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Copyright © 1999 Harcourt Brace & Company Canada, Ltd. Chapter 10 Career Planning Falkenberg, Stone, and Meltz Human Resource Management in Canada Fourth.

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1 Copyright © 1999 Harcourt Brace & Company Canada, Ltd. Chapter 10 Career Planning Falkenberg, Stone, and Meltz Human Resource Management in Canada Fourth Edition

2 10.1 Chapter Overview n n Reasons for career planning n n Relation to other HRM functions n n What people want from their careers n n Elements of career planning programs n n Facilitating career planning and development n n Career planning issues

3 10.2 Career Planning Career Planning includes: 1. Assessment of an employee's abilities and potential 2. Determination of logical paths of movement between jobs 3. Efforts to channel individual career interests in directions compatible with the organizations future human resource needs.

4 10.3 Reasons for Career Planning n n Desire to develop and promote employees from within n n Shortage of promotable talent n n Desire to aid individual career planning n n Strong expression of interest by employees n n Desire to improve productivity n n Employment equity/diversity program commitments n n Concern about turnover n n Desire for a positive recruiting image

5 10.4 Career Planning: Relation to Other HRM Functions Human Resource Planning Job Analysis Organizational Entry Performance Appraisal Career Planning Training and Development

6 10.5 Scheins Career Anchors n n Managerial competence n n Technical/Functional competence n n Security n n Creativity n n Autonomy and independence

7 10.6 Career Stages n n Trial stage n n Establishment/Advancement stage n n Mid-career stage n n Late-career stage

8 10.7 Elements of Career Planning Programs n n Individual assessments of abilities, interests, career needs, and goals n n Organizational assessments of employees abilities and potential n n Communication of information about career options and opportunities with the organization n n Career counseling to set realistic goals and plan for their attainment

9 10.8 Common Assessment Centre Dimensions n n Oral communication skill n n Written communication skill n n Job motivation n n Initiative n n Planning and organization n n Analysis n n Management control n n Leadership n n Judgement

10 10.9 Facilitating Career Planning and Development n n Organizational entry n n The job n n The boss n n Organizational structure and procedures n n Human resource policy n n Mentoring

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