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Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 1 Your Grant Application and Program Reporting Applying for Your Grant Electronically and Reporting Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 1 Your Grant Application and Program Reporting Applying for Your Grant Electronically and Reporting Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 1 Your Grant Application and Program Reporting Applying for Your Grant Electronically and Reporting Data, HRSAs Electronic Handbooks and Program Reporting – How It Impacts You Christopher Dykton Science Applications International Corporation Rockville, MD

2 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 2 Your Grant Application and Program Reporting Faculty Disclosure Information In the past 12 months, I have not had a significant financial interest or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) of the product(s) or provider(s) of the service(s) that will be discussed in my presentation. This presentation will (not) include discussion of pharmaceuticals or devices that have not been approved by the FDA or if you will be discussing unapproved or "off-label" uses of pharmaceuticals or devices.

3 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 3 Outline Current Challenges for MCHB Grantees Managing Your Grant Application and Program Activity: The Workflow What is it and how do I start the application process? HRSAs Electronic Handbooks: What is it and how do I complete the application process? Non-Competing Continuation Application Reporting Data and Performance Measures: EHB Program Specific Information Getting Help

4 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 4 Current Challenges for MCHB Grantees New in 2006, MCHB grantees will submit applications in URL = Supplemental grant and program data will be submitted in HRSAs grants management system, HRSAs Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) EHBs URL: Two systems 2 business processes, 2 registrations, 2 deadlines Systems will exchange information Data and performance collection systems within the Bureaus still integrated with HRSAs EHBs

5 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 5 Outline Current Challenges for MCHB Grantees Managing Your Grant Application and Program Activity: The Workflow What is it and how do I start the application process? HRSAs Electronic Handbooks: What is it and how do I complete the application process? Non-Competing Continuation Application Reporting Data and Performance Measures: EHB Program Specific Information Getting Help

6 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 6 Managing Your Grant Universal grants management portal for all federal grants Unique grants system for HRSA grants Electronic systems that transfer data -> HRSAs EHBs Reporting data and performance measures for both application and post-award Take a look at the workflow of a sample grant cycle

7 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 7 Life of an MCHB Grant Life of an MCHB Grant (Three-Year Grant) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 END

8 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 8 Life of an MCHB Grant Life of an MCHB Grant (Three-Year Grant) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 END New Non-competing Non-competing Application Continuation Continuation Via Via AND HRSAs EHBs

9 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 9 Life of an MCHB Grant Life of an MCHB Grant (Three-Year Grant) Via HRSAs EHBs Post-AwardPost-AwardPost-Award ReportingReportingReporting Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 END New Non-competing Non-competing Application Continuation Continuation Via Via AND HRSAs EHBs

10 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 10 Managing Grant Application Workflow is key to understanding the systems Application is generated and submitted in Data are transmitted to EHBs For non-competing continuations, supplemental grant and program data are submitted in EHBs Applying electronically is stressed rather than submitting a paper application Your guidance should be able assist you

11 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 11 Workflow Timeline for Non-competing Continuation Register In Register In Data Sent to HRSAs EHBs Data Sent to HRSAs EHBs Submit SF424 Face Sheet in Submit SF424 Face Sheet in Grantee Notified of Transmission Enter HRSAs EHBs to Enter Supplemental Data Enter HRSAs EHBs to Enter Supplemental Data Submit in HRSAs EHBs Submit in HRSAs EHBs Timeline Activity Now! From Release of Funding Announcement to Grant Deadline ( From Submission of SF424 to Two weeks after Grant Deadline ( YOU ARE FINISHED!

12 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 12 Workflow: Non-Competing Continuations Applying as a non-competing continuation Completing Grant Application (PHS 5161) – and EHBs Attaching Required Documents (e.g., Narrative, Attachments) - EHBs Completing Program Specific Information - EHBs Provide application year and future year budgets Write abstract, providing experience to date Provide/revise objectives for PMs for future grant propose grant years Report provisional indicator data for PMs for current year

13 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 13 Managing Program Data Two times for entering program data reporting in the EHBs Providing provisional data at the time of non-competing continuation Reporting data after initial award and when a grant year is completed (Post- Award Reporting) New/Competing Applications are completed only through No submission in HRSAs EHBs

14 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 14 Outline Current Challenges for MCHB Grantees Managing Your Grant Application and Program Activity: The Workflow What is it and how do I start the application process? HRSAs Electronic Handbooks: What is it and how do I complete the application process? Non-Competing Continuation Application Reporting Data and Performance Measures: EHB Program Specific Information Getting Help

15 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 15 What is Web site that the federal government uses to inform citizens of grant opportunities and provide a portal for submitting applications to federal government agencies Why is HRSA making this change? Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) level policy change Meet the Presidents Management Objective to make grant opportunities more accessible to the public and to encourage electronic submission of grant applications to improve efficiency and analytic capabilities.

16 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 16 Is MCHB Using All MCHB new awards and non-competing continuations 2006 forward Preparation for submitting a non-competing continuation application Authorizing Official should register the organization in Your organization MUST be registered in Takes time – can take up to 4 weeks or more. Do it NOW!

17 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 17 Follow the instructions on Allow time for corrections Enter information in fields even if it is 0 or the form will remain incomplete. Required fields are highlighted in yellow There are resources available on the to help

18 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 18 Complete the SF424 Face sheet and Checklist Submit the face sheet through the portal. Contacted by about successful submission to HRSA Log into HRSAs EHBs to provide supplemental data Budget Narrative and attachments Program specific information

19 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 19 Outline Current Challenges for MCHB Grantees Managing Your Grant Application and Program Activity: The Workflow What is it and how do I start the application process? HRSAs Electronic Handbooks: What is it and how do I complete the application process? Non-Competing Continuation Application Reporting Data and Performance Measures: EHB Program Specific Information Getting Help

20 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 20 HRSA Electronic Handbooks: What is it? HRSA Electronic Handbooks is HRSAs grants management and application system Known as EHBs Supports all HRSAs Bureaus and Offices Integrates with data and performance collection systems within the Bureaus

21 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 21 Registering in the EHBs Access to EHBs To apply and report, registration is required All working on an application must register Individual registration Defined with a role Those registered are linked to an organization

22 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 22 Registering in the EHBs Register yourself as a user in this system When providing supplemental information for a non-competing continuation: Register as a user linked to your specific MCHB grant and grantee organization Use your grant number to identify your organization! If you have already registered in EHBs, use that username and password Only register once – call the HRSA Call Center to check on your registration if unsure

23 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 23 Outline Current Challenges for MCHB Grantees Managing Your Grant Application and Program Activity: The Workflow What is it and how do I start my application in HRSAs Electronic Handbooks: What is it and how do I provide my supplemental data? Non-Competing Continuation Application Reporting Data and Performance Measures: EHB Program Specific Information Getting Help

24 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 24 Non-Competing Continuation So now that weve registered in both systems and provided the SF424 via, lets look at finishing the non-competing continuation in the EHBs Reviewing roles during the non-competing continuation Completing the application – providing grant information and MCH performance data. Non-competing Continuation = Progress Report

25 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 25 Non-Competing Continuation: Roles The project director will add the grant to his or her portfolio Project director must approve requests for access to the grant portfolio and assign privileges to other members of your organization Project directors will need their most recent Notice of Grant Award in order to add the grant to their portfolio

26 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 26 Non-Competing Continuation: Roles Recommended that project director register now in order to grant access to others Once registered or granted access by your project director, to access your MCHB non- competing continuation application, click on Noncompeting Continuations link on left sidebar

27 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 27 Non-Competing Continuation: Application Forms Status Click Update or the name of the section in the menu on the left to access the section Data submitted in populates fields in these sections – you can edit inconsistencies As you complete these sections, you are completing PHS Form 5161, Grant Application All sections of an application must appear as Complete in the status column before you can submit

28 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 28 Look at Application Forms Status Menu for Application Forms Status Click on Update to access this section for data entry This is the section and link for MCHBs Program Specific Information and Forms Section Status is noted. If all data entry is done, it will say Complete

29 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 29 Outline Current Challenges for MCHB Grantees Managing Your Grant Application and Program Activity: The Workflow What is it and how do I start my application in HRSAs Electronic Handbooks: What is it and how do I provide my supplemental data? Non-Competing Continuation Application Reporting Data and Performance Measures: EHB Program Specific Information Getting Help

30 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 30 Program Specific Information: An Overview Developed a set of forms and performance measures to monitor MCHB discretionary grant programs OMB approved Used in part by all MCHB grantees during the life of a grant when both applying and reporting

31 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 31 Program Specific Information: Overview Begin collecting program and performance data at the time of the grant application and continue to collect through the life of the grant and closeout Provide data for grant review, program analysis and public information MCHBs program and performance measurement data = Program Specific Information in the EHBs

32 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 32 Program Specific Forms Information Menu – A Sample Part of the Menu for Program Specific Information Click on Update link to go to this section to enter data Program Sections and Forms required to complete are noted. Section Status is noted. If all required data are entered, it will say Complete Click on Details link to go to the Status Checker which gives you more information on why the form is not complete

33 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 33 Program Specific Information: Forms Standard data for all programs are collected Project office selects PMs for a program. Universal Newborn Hearing Screening (UNHS) Forms: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 UNHS National PMs: 03, 05, 07, 10, 23, 31 UNHS Additional Data Element Form: Children with Special Health Needs Data Elements

34 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 34 Program Specific Information: Financial Data Elements UNHS reports on three Program Specific Financial Forms Form 1, MCHB Project Budget Details for a Fiscal Year Form 2, Project Funding Profile Form 4, Project Budget and Expenditures by Types of Services

35 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 35 Program Specific Information: Financial Data Elements Form 1, MCHB Project Budget Details for Fiscal Year __ Budget detail sheet for the application year Includes Federal request as well as other project funds that contribute to the project PHS financial data fields must be completed before entering data on Form 1 because these financial data populate this form Must be completed before completing Forms 2, and 4

36 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 36 Program Specific Information: Financial Data Elements Form 2, Project Funding Profile Tracks budgets and expenditures across the life of the grant by source of funding Data from Form 1 populates this form for the application year Data for future year budgets for MCHB grant award is from PHS data fields. Must be completed before completing Form 4

37 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 37 Program Specific Information: Financial Data Elements Form 2, Project Funding Profile Tracks budgets and expenditures across the life of the grant by source of funding Data from Form 1 populates this form for the application year Data for future year budgets for MCHB grant award is from PHS data fields. Must be completed before completing Form 4

38 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 38 Program Specific Information: Financial Data Elements Form 4, Project Budget and Expenditures by Types of Services Breaks down the budgets and expenditure by four types of services provided for all grant years Direct Health Care, Enabling Services, Population- based Services, Infrastructure Building Services Budget and expenditure totals for each year must match the corresponding totals for each year on Form 2

39 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 39 Program Specific Information: Program Data Elements Universal Newborn Hearing Screening reports on two Program/Demographic Forms Form 6, MCH Discretionary Grant Project Abstract Form 7, Discretionary Grant Project Summary Data

40 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 40 Program Specific Information: Program Data Elements Form 6, MCH Discretionary Grant Project Abstract Synopsis of the grant Populates data from other forms for easy viewing Allows data entry of text describing the project Problem, Goals & Objectives, Activities/Methodology, Coordination, Evaluation, Keywords, Annotation Completed for each application year

41 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 41 Program Specific Information: Program Data Elements Form 7, Discretionary Grant Project Summary Data Collects other summary data Project service focus, geographic project scope and infrastructure focus Grantee organization type Other data for certain types of grants, such number of products developed by type

42 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 42 Program Specific Information: Performance Measures Universal Newborn Hearing Screening reports on six national performance measures: 03, 05, 07, 10, 23, 31 PM03 and 05 are percentage-based measures PM07, 10, 23 and 31 are scale-based measures

43 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 43 Program Specific Information: Performance Measures PM #3 The percent of completed MCHB projects publishing findings in peer-reviewed journals PM#5 The percent of MCHB supported projects that are sustained in the community after the federal grant project period is completed PM#7 The degree to which MCHB supported programs ensure family participation in program and policy activities PM# 10 The degree to which MCHB supported programs have incorporated cultural competence elements into their policies, guidelines, contracts and training PM# 23 The degree to which grantees have assisted States in increasing the percentage of children who are screened early and continuously for special health care needs and linked to medical homes, appropriate follow-up and early intervention PM#31 The degree to which grantees have assisted States in organizing community-based service systems so that families of children with special health care needs can use them easily

44 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 44 Program Specific Information: Performance Measures Consist of detail sheet and tracking form Detail Sheet Defines the measure, including scale of measurement Provides background on the purpose of the measure Tracking Form Objectives Targets for accomplishing performance Entered for each year of the proposed grant Indicators Numerical value measuring progress toward accomplishing the objective Provided after grant activity occurs

45 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 45 Program Specific Information: Performance Measures Scale-based Measures Titled The degree to which…. Example: PM07 – The degree to MCHB supported programs ensure family participation in program and policy activities Scale is provided for a measure. Example: PM 07 is measured on a scale of 0-18, where grantee annually assesses its progress on six elements, each of which is scored on a scale to 0-3 Uses a data collection form to calculate an indicator for a reporting year

46 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 46 Program Specific Information: Form 9 – Scale-based PM Example of a Scale-based PM Enter or edit future objectives Score is entered automatically by completing data collection form Click on Enter/Edit to complete data collection form for reporting year Click Cancel to leave form without saving data Save data when complete

47 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 47 Program Specific Information: Data Collection Form Data Collection Form for a Scale-based PM Total score is automatically calculated by completing score for each element Scale is provided Score each element by selecting a value from the pick list Mark data as final or provisional

48 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 48 Program Specific Information: Performance Measures Percentage-based Measures Titled The percent of …. Example: PM20 - The percent of women participating in MCHB supported programs who have an ongoing source of primary and preventive care services for women Require a numerator and denominator to calculate the indicator value for a reporting year PM20 numerator: Number of women participating in MCHB supported projects who have an ongoing source of primary and preventive care services during the reporting period PM20 denominator: Number of women participating in MCHB supported projects during the reporting period

49 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 49 Program Specific Information: Form 9 – Percentage-Based PM Example of a Percentage-based PM Enter or edit future objectives Enter numerator and denominator for reporting year Mark data as final or provisional Click Cancel to leave form without saving data Save data when complete

50 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 50 General Information about Program Specific Forms Errors Notes Instructions Status Checker System Timeouts

51 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 51 General Information about Program Specific Forms Errors Popup boxes Error for a specific field. Correct immediately. Red warnings Problem with validations between forms Correct the red warning or you cannot save the form

52 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 52 General Information about Program Specific Forms Notes To explain or interpret the data on a form Access by clicking the red note icon to the upper left, next to the form number Enter your note and save Edit your note as necessary

53 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 53 General Information about Program Specific Forms Instructions Guide to data entry on the form Access by clicking the Instructions link to the upper right Hyperlinked topics take you to a specific section of the form Print complete instructions for the form by using the right click of your mouse

54 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 54 Program Specific Information: Partial View of a Form Partial View of a Form Click on icon to access notes Some fields are pre-populated with data entered on other NGA and other PHS forms to avoid duplicate entry and errors. These budget figures are taken from data entered on PHS forms. These fields are read only. Side menu allows navigation to other forms in the application Editable fields appear as boxes Click link for instructions

55 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 55 General Information about Program Specific Forms Status Checker Detailed summary of outstanding issues on a specific form Shows a form as completed when all required fields have data As forms are completed, status checker is updated Access from both the sidebar and the main menu (Click on the main menu link, Details)

56 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 56 General Information about Program Specific Forms System Timeouts Timeouts are a security requirement You will time out if there is no communication with the server within 30 minutes You will lose all unsaved data if you time out Be careful about having multiple windows open Warning could appear behind your active window Turn off pop-up blocker software so that the warning message appears

57 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 57 Where to Go to Begin Your Application Online is located at: HRSAs Electronic Handbooks is located at:

58 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 58 Outline Current Challenges for MCHB Grantees Managing Your Grant Application and Program Activity: The Workflow What is it and how do I start my application in HRSAs Electronic Handbooks: What is it and how do I provide my supplemental data? Non-Competing Continuation Application Reporting Data and Performance Measures: EHB Program Specific Information Getting Help

59 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 59

60 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 60 Getting Help This is a lot of information incorporating many changes. Two systems to use – two places for assistance. Call if you need help!

61 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 61 Getting Help – If you need assistance in, contact: Contact Center 1-800-518-4726 or M-F, 7 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. EST Call sooner rather than later! Register today!

62 Maternal and Child Health Bureau February 2006 62 Getting Help – HRSAs EHBs If you need assistance in HRSAs EHBs, contact: HRSA Call Center 1-877-464-4772 or CallCenter@HRSA.GOV CallCenter@HRSA.GOV M-F, 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. EST Call sooner rather than later!

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