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When: Thursday, 24 January 2008, 0920
What: STA-21 Program When: Thursday, 24 January 2008, 0920 Where: ESO/CCC Workshop, Bldg. C-9, Classroom 2 Presented by: LT David Boisselle, USN This presentation will inform potential enlisted fleet applicants about attaining a STA-21 college scholarship, including eligibility criteria, application procedures and program deadline. Other officer accession programs will be discussed in brief.
What: STA-21 Program Career Day When: 22 February 2008, 0900-1000
Where: CNATTU, Bldg. 223, NAS Oceana Presented by: LT David Boisselle, USN ( or and NROTC Unit Hampton Roads This presentation will inform potential enlisted fleet applicants about attaining a STA-21 college scholarship, including eligibility criteria, application procedures and program deadline. Other officer accession programs will be discussed in brief.
What: STA-21 Program Career Day When: 20 February 2008, 0900-1000
Where: Devary Hall, Bldg. C-9, NS Norfolk Presented by: LT David Boisselle, USN ( or and NROTC Unit Hampton Roads This presentation will inform potential enlisted fleet applicants about attaining a STA-21 college scholarship, including eligibility criteria, application procedures and program deadline. Other officer accession programs will be discussed in brief.
AGENDA Program History Current Program Pay and Allowances
Eligibility Requirements Program Options Education Commissioning Application References and Points of Contact Other Commissioning Programs Guest Speakers/Q&A AGENDA
PROGRAM HISTORY When Sailors today hear the term
“Seaman to Admiral,” no doubt former Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Mike Boorda comes to mind. As a product of an enlisted-to-officer commissioning program in the early 1960s, Admiral Boorda was the first CNO to have risen from the enlisted ranks. As CNO, Admiral Boorda immediately reestablished the historic program, Seaman to Admiral, for young Sailors to earn their commission and become naval officers. The admiral believed “people should have the opportunity to excel, and be all they can be, even if they don’t get a perfect or traditional start.”
CURRENT PROGRAM The Navy has combined most of
its commissioning paths into one consolidated program, Seaman to Admiral-21. This program is designed to meet the goals of the Navy in the 21st Century, while creating a fair and equitable system for outstanding active duty Sailors to receive top-notch college education and become commissioned officers in the Unrestricted Line, Nurse Corps, Supply Corps, or Civil Engineer Corps.
PAY AND ALLOWANCES Participants in the STA-21 program will:
Receive full pay and allowances for their pay grade Be eligible for enlisted advancement Receive an education voucher of up to $10,000 per year, paid to the university for tuition, fees, and books Upon successful degree completion, be commissioned as active duty Ensigns in the U.S. Navy
To be eligible to apply to the STA-21 Commissioning Program, a Sailor must: Be a U.S. citizen Be recommended by CO Be a high school graduate/GED Be able to complete requirements for a bachelor degree in 36 months or less Be able to complete degree and be commissioned prior to 27th birthday (some waivers) Maintain a GPA of 2.5 or better SAT (min. 1000) or ACT (min. 41) within three years of application deadline Meet physical standards for appointment
PROGRAM OPTIONS STA-21 allows Sailors to apply to the
Core Option or Target Group Option. Students in Core Program will be choose an Unrestricted Line community in their senior year. (Offers most flexibility in selecting a major and requesting schools to attend.) Students selected into a Target Group Option will, upon commissioning, be assigned to that option’s officer community.
Nuclear (SWO & Surface) Special Warfare Civil Engineer Supply Nurse
PROGRAM OPTIONS Pilot/NFO Surface Warfare (and SWO/IP) Nuclear (SWO & Surface) Special Warfare Civil Engineer Supply Nurse
Special Duty Officer, Intelligence
PROGRAM OPTIONS Special Operations Special Duty Officer, Intelligence Special Duty Officer, Information Warfare Medical Corps New! What designator to apply for? Aptitude and career desires Seek mentor(s)
EDUCATION Selection into STA-21 will occur in the
fall of each year. Some selectees will initially attend BOOST, then complete Naval Science Institute (NSI), or report directly to NSI. BOOST is designed to offer an individualized program of study to assist in transition to college. BOOST path may be 3 or 6 months long, depending on student’s needs. Those who are not designated to attend BOOST will report directly to NSI. BOOST is located at NETC Newport, RI.
EDUCATION The Naval Science Institute (NSI)
Program is designed to teach officer candidates the fundamental core concepts of being a naval officer. This program provides competency in navigation, engineering, weapons, military history, justice, etc. NSI is located at NETC Newport, RI and lasts 8 weeks. Upon successful completion of NSI, the STA-21 officer candidates will report to an NROTC affiliated college or university to pursue their college degrees.
EDUCATION STA-21 applicants make up to three school choices
during the application process, and CNET conducts actual student placement to the schools after selection into the program. This placement is based on several factors including available NROTC Unit openings, program option, etc. While selectees are strongly encouraged to pursue technical degree programs, participants are free to choose their major areas of study. Some of the many NROTC colleges and universities include: * University of Arizona * San Diego State University * Pennsylvania State University * University of Notre Dame * ODU/HU/NSU
EDUCATION Students in the STA-21 Program will attend school full-time
year-round. All students are required to complete degree requirements in not more than 36 calendar months. STA-21 members are required to be enrolled in every academic semester offered by the college or university. Not all STA-21 students will begin their college education at the same time of year due to planned phasing of the program. Some may begin in the summer, others in the fall, and still others in the spring.
COMMISSIONING After successfully earning a college
degree and graduating from his or her respective college or university, the officer candidate will be commissioned an Ensign in the United States Navy. Following graduation, newly commissioned Ensigns are sent to initial training for their officer community.
“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Sailors” Sustained superior performance Challenging and diversified assignments Personal and professional education and development Command and community involvement Appearance and physical fitness Leadership and maturity Goal-oriented
APPLICATION The STA-21 application is composed of two parts:
Part I (Initial Application Data—Online Form) Part II (Mail-in) a. Must be postmarked by 1 July of application year b. Includes: Personal Statement Downloadable application form Last five enlisted performance evaluations SAT or ACT scores Academic transcripts (HS/GED and college) SMART Transcript PFA Results Interviewer’s Appraisal Sheets Commanding Officer’s endorsement and recommendation
TIMELINE 31 Mar 08: SAT or ACT deadline (recommended)
01 May 08: Special Request Chit to CO 15 May 08: Application package to Admin 31 May 08: Interviewer’s Appraisal Board and Nomination Review Board 15 Jun 08: CO’s endorsement prepared 01 Jul 08: Mailing deadline XX Sep 08: Selection board convenes XX Oct 08: Results announced by NAVADMIN
Lessons Learned Clear, forceful, consistent endorsement from CO
Comments on leadership and potential Interview boards of senior officers (DH+) Personal statement explains weakness(es) Personal statement highlights leadership exp. Have mentor(s) proof personal statement Obtain as much current college as possible Letters of recommendation encouraged
TRENDS More emphasis on technical majors
Early completion – Do you have your AA/AAS? Encouraging more applicant diversity PFA minimums are not good enough Average SAT = 1200 Previous college credits – Math Whole Person Concept – community involvement, outside activities FY07 STA-21 Selection Process: - 800 applications received - 595 application board eligible (due to errors) - 200 selected (34%)
OPNAVINST A (Chapt. 8) [ NAVADMIN XXX/08 (approx. May) Your Command Career Counselor Points of contact: The STA-21 program is managed and administered by the Commander, Naval Service Training Command (NSTC), Officer Development. On the Web: Telephone: (850) or DSN LT David Boisselle, U.S. Joint Forces Command or
United States Naval Academy Officer Candidate School Limited Duty Officer/Chief Warrant Officer Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program Medical Service Corps In-Service Procurement Program Flying Chief Warrant Officer Program Direct Commissioning Programs
Established in 1845, the Naval Academy, located in Annapolis, Maryland, is the undergraduate college for the Navy that prepares young men and women to become to become professional officers in the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. The Naval Academy ensures that the best students from around the United States are selected for admission and that those who are selected have the drive and motivation to complete the four-year program and excel as Officers in the Navy or Marine Corps. On the Web:
At least 17 years of age and must not have passed 23
UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY - Eligibility At least 17 years of age and must not have passed 23 on 1 July of year entering USNA Unmarried, not pregnant, no parenthood obligations Must obtain 1 of 85 SECNAV nominations Academically qualified (incl. SAT 1050 or ACT 46) SECNAV nomination requests due to USNA Admissions Office by 15 February of year desiring entry
The 13-week OCS course has been designed to give an individual a basic working knowledge of the high-tech naval establishment afloat and ashore, to prepare that individual to assume the responsibilities of a naval officer. OCS is open to qualified individuals who possess a bachelor’s degree and who are committed to the goal of earning a commission in the Navy. The United States Naval Officer Candidate School is located at Naval Air Station, Pensacola, FL.
At least 19 years old and not more than 29 to 35
OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOL - Eligibility At least 19 years old and not more than 29 to 35 depending on designator. (Waivers for enlisted service.) Must possess a bachelor’s degree Must pass Officer Aptitude Rating (OAR) exam. Pilot/NFO/ AMDO applicants must also take the Aviation Selection Test Battery (ASTB). Marital status and dependents: no restrictions No application deadline to COMNAVCRUITCOM
LDO/CWO The Limited Duty Officer and Chief Warrant Officer Programs
provide commissioning opportunities to qualified senior enlisted personnel. LDOs and CWOs are technically oriented officers who perform duties limited to specific occupational fields and require strong leadership skills.
LDO/CWO - Eligibility Be at least a PO1 (CPO SelBd eligible) for LDO or CPO-select for CWO LDO: Must have completed at least 8 but not more than 16 years (15 for PO1) of active naval service CWO: Must have completed at least 12 but not more than 24 years of active naval service No age restriction Applications postmarked to NAVPERSCOM by 1 October
MECP is a commissioning program specifically intended to provide an advancement pathway to a commission in the Nurse Corps, USNR. Selectees for the program will participate in a nationally accredited academic program leading to a bachelor’s degree in nursing. OPNAVINST A, Chapt. 5
MECP - Eligibility Candidates must complete baccalaureate nursing degree requirements and be commissioned prior to 35th birthday Accepted for acceptance to nursing school Marital status and dependents: No restrictions Applications postmarked to NMETC Bethesda by 1 October.
MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS IN-SERVICE PROCUREMENT PROGRAM (MSC IPP) The MSC IPP provides a pathway to an officer commission for career motivated enlisted to serve as: Health Care Administration (HCA) Physician Assistant (PA) Radiation Health Officer (RHO) Environmental Health Officer (EHO) Industrial Health Officer (IHO) Entomology Pharmacy
MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS IN-SERVICE PROCUREMENT PROGRAM (MSC IPP) Open to E-5 to E-9 (some rating restrictions) Must not have reached 42nd birthday by time of initial appointment Qualifying degree Deadline for application to NMETC Bethesda is 26 August. OPNAVINST A, Chapt. 6
Navy is seeking applications from highly-qualified and hard-charging Sailors (E5-E7) for a “pilot” program to place Chief Warrant Officers in cockpits as pilots and naval flight officers. 30 selectees will be commissiond as CWO2, attend LDO/CWO Indoctrination, and report to flight training. Newly-winged aviators will attend FRS for ultimate assignment to VP, VP(Q), VQ(T), HSC, and HSL squadrons. Intent is to create “flying specialists” unencumbered by traditional career paths of unrestricted line officers. As such, Flying CWOs will rotate between traditional aviation sea and shore commands, but remain junior/division officers (vice DH and command track).
Eligibility: Must be commissioned by 27th birthday Must possess associate’s degree or higher Physically qualified for aviation duty Must meet Aviation Standard Test Battery (ASTB) minimums 8 year minimum service obligation for pilot; 6 for NFO Application deadline to Pers-432V is 13 Jun 08 For further info, see:
Dental Corps Chaplain Corps Judge Advocate General Corps (JAG) Medical Officer
QUIZ! STA-21 participants receive an education voucher of how much, and what may it be used for? STA-21 participants must complete requirements for a bachelor’s degree in how many months? STA-21 participants must be commissioned prior to what age? STA-21 applicants must achieve what SAT or ACT minimum scores? T or F: Non-citizens may apply for STA-21. Applications must be postmarked to CNET by what date?
“We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today
“We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. Procrastination is still the thief of time.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Boisselle’s Recommended Reading
About Face: The Odyssey of an American Warrior – COL David Hackworth, USA (Ret) The Killer Angels – Michael Shaara Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, & Priorities of a Winning Life – Tony Dungy How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie My American Journey – Gen. Colin Powell Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War – Mark Bowden Faith of My Fathers: A Family Memoir – John McCain Once an Eagle – Anton Myrer Leadership is an Art – Max De Pree It’s Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy – D. Michael Abrashoff On Becoming a Leader – Warren Bennis John Paul Jones: Sailor, Hero, Father of the American Navy – Evan Thomas The Greatest Generation – Tom Brokaw 1776 – David McCullough The Gift of Valor: A War Story – Michael M. Phillips The Difference Maker: Making Your Attitude Your Greatest Asset - John C. Maxwell Read Navy Objectives for FY 2008 and Beyond, Navy Times, All Hands, and your local newspaper
Phone: Or visit:
OPNAVINST A (Chapt. 8) [ NAVADMIN XXX/08 (approx. May) Your Command Career Counselor Points of contact: The STA-21 program is managed and administered by the Commander, Naval Service Training Command (NSTC), Officer Development. On the Web: Telephone: (850) or DSN LT David Boisselle, U.S. Joint Forces Command or
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