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TM Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Presentation on theme: "TM Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."— Presentation transcript:

1 TM Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities CDC Project Management Resources for EHDI Programs Presented by John Eichwald, MA Jamie M. Elliott, MPA

2 TM 2 Purpose To connect you with information and resources that may help you in managing projects efficiently and effectively

3 TM 3 Agenda Why project management? CDC project management resources State resources for project management Project management and EHDI programs

4 TM 4 Michigan Department of Information Technology,1607,7-139-30637_31101---,00.html

5 TM 5 Washington Department of Information Services

6 TM 6 Definition: Project A project is a temporary and one-time endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service, that brings about beneficial change or added value. A project is a carefully defined set of activities that use resources (money, people, materials, energy, space, provisions, communication, quality, risk, etc.) to meet the pre-defined objectives. Source:

7 TM 7 Why Project Management? It is difficult to achieve success in IT-related projects. Many EHDI programs are working with IT projects; all are working with projects. Being versed in project management concepts and terminology can: – aid communication and understanding when working with staff, contractors, and others – provide you with structure and guidance in managing your projects

8 TM 8 CDC Project Management Resource: CDC Unified Process (UP) CDC Unified Process (UP) overview CDC UP Framework for project management Particularly useful resources

9 TM 9 Goal Goal of CDC Unified Process (UP) is to increase efficiency and effectiveness of project management processes and practices at CDC. However, the resources can be helpful to public health project managers outside of CDC as well.

10 TM 10 What is CDC UP? CDC Unified Process (UP) is… a unified, sequenced organization of the portfolio, program, and project management processes involved in maintaining strategic alignment between Agency goals and objectives, CDC investments, and project objectives. It shows the project lifecycle in a broader organizational context, and has been discussed with CDCs Office of Strategy and Innovation (OSI) to promote alignment with the processes in the Goals Management initiative.

11 TM 11 CDC UP is… Checklists Templates Examples The CDC UP is a collection of processes, tools and artifacts that any project across the CDC can use to structure, track and manage their activities and deliverables. A Framework Process Guides Practices Guides Constantly evolving!!!

12 TM 12 Starting with the Framework Phases of project* Initiating Defines and Authorizes a project Planning Defines and refines objectives and plans the course of action Executing Integrates people and other resources to carry out the project Monitoring / Controlling Regularly measures and monitors progress to identify variance from the plan so corrective action can be taken as necessary Closing Formalizes acceptance of the product, service or result and brings the project or phase to an orderly end In the Context of Goals and objectives The entire portfolio Conception through Retirement Budget and performance integration *Source: Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Third Edition, 2004

13 TM 13 CDC UP Framework

14 TM 14 Overlap of 5 processes in project management

15 TM 15 CDC UP is… Integration of processes that comply with: Federal regulations and policies Industry best practices Public Health Informatics Network (PHIN) standards CDC standards Enterprise Architecture Procurement and Contracts Project Management Capital Planning Goals Management Security Certification and Accreditation Privacy Impact Assessment Examples of these processes include:

16 TM 16 Where to start… CDC UP website is designed with 3 users in mind 1. New to project management 2. Ready to learn about CDC UP 3. Power users who go directly to the resources

17 TM 17 CDC UP Homepage

18 TM 18 Very Useful Pages Practices Guides ult.asp Project Document Matrix Project Management Guide

19 TM 19 CDC UP Homepage

20 TM 20 Very Useful Pages Practices Guides ult.asp Project Document Matrix Project Management Guide

21 TM 21 Very Useful Resource: Practices Guides Topics include: Project charter Change management Scope planning Work breakdown structure Risk management Many more Guides include: Purpose Overview Examples Specific activities Practice attributes Key terms Related tools/templates

22 TM 22 Practices Guide Example

23 TM 23 Very Useful Pages Practices Guides ult.asp Project Document Matrix Project Management Guide

24 TM 24 Project Document Matrix

25 TM 25 Very Useful Pages Practices Guides ult.asp Project Document Matrix Project Management Guide

26 TM 26 Project Management Guide Click for step-by-step guidance

27 TM 27 Project Management Guide: Provides guidance for each stage/phase of the project Click on the Diagram

28 TM 28 Another Useful Page: Project Success Factors

29 TM 29 When are the resources useful? New projects Mid-project End of project Specific resources are designed for specific phases of the project management. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can use the pieces that meet your needs. (but CDC UP is designed to be a complete package)

30 TM 30 What about state resources?

31 TM 31,1607,7-139-30637_31101_31294_31296---,00.html

32 TM 32 Washington Department of Information Services

33 TM 33 New York State Office for Technology

34 TM 34 Project Management and EHDI Do you use any of these principles? Does your jurisdiction have such resources available to you? Do you think these tools have any practical utility for you and your program?

35 TM 35 Summary Why project management? Overview of CDC project management resources (CDC UP) State resources for project management Project management and EHDI programs

36 TM 36 In Closing… Movement toward standardization of project management practices Project Management Institute In place in business Particularly in IT project management Catching on in government Government / private sector meet on these types of projects

37 TM 37 Acknowledgements CDC, National Center for Public Health Informatics, CDC UP Team Tom Savel, MD Peggy Joyner, MBA, PMP Daniel Vitek, MBA, PMP

38 TM 38 Questions?------------------------------- CDC Unified Process ---------------------------- Please direct questions to: Jamie Elliott / (404) 498-3018

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