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The model of translation by Haydée Sollberger

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1 The model of translation by Haydée Sollberger
Roman Jacobson The model of translation by Haydée Sollberger

2 Who was Roman Jacobson? Roman Osipovich Jakobson (October 11, 1896 – July 18, 1982) was a born in Russia from a wealthy family from Jewish descent.

3 Why is he important? He was ahead of his time in developing the synchronic (syn "together" and chronos “time“) approach to language. In 1959, Jacobson wrote his essay “On Linguistic Aspects of Translation”. He solves translation problems by dealing with translation as a ‘concept’ and not an ‘action.

4 Jacobson’s Model of a Communication Act
Context Message Sender…….…Receiver Contact Code

5 What about translation?
“No one can understand the word ‘cheese’ unless he has a nonlinguistic acquaintance with cheese”. Bertrand Russell Words mean nothing if we don’t have a reference to compare them with.

6 A literary text as a communicative act:
Context Text Writer…….………Reader Contact (medium or delivery system) Code

7 Controversy for the Translator
How can one translate a word that we can’t refer to? Solution: Make an intralingual translation. “ explain that ‘cheese’ means ‘food made of pressed curds”.

8 Controversy for the Translator
No sense to assign a meaning (signatum) to the object and not the sign (signum). What if there is no cheese in my culture (inexistent equivalence ). The obstacle consists in the cultural - rather than linguistic – difference.

9 Translating the Code Roman Jakobson's typology of the relations between the basic types of the two codes, in which the respective entities are encoded, are:

10 Taxonomy of Translation – Type 1
Intralingual translation or rewording is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language. The Bible (its oldest versions contain words in Aramaic, parts in Hebrew and, in what is often called the "New Testament", parts in Greek.).

11 Taxonomy of Translation – Type 2
Interlingual translation or translation proper is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language. The translator recodes and transmits a message received from another code. Camembert, Brie, Bonchester, Pencarreg, Chaource – Requeson (vaca), roncal (oveja), aceuche (cabra).

12 Taxonomy of Translation – Type 3
Intersemiotic translation or transmutation is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of nonverbal sign systems. The two codes being two different sign systems, whether one of them is verbal or not. This type of translation arise between systems such as fiction and cinema, language and advertising, language and picture-book illustrations, music and dance, music and painting and so on.

13 Translation problem Grammatical categories
Reflexive This house was built in three months. sta casa fue contruida en tres meses. Tomo tres meses remodelar esta casa. Simple Present In Chile we have dinner at six o´clock in the evening En Chile, nosotros tenemos cena a las 6 de la tarde. En Chile, cenamos a las 6 de la tarde. present progressive The road is being repaired Estan arreglando la calle La calle esta siendo reparada.

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