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American Express Interactive Marcus Eaton Carole Walls.

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Presentation on theme: "American Express Interactive Marcus Eaton Carole Walls."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Express Interactive Marcus Eaton Carole Walls

2 Introduction AXI Travel was motivated by economics, competitive dynamics, and the potential for follow on opportunities.

3 Economics During the early 1990, the major airlines cut commissions for 10% to 8 % and put a $25 cap on each segment

4 Competitive Dynamic AXI wished to establish a leadership position in defining new standards for the industry We wont be trapped in a dead technology

5 Partnership with Microsoft Why partnership with Microsoft? Good business strategy ?

6 Key Issues and Recommendations Kenneth Chenault, President and Chief Operating Officer

7 Key Insights Set1: Identify high priority business initiatives. Set2: Select the implementation approach that is most appropriate for each initiative and modify it based on the business and organizational context New Venture Development Venture Integration, or Internal business Development. If internal Business Development, should you pursue a process reengineering a new venture incubation approach?

8 Step3: Build the capabilities required for the new e- business initiatives you are pursuing Key Insights

9 Questions How important was AXI travel to American Express? How has the business model for AXI Travel and the follow-on AXI interactive online service offering evolved over time? Evaluated the actions taken to implement AXI Travel.

10 Questions How successful was the company in building, launching and then integration AXI travel with the companys traditional business? What challenges did the AXI Travel Team face:? What challenges did the CSI team face?


12 Enter new lines of business and/ or add new business models Add functionality, features or capabilities to improve current product/service offerings Add new product/service offering or enter new geographic markets Exit a business or market, or drop a product/service offering Expand Enhance Appendix A

13 1995: The Idea

14 1997: AXI Travel Enhance Marketplace & ASP Business Model AXI Travel

15 1998: Expense Management Launched Expand Marketplace & ASP Business Model AXI Travel Expense Management

16 May 1999: AXI Purchasing Solutions Launched Expand Marketplace & ASP Business Model AXI Travel Expense Management Purchasing Solutions

17 Fall 1999: American Express @ Work Launched Extend Portal Business Model AmEx @Work

18 August 2000: Market Mile Launched Extend Marketplace & ASP Business Model Portal Business Model Portal Commerce & ASP Business Model AXI Travel Expense Management Purchasing Solutions AmEx @WorkMarkelMile

19 The Full Story Marketplace & ASP Business Model Portal Business Model Portal Commerce & ASP Business Model AXI Travel Expense Management Purchasing Solutions AmEx @WorkMarkelMile American Express Interactive Business Model Extend Enhance Expand Exit

20 Exhibit 4: The Internal Business Development Process Internal Business Development

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