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Community Development in Michigan March 4, 2005 EHDI Conference Yasmina Bouraoui, MPH, EHDI Program Coordinator Lorie Lang, MA, CCC-A and Debby Behringer,

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Presentation on theme: "Community Development in Michigan March 4, 2005 EHDI Conference Yasmina Bouraoui, MPH, EHDI Program Coordinator Lorie Lang, MA, CCC-A and Debby Behringer,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Development in Michigan March 4, 2005 EHDI Conference Yasmina Bouraoui, MPH, EHDI Program Coordinator Lorie Lang, MA, CCC-A and Debby Behringer, RN, MSN

2 Community Development Model Use National 1-3-6 goals as a framework Carry-over funds to finance projects Incorporate EHDI information into a variety of venues for parents and professionals Multiple community stakeholders as partners Focus on the families

3 Community Development Model Utilizing health behavior change model Applying educational techniques to change behaviors of multiple stake holders to meet overall program goals Utilizing a variety of venues for information delivery.(MI AAP article, hand outs, brochures, website, committees,educational CD Rom for physicians, other presentations to multiple stakeholders Developing community advocates as messengers to improve outcomes

4 Community Development Model Continued Assessment and evaluation of stakeholder needs through survey of physicians, audiologists, hospitals and focus groups with physicians and parents Emphasize data and facts Utilize credible and respected sources: medical journals and studies, other physicians and stakeholders Chapter Champion Component Evaluate efforts

5 Community Development Activities Prenatal Awareness –Use of EHDI brochures in prenatal programs and NCHAM videos to providers Post-natal –Use crib card after screening(English, Spanish and under development- Arabic) Community awareness and support -Delta Zeta Project - Physician groups, WIC,M/ISS, Public Health clinics –Chapter Champion program- Physician packets and MI AAP EHDI presentation, articles Culture awareness (Arab Chaldean Council, Native American Tribes, Migrant Clinics) EHDI County Brochure Resources (Samples)

6 Community Development Activities Continued Materials for: Parents- brochures, crib cards, parent notebook, Web page Hospitals and providers-brochures, resource guide, newborn screening video,Web page Physicians-CD-rom, hearing loss packets, web link, AAP materials,Web page (2005), NCHAM Physician survey Communities-EHDI County brochures, Audiology and Early Intervention/ Parent conferences

7 EHDI Resources and Literature Web page Information Brochures on the EHDI process, Hands and Voices, Guide-By-Your-Side Resource guide (English and Spanish) Crib Cards Physician Education CD for grand rounds/residency/student trainings (50+ attendees) Early Intervention/Parent Conference- February 2004 and March 2005 Audiology conference October 2003 and 2004

8 Parent Support in Michigan Hands & Voices Guide-By-Your-Side


10 Michigan Hands & Voices Mission Statement We are an organization dedicated to Non-biased support to families who have children who are deaf or hard of hearing. We will provide activities and information statewide to parents and professionals that may include outreach events, educational seminars, advocacy, parent-to-parent networking, and newsletters.

11 Michigan Hands & Voices Mission Statement We believe that families will make the best choices for their child if they have access to good information and support. Our organization represents people who use varying approaches to communication and assistive technology.

12 Our Values Non-Bias Communication Philosophy Parent-to-Parent Support Meaningful Participation Effective Collaboration Setting High Standards in Education Accountability and Responsibility

13 A Balanced Partnership Professionals And Parents

14 Today in Michigan Hands & Voices Parent to Parent Support Parent Workshop (March 2005) Newsletter Resource Guide Representation on Committees Educational Advocacy and Training Social and informational events

15 Whats New in Michigan Developing a Web page for parents and interventionists New Resources and Events-sent through the Hands & Voices listserv Chat Room Tutoring for sign language

16 Michigan Hands & Voices 2929 Covington Court Suite 200 Lansing, MI 48912-4939 517-487-0066TTY/TTD 800-968-7327 TTY/TTD Michigan Director –Amy Lester – – –Michigan Hands & Voices is partially funded by an MCHB grant through the Michigan Department Community Health

17 Guide-By-Your-Side Tag Team Approach to System Enhancement (adapted from WI GBYS)

18 In Michigan We have 83 counties Over 130,000 live births a year 2/1000 children will be diagnosed with a hearing loss Average ID is now 2.4 months

19 Michigan Statistics 100% of Michigan birthing hospitals screening without a legislative mandate Screening-92% of infants screened,to date Diagnostics-46% reported outcomes for bilateral and unilateral refers, (2002 data) Early Intervention-57% of infants enrolled in services as reported by Department of Education (2002, data)

20 The Challenge Many Early Intervention Providers have had little to no experience working with very young children who were deaf or hard of hearing; MI EHDI is housed in Department of Health; Early Intervention housed in Department of Education

21 The Challenge Lost to follow up rates are a concern Difficulty accessing follow up information from stakeholders Missing link from diagnosis to intervention Parent desire to meet another parent who has been there

22 The Mission To develop a community advocate model of service delivery

23 Parent Guides….Goals Goal 1: Provide parents with the opportunity to establish a supportive relationship with an experienced parent of a child who is d/hh soon after they learn of their childs hearing loss Parent Guides will contact the family within 24 hours of receiving a referral. Parent Guides will meet with the family within 10 days to guide and support the family.

24 Goal 2: Provide an understanding of the unique needs of infants who are deaf or hard of hearing. Parent Guides will help the families that they meet to learn about the unique needs of d/hh children –Providing books and materials that highlight family stories –By highlighting the impact of hearing loss on a childs access to communication and demonstrating early communication techniques (i.e. Promoting eye contact )

25 Goal 3: Provide unbiased information regarding communication options Parent Guides –New Parent Notebook –Received training in the sharing of communication options, and presentation styles that may indicate bias

26 Goal 4: Link families to resources available locally, regionally and statewide Parent Guides have received training –In the art of listening –Assessing and addressing the question behind the comment –To be ready to answer some of the first questions families might have –And to know how to find appropriate resources for families –Confidentiality and HIPAA Issues

27 Goal 5: Ensure that families are linked to their countys interventionists Established rapport eases the introduction of the family to the Early On® program (EI)

28 Goal 6: Ensure that families are connected to other parent to parent resources Parent guides are NOT advocates. Parent Guides can connect families with Michigan Hands & Voices for advocacy or on- going parent to parent support

29 Training Initial Training for Parent Guides –October 8-9 2004 –Founders of Guide-By-Your-Side from Wisconsin provided the training –Ongoing training- Conference calls –Attending Early Intervention/Parent conference- March 2005 –1 st referral January 2005

30 Nuts and Bolts The process Audiology/medical referral form Guide-By-Your-Side Brochure/self referral Guide handbook/policy manual Tracking in house

31 MI EHDI Contact Information Michigan Department of Community Health Division of Family and Community Health -EHDI Program 3423 N. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room #203 Lansing, Michigan 48909 Web Yasmina Bouraoui, MPH, Program Coordinator (517) 335- 9398 Lorie Lang, MA,CCC-A Audiology Consultant (517) 335-9125 Amy Lester, BA, Parent Consultant (517) 335-8273

32 MI EHDI Contact Information Anne Jarrett, MA, CCC-A Follow-up Consultant (517)335- 8878 Debby Behringer, RN, MSN Community Development Consultant (517) 335-8875 Paul Kramer, BA, Data Analyst Consultant (517) 335-9720 Erin Estrada, BA, Data Maintenance Consultant (517) 335- 8916 Ebone Thomas, General Office Assistance (517) 335-8955

33 Community Development Questions???

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