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Preschool Special Education A Review of State Performance Indicators and The Child Outreach Network.

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1 Preschool Special Education A Review of State Performance Indicators and The Child Outreach Network

2 State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report Under the Individuals with Disabilities Act of 2004 (IDEA) the US Department of Education, Office of Special Populations (OSEP) now requires states to develop a State Performance Plan (SPP) and annually report its performance to the federal government and the public via an Annual Performance Report (APR). There are three indicators specific to Preschool Special Education.

3 Early Childhood Environments States are asked to report the percentage of children who receive services with their typically developing peers. »In RI, that result was calculated using census information from IEPs submitted by districts. »The percentage for the State was 38%. Improvement activities will begin with a closer look at the data. »Data will be delineated by disability and by district. »Discrepancies between CRP data and the census data will be explored. »State-wide professional development activities will be planned.

4 Early Childhood Outcomes New indicator States are asked to report the percent of children with IEPs who demonstrate improved: A.Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships); B.Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy) C.Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.

5 Early Childhood Outcomes was determined to be the early childhood curriculum-based, research driven, criterion-referenced assessment system most aligned with the RI Early Learning Standards and federal reporting requirements. »A representative sample of districts were chosen for first year implementation: Central Falls, Coventry, Cranston, Newport, Smithfield, and Westerly. »In this years report, the State was required to provide entry data as to the percentage of children functioning at or above the level of same-age peers and the percentage of children functioning below.

6 Early Childhood Transition States are required to report the percent of children referred by Early Intervention prior to age three and found eligible for Part B and who have an IEP in place and implemented by their third birthday. »States also need to report the range of days beyond the third birthday when eligibility was determined and reasons for the delays. »The Secretary has set the Target at 100%.

7 Early Childhood Transition Data from 2005-2006, indicated that 55% of children referred prior to age 3 and found eligible have an IEP in place by their third birthday. »This data comes from matching names submitted by Early Intervention to RIDEs special education database. Many names were not able to be matched. »The first improvement activity is to get reliable data by coordinating with EI to use a shared student ID. »Professional development activities will be planned around the improved data.

8 Child Outreach In March 2004, RIDE began facilitating monthly meetings with The Child Outreach Network, comprised of Child Outreach and Early Childhood Coordinators in RI. »The charge for this group has been to clarify requirements and establish a system of standards, procedures and accountability for the implementation of culturally competent, high quality screening programs throughout the state.

9 Child Outreach Guidelines regarding the implementation of Child Outreach Programs will be completed this year. »Included in the guidelines are purpose and content areas for screening, rescreening and referral; personnel; procedures/protocols for screening, rescreening, and referral; and recommendations for psychometrically sound and culturally responsive screening instruments. The State collects data from each district regarding the numbers of children in each age group (3,4,5) and compares those numbers to live birth data for the district. »Districts set annual improvement targets in order to reach the State goal of 80% of children in each age group screened.

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