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Designing and Leading Meetings that Matter NYATEP Leadership Series John Baker and Virginia Hamilton

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Presentation on theme: "Designing and Leading Meetings that Matter NYATEP Leadership Series John Baker and Virginia Hamilton"— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing and Leading Meetings that Matter NYATEP Leadership Series John Baker and Virginia Hamilton

2 opening introduction agenda review

3 next 90 minutes... context leadership design engagement reflection

4 context what meetings? training vs facilitation aligning methods with organizational culture complexity and diversity

5 when bad meetings happen to good people

6 leadership hierarchical vs facilitative

7 Hierarchical Leader Facilitative Leader Hierarchical Leader Facilitative Leader AssumesTop Down AuthorityPower of the Groups Authority KnowsWHAT to doMethods HOW TO SeeksThe Right Decision Decisions the Group will Own & Implement Relies OnIndividual Ability, Charisma, Expertise Group Ability


9 design logistics rational aim & experiential aim focus question conflict and emotion

10 logistics

11 rational aim experiential aim Desired outcome or purpose Tone or feeling you want people to leave with

12 Focus question

13 Natural Flow of Meetings

14 Observation/Data

15 Reaction/Association

16 Insight/Learning

17 Action/Conclusion

18 Shorthand What? Gut? So What? Now What?

19 engagement Individual brainstorming Small groups Interpreting and Recording I welcome the discussion!

20 reflection

21 Questions and Answers

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