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Cabin Safety Seminar Bangkok 2008. What are Human Factors?

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Presentation on theme: "Cabin Safety Seminar Bangkok 2008. What are Human Factors?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cabin Safety Seminar Bangkok 2008

2 What are Human Factors?

3 Anything to do with people

4 Human Factors Human beings and their work environment

5 Human Factors Human beings and their work environment Human beings and technology

6 Human Factors Human beings and their work environment Human beings and technology Human beings and procedures

7 Human Factors Human beings and their work environment Human beings and technology Human beings and procedures Human beings and the environment

8 Human Factors Human beings and their work environment Human beings and technology Human beings and procedures Human beings and the environment Human beings and human beings

9 The human being is the centrepiece of the framework and is the most critical and flexible component. It does have limitations which can be predicted

10 Human limitations must be taken into account during the design phase of all other components of the system

11 SHEL Model Software – policies, procedures and processes Hardware – technology Environment – situation and culture Liveware – human interaction

12 SHEL Model S oftware RegulationsWritten instructions Company policySymbology SOPsManuals ChecklistsPublications Training

13 SHEL MODEL H ardware Galley designTrolley design Emergency equipmentExits Crew jump seats

14 SHEL MODEL E nvironment TemperatureNoise LighteningAir quality TurbulenceSleep Financial situationRegulatory oversight

15 SHEL MODEL L iveware CRMTeam work LeadershipCultural differences Corporate cultureAttitudes Training

16 SHEL Model Software – policies, procedures and processes Hardware – technology Environment – situation and culture Liveware – human interaction

17 Flight Deck and Cabin Crew Why are we different?

18 Historical Background Origins of the job Public perception Corporate attitudes

19 Physical Separation Lack of awareness of others duties Different flying schedules Locked flight deck door Different FT/DT regulations

20 Psychological Isolation Personality differences Differences in motivation

21 Regulatory Factors Sterile flight deck procedures FT/DT limitations Licensing issues

22 Organizational Factors Administrative segregation Training issues Scheduling

23 Solutions Joint crew training

24 Solutions Joint crew training CRM

25 Solutions Joint crew training CRM FT/DT limitations

26 Solutions Joint crew training CRM FT/DT limitations Briefings

27 Solutions Joint crew training CRM FT/DT limitations Briefings Emergency procedures

28 Solutions Joint crew training CRM FT/DT limitations Briefings Emergency roles & procedures Corporate culture

29 SHEL Model Software – policies, procedures and processes Hardware – technology Environment – situation and culture Liveware – human interaction

30 Manufacturers and Cabin Crew

31 Challenges Exit design Equipment design and location Galley design

32 Solutions More input from cabin safety experts in the design of Cabin interiors Equipment Galley layouts.

33 Human Factors Issues Training Briefings Emergency procedures Passenger management Cultural differences Teamwork Disruptive passengers

34 Questions?

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