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Published byKaylee Black Modified over 11 years ago
Disability Employment Initiative NYS Employment Network Strategy Presented by: Elaine Kost NYS DEI State Lead Kevin Nickerson Regional DRC
NYS DEI Employment Network Strategy Summary: Implement effective EN Business Models within each DEI One- Stop / Pilot Site Effective Outreach & Marketing Strategies Proper assessment of Ticket holders that fit our EN Business Model of services Streamlined EN data collection and analysis Project sustainability
EN Business Model Implementation NYS DEI projects have each developed similar, but unique EN Business Models, which include all facets of EN operations, from services provided, Outreach & Marketing, staffing, and organization of files and data DEI Pilot sites will provide similar services across NYS Each EN must provide at least the minimum core services according to SSAs new RFQ, which all ENs will need to be in compliance with Our goal is to develop the expectation of high quality services for Ticket holders that choose any of our One-Stop EN sites for assistance in the return to work
The Ticket Life Cycle – An EN Perspective Assess for Services Serve Ticket holder Support Ticket holder Get Paid Find Ticket Holders
Components of an EN Business Model In order to assist DEI sites in addressing key questions that should be answered, an EN Business Model checklist was created, which helps frame our EN Business Model planning process, found here: In general, the EN Business Model addresses all operational needs of an EN, including: – Services you will offer Ticket holders – Staffing of your EN (i.e. DRC, One-Stop staff, partner agencies) – Marketing & Outreach to Ticket holders – Managing EN funds – Administration of EN processes
One-Stop DEI EN Services Social Security, under the new RFQ, expects the following services of ALL ENs: – Career Counseling – Job Placement – Follow-up Supports These services are consistent with Core services normally provided within the One-Stop setting, with these exceptions: – Job Placement – Rather than Job Matching services, Ticket holders will receive individual Job Development services from our ENs which requires ongoing support until the Ticket holder is placed – Follow-up Supports – This goes above and beyond the typical services provided to One-Stop customers, and requires an EN follow a Ticket holder for a number of years, depending on benefits type, and work goals
One-Stop DEI EN Services In addition to the Core services expected of Social Security, in NYS, our Ticket holders should be able to expect these additional services when assigning their Ticket to a One-Stop EN: – Benefits Planning Services – Whether provided in-house, or through referral to a qualified benefits planner, this key service will assist both the Ticket holder and EN in moving forward effectively. NOTE: All DRCs in NYS are either WIIN, or CWIC certified – Job Matching Services – Through the use of Skill Matching and Referral Technology, or SMART, Ticket holders will have the advantage of this job matching system – Training Funds – When applicable, and eligible, Ticket holders may enjoy the benefits of One-Stop training funds – Integrated Resource Teams – Ticket holders that utilize One-Stop ENs can count on the collective resources the DRC has pulled together, through the IRT process, when needed – Disability Resource Coordinators – Individuals in each One-Stop trained to understand, and utilize all available resources to assist individuals with disabilities in the return to work
Outreach & Marketing Strategies Part of the ongoing process of an EN is to FIND Ticket holders Part of Marketing the Ticket program is to our internal customers, or, to One-Stop staff, so they are aware of the services we can offer as a One-Stop EN There are various methods ENs use to reach out to Ticket holders, here are a few: – Use of EN Directory on the Maximus web-site to promote your agency – Ticket Holder Events / Similar to WISE events – Networking with other Service Providers for referrals – Use of media outlets, web-site, making Ticket visible at your office – COMING SOON – NYS Administrative EN Model & NYESS
Maximus Website Listing This is a typical method Ticket holders use to find an EN in their local area The EN Directory is looked at by many beneficiaries, and can influence their decision as to who they will contact for assistance The EN Directory listing is a concise description of the EN The next slide shows an example of our use of the EN Directory
Local Outreach While WISE events will no longer be available in-person after December, 2011, similar events in collaboration with WIPA projects, or by utilizing internal expertise are an excellent draw for Ticket holders considering work These events Bring key stakeholders together, Ticket holders, ENs, WIPA project staff, working beneficiaries (testimonials) An excellent way for beneficiaries to become informed about how work impacts benefits, and how Work Incentives can assist in this process, which will also assist in getting greater attendance Also consider a Ticket to Work Job Fair event - an opportunity to invite a targeted audience (i.e. use of Beneficiary Referral CD)
Marketing Materials Marketing materials are a great way to clearly spell out what your EN offers, and can be left in various locations in order to influence referrals Brochures will be used at various forums that DRCs will be attending as vendors (i.e. SHRM, JSEC, Chamber events, etc.) The next slides shows an example of a brochure that markets One- Stop EN services
Connecting with Referral Sources Reaching Ticket holders requires making connections with various local referral sources Consider Human Service providers to inform them of your ability to serve SSA beneficiaries through the Ticket program Additional organizations that may be in touch with Ticket holders: Your Local SSA Field Office Workers Compensation Rehabilitation Counselors Lawyers that assist with Disability Claims Internal referrals from your own agency Department of Social Services Medicaid Service Coordinators
Other Outreach Methods DEI One- Stop / EN Pilot Sites May Utilize Social Networking Sites – Linkedin, Youtube, Twitter, etc. Facebook – Many businesses now have a presence on Facebook, and use this site as a way to promote events and services Radio – Developing a spot to promote your EN can be very effective, most radio stations offer free public service announcements for non-profits Newspaper – Write an article regarding the possibilities for individuals with disabilities who want to return to work, including the supports they can receive through an Employment Network
Coming Soon…Targeted Ticket Holder Outreach NYS Administrative EN – A new process which will allow Data Sharing amongst NYS Partner Agencies, and with the Social Security Administration This process will allow direct identification of Ticket holders currently being served in a number of Partnering NYS Agencies, and will also identify which Ticket holders have Available Tickets After identification of targeted Ticket holders, outreach can be performed from local agencies
Ticket Assessment Strategy: General Many ENs in the past that have struggled in finding success with this program, failed to evaluate carefully, which Ticket holders they would most likely achieve positive results with An effective assessment of Ticket holders should not be viewed as a way to screen out potential Ticket holders, but rather, to be sure our model of services meet the Ticket holders needs, and that the employment goals of the Ticket holder will allow us to successfully achieve Milestone and Outcome payment goals An assessment tool was created to assist DEI Pilot sites in addressing the right questions when evaluating potential Ticket holders, this can be used as a general guide in evaluating the right Ticket holders to be assigned for services
Ticket Assessment – NYS Strategy For NYS DEI Pilot sites, we are implementing a new strategy to strengthen our assessment process Beginning in October, 2011, we have developed a common intake form to capture relevant data on prospective Ticket holders that will be reviewed prior to assignment by our State Lead, Elaine Kost, and Regional Disability Resource Coordinator, Kevin Nickerson, prior to Ticket assignment This process will allow a more strategic approach in assigning Tickets that are likely to yield the results that SSA expects of ENs
Coming Soon…EN Data Tracking through New York Employment Services System (NYESS) Major upgrades to the One-Stop Operating System (OSOS) are under way, to incorporate NYESS, in an effort to streamline services for job seekers with disabilities NYESS will also assist us in managing Ticket holder data elements, such as placement statistics, revenue production, and other custom reports NYESS will assist in encouraging the provision of services to customers with disabilities across all state partner agencies, including One-Stop Career Centers Training on NYESS will begin this year, and into 2012
Sustainability It is expected that by the end of our 3 year DEI grant, our project will develop ways to sustain services for job seekers with disabilities within One-Stop Career Center DEI Pilot Sites throughout NYS The NYS Administrative EN Model is a unique state level approach to Employment Network services that we predict will fund the continuation of disability services within the One-Stop Career Centers, specifically, to continue supporting the role of the Disability Resource Coordinator Ticket to Work: Service with Purpose
Open Question & Answer
Contact Information Elaine Kost NYS DOL Disability Employment Initiative State Lead State Office Building Campus Building 12, room 425 Albany, New York 12240 Phone 518.485.2151 Fax 518 485.2577 Kevin Nickerson Regional Disability Resource Coordinator Tompkins Workforce New York Center Ithaca, Suite #241 171 East State Street Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 272-7570 Ext. 136 (office) (607) 793-8338 (cell) TTY: (607) 272-3285
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