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P resentation to 6th CACR Information Security Workshop November 10, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "P resentation to 6th CACR Information Security Workshop November 10, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 P resentation to 6th CACR Information Security Workshop November 10, 2000

2 PRIVACY PROTECTION MADE SIMPLE: How technical design can help you meet your commitment to privacy in the marketplace

3  Who and What Is Mondex  When & Where will it be used  How does the Mondex Technology protect privacy of the individual


5 M ONDEX e-cash  An e-cash application on a MULTOS smart card chip  Lockable/re-loadable  chip-to-chip  Instant transfer of value  No POS settlement

6 M ONDEX - e-cash  Cash alternative  Limited record on chip  ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ applications  Global /Multi-currency  Entrè to smart card platform

7 Implementations  Guelph, Ontario - Sept 96 - December 98  Sherbrooke,Quebec - August 99 - and continuing

8 Mondex in Sherbrooke  Mondex e-cash/Interac debit/client combo card  Bishops University &Champlain College Student/Mondex combo card  $500 card load limit

9 Mondex in Sherbrooke  Physical world load/purchase  UPOS  Internet load/purchase  loyalty  Community Access Program

10  Convenience  Accessibility  On chip record of recent transactions  Home load  Internet purchases CONSUMER

11  Reliable-Off line payment  Higher security  Low transaction cost  Reduced cash handling MERCHANT

12  Strengthen customer relationships  New financial and commercial partnerships FINANCIAL INSTITUTION


14 Future of Smart Cards  Multi-application cards  Canadian chip migration project for payments (Visa/MasterCard /Interac/Mondex)  7-10 year time-frame

15 Privacy and Smart Cards  The reality of smart cards is the carriage of many application and the availability of a large volume of personal data that can be tied to an individual

16 How does Mondex Protect Privacy  Principles protected: –Limits for collecting personal information –limits for using, disclosing and keeping personal information –keeping personal information accurate –safeguarding personal information

17 How does Mondex Protect Privacy  Limits for collecting personal information –loads from account –deposits into account –lost transactions

18 How does Mondex Protect Privacy  Limits for using, disclosing and keeping personal information –safeguard deposits –to re-imburse for non-performance

19 How does Mondex Protect Privacy  Keeping personal information accurate –load and unload are online –rolling 10 transactions provides exact spend and retailer name

20 How does Mondex Protect Privacy  Safeguarding personal information –firewalls in Multos - between applications - ITSEC 6 designation –transaction data to retailer is deliberately limited –individual transaction data is not collected by banks - Mondex is an unaudited system

21 Summary  The unique privacy features of Mondex e-cash were a deliberate design –unaudited –limited transaction information to retailer –specific and limited information collected by FI –accurate rolling record for customer –firewalls between applications

22 Thank You ______________

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