image At present: Tool in preparation for the creation of associations using the internal REGNET ID Themes defined as one object type. Template available (Fragment template) (and should be used for the input! AIT uploaded a part of the files available.

7 June 2002 7 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 2 - Preparation of content (WP 2.1) 5. New object types for the Portal Next Steps Discussion of fields Content for the portal Internationalization aspects Publishing concept Data input Content collection plan for portal content (new object types and general texts) to be generated in Sofia. All data should be stored on the TeXtML- Server. New object types were introduced in Graz. Templates are available for - News/Newsletter - Collection - Profile - Address - Events - Links - Vocabulary What content should be made available? In which language(s)? Who is responsible? login: regnet password: member

8 June 2002 8 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 2 - Market preparation (WP 2.5) Status of work - Current Agenda 1. Market Description: General Trends 2. Qualitative Market Analysis 3. Quantitative Market Analysis for selected Countries 4. Competitor Analysis 5. General Success Factors for the RegNet- System on the Cultural Market 6. Definition of RegNet Features and USP

9 June 2002 9 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 2 - Market preparation (WP 2.5) Status of work - Current Agenda 7. Definition of Organisational Structure, Technical and Business Infrastructure, Service Level, Service Portfolio and Pricing Structure and General Business Model 8. Definition of General Marketing Strategies and Marketing Policies applicable for all CSC (Product, Price, Distribution, Communication & Online Marketing) 9. Development of a Business Plan for each Regional CSC

10 June 2002 10 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 2 - Market preparation (WP 2.5) 10. Development of a Marketing Concept for each Targeted Country Market & Segment (Suisse as an Example) 11. Development of overall Marketing Instruments (Guided Tours, Prospectus, Direct Mail, Cooperation Recommendations with Associations, Regional Authorities etc.) 12. Definition of a Marketing Concept to Communicate to Relevant Segments of the Society (Tourism & Leisure, Education, News Industries etc.) 13. Definition of a Marketing Controlling Concept

11 June 2002 11 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) WP 3 Validation and Preparation Overview of tasks in WP 3 Deliverable 8: Prototype: The REGNET- System: Version 2 Task Briefs T 3.1 Validation of the REGNET demonstrator Responsible: IMAC Interim Report IR 3.1 Methodology of the validation process, test materials Edited by IMAC Due by: 2002-06-30 Deliverable D7: Technical Report: Validation of the REGNET system operation & Preparation of the REGNET - Demonstration Phase" Compiled & Edited by IMAC Due by 2002-06-30 T 3.2 Preparation of the Demonstration Phase Responsible: VALT T 3.3 Implementation of version 2 of the REGNET system Responsible: ZEUS Interim Report IR 3.2 Set up of legal framework, technical infrastructure,... Edited by VALT Due by: 2002-06-30 Interim Report IR 3.3 Edited by VALT Due by: 2002-06-30

12 June 2002 12 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) WP 3 Validation and Preparation Expected results - A summary and critical view System functions and business processes fulfill needs of user Necessary infrastructure is set up and working properly Content providers could provide access to their goods Service access points are prepared Staff has been trained System is finalised = > Working program for Sofia: Find solutions

13 June 2002 13 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Next Phase Basis for the demonstration phase: a functional and useable system! A prooved methodology for the testing also outside the consortium. Status of WP 3 - Validation of the REGNET- Demonstrator (3.1) Overview of tasks in WP 3.1 Validate the system (internal) To ensure that the system meets (or even exceeds) the expectations of: project partners, end users, EC Develop methodology Define goals Define tools Carry out tests Collect feedback (reporting) Define (further) requirements improve functionalities external software Sofia: Finalisation Sofia: Initial tests

14 June 2002 14 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 3 - Validation of the REGNET- Demonstrator (3.1) Methodology for validation Usability Functionality Tasks Content Performance Does it work as promised? ScheduleReporting procedures User Experts Can the (end) user work with the system? Does the content meet expectations? Does it deliver in time, without cracking under heavy load? Test based on functional requirements User exercises, card sorting, heuristics Online tests against defined quality criteria Load and stress tests What? Why? How? File: Validation concept => IR 3.1 (End of June)

15 June 2002 15 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 3 - Validation of the REGNET- Demonstrator (3.1) Functional Tests Functional tests are based on use cases. The goals of these tests are to verify: Proper data acceptance, processing, retrieval, navigation etc.. Goals are not to define additional requirements (=> usability tests, task-oriented) All partners need to test all use cases and all exceptions (invalid data input, left out mandatory fields etc.)! Assignment of test cases Status WP 3.1 June 2002 Test cases for data generation, search & retrieval completed (72) High level test cases for the other components Draft for reporting workflow and forms In Sofia: - Agreement on test start - Agreement on test cases - Agreement on reporting workflow - Assignment of tasks & scheduling Validation Components (1) Estimation: 10 cases per day (testing, reporting, controlling), 6 days for the first 72 cases

16 June 2002 16 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 3 - Validation of the REGNET- Demonstrator (3.1) Usability Tests Goal: Assure the usability of the system: - ease of learning - efficient task completion - minimal error rate - high user satisfaction. Results: detailed catalogue of recommendations to enhance the user interface (colours, fonts, lay-out etc.), the navigational structure, workflows within functionalities, wording etc. Validation components (2) Heuristic Tests Tests by experts according to a well defined usability criteria catalogue (3 tests/3 partners) User Tests (End) Users will get tasks to perform, their bevahiour will be monitored, they will be interviewed to capture their experience with the system (2 tests per content partner) Extra: Card Sorting Task-oriented approach: what do we want the system to support? Test types

17 June 2002 17 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 3 - Validation of the REGNET- Demonstrator (3.1) Card Sorting Validation Components (2) Idea: Validate administrative view and enduser view on the basis of the implemented portal structure, define the final structure of the website (3 tests per partner) Could be demonstrated in Sofia and integrated in the whole validation concept Experimental approach for the validation of the information architecture (portal) Test environment: IBMs Usort / EZCalc software package easy/eou_ext.nsf/Publish/410 User guide for the program already prepared. ?

18 June 2002 18 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 3 - Validation of the REGNET- Demonstrator (3.1) Validation components (2) Status WP 3.1 June 2002 Usability tests: questionnaire with tasks (examples) Heuristic: Draft for a catalogue of test criteria to determine the usability / lacks of usability Card Sorting: Program to support testing, guidelines for the system In Sofia: - Agreement on usability criteria - what is important for the REGNET project? - Agreement on test efforts (number of persons per partner) - Define user groups (draft available) - Finalise questionnaires/tasks - Assignment of tasks & scheduling Next: Preparation of testing material, translation, testing (within the consortium) & implementation

19 June 2002 19 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 3 - Validation of the REGNET- Demonstrator (3.1) Content (Quality) Tests Goal: Assure that the content is well-prepared and that it meets the quality expectations (each content partner). Validation Components (3) Content Integrity Check: Ensure that the data is entered (converted / uploaded) and presented correctly. Test of own databases/applications Content Quality Check: Check of content in the system compared to quality criteria. E. g. content readable and correct, picture size, copyright... Content Quality Checks - Object-oriented (object data, thematic texts...) - Page-oriented (portal!) Content Integrity Checks Data Input = Data Output ?

20 June 2002 20 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 3 - Validation of the REGNET- Demonstrator (3.1) Status WP 3.1 June 2002 Validation Components (3) Next: Test of databases, test content! Draft for content quality criteria (texts, pictures, links, copyright issues) Forms for content quality checks (reporting per object) In Sofia: - Discussion about quality - What standard should be reached? - How much content should be checked? - Which content should be checked? - Discussion about quality criteria - What should be tested? - (Short) introduction to forms for reporting - Scheduling

21 June 2002 21 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Status of WP 3 - Validation of the REGNET- Demonstrator (3.1) Performance Tests Goals: 1. Measure and evaluate the performance behaviours and ability (find existing bottlenecks, verify current system capacity, verify scalability of the system, verify performance requirements, determine optimal hardware / application configuration). 2. Determine and ensure that system functions are properly beyond the expected maximum workload. Status WP 3.1 June 2002 Proposal for performance requirements Proposal for the technical support of the tests (jmeter) High-level test scenario definition In Sofia: - Agreement on failure/pass criteria - Assignment of tasks and scheduling Validation Components (4) Task for the technical people. To be discussed during the group meeting of the technical group!?

22 June 2002 22 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Summary: Working plan for the meeting Validation: Introduction of tools for testing (forms, questionnaires, software tools), agreement on test criteria, task assignment and scheduling. Definition of next steps. Preparation of data: Discussing and solving open issues regarding the data entry and data preparation for the REGNET demonstrator. Updated view of the data available (status reporting). (Further) Content Collection Discussion the necessity of further content (for the portal), responsibilities and content collection plan. Internationalization aspects. Discussion & working groups (Tuesday) Finalising concept and tools. Starting point for the validation. First tests? Feedback? Presentations & discussion (Monday) Preparation of Review Meeting and next report (2)

23 June 2002 23 REGNET Status of work in WP 2 /3 (IMAC) Summary: Open / Important Issues Tools: Get an overview about available tools. Decision about alternatives if tools are not available or practicable. Technical integration level of the whole system. Content integration level in terms of retrieving several items from different content providers via one search action. Integration of Topic Maps in the storage and navigation structures. Multilingual structures on all levels. Start of validation: Realistic assumption for the start of validation => Testable state? Time left for testing? Reporting and Implementation: How to? Scheduling! Preparation of demonstration phase

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