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HL7 EHR-S FM Child Health Functional Profile Project Overview HL7 Pediatric Data Standards Special Interest Group April 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "HL7 EHR-S FM Child Health Functional Profile Project Overview HL7 Pediatric Data Standards Special Interest Group April 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 HL7 EHR-S FM Child Health Functional Profile Project Overview HL7 Pediatric Data Standards Special Interest Group April 2007

2 Child Health Functional Profile Child Health-FP What is it? A document providing the essential general pediatric functions that are important to include in any system through which a child might receive primary care in the United States in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Based on the HL7 Electronic Health Record-Systems Functional Model, published February 2007 Why? To assist all childcare providers and associated IT vendors in helping to ensure safe, effective and reliable care of children through the safe and effective use of information technology.

3 Child Health Functional Profile Background HL7 is not-for-profit healthcare standards organization founded in 1987. HL7 Electronic Health Records Technical Committee formed to develop consensus standard to define necessary functions for an EHR system. EHR-S Functional Model became standard Feb 07. Functional profiles of the EHR-S FM will identify unique needs in various care settings.

4 Child Health Functional Profile HL7 PeDSSIG Background Founded in 2003 to provide pediatric perspective during standards development. Worked closely with EHR TC to include important general child healthcare functions in the main standard. Next opportunity to impact the EHR-S FM is 2008. PeDSSIG decided to develop Child Health-FP to address important general child healthcare functions not included in the current standard. The PeDSSIG and the Child Health-FP project are supported by AAP, ABP, CHCA & NACHRI.

5 Child Health Functional Profile Project Plan Organization Phase Recruit Volunteers Form Workgroup Define Scope, Plan Educate Volunteers March 2007 Formalization Phase Refine List of Child Health Functions April-May 2007 Harmonization Phase Align with EHR-S FM EHR TC Input April-May 2007 Finalization Phase Edit Document Registration Verification Ballot June 2007

6 Child Health Functional Profile Guiding Principles for This Project Focus is on functions that a general pediatrician in the United States would need in caring for a child Focus is on functions that are Essential Now – needed today Perfect is the enemy of good Future Opportunities Include functions essential in the future Include functions that are optional Create profiles with specialty emphasis, e.g. neonatology

7 Child Health Functional Profile Volunteers 40 volunteers Includes physicians, nurses, informatics experts, health information management, pharmacists and more Recruited through HL7, AAP, HIMSS, CHCA and NACHRI Includes providers and vendors

8 Child Health Functional Profile Volunteer Instructions 1.Become familiar with EHR-S FM standard Direct Care Functions Supportive Care Functions Information Infrastructure Functions 2.Become familiar with PeDSSIG list of criteria to add 3.Review the draft Child Health-FP Excel worksheet 4.Decide which sections you intend to review and notify Joy 5.Joy will publish a list of volunteers and their areas of interest in case anyone would like to collaborate 6.Make your edits directly in the draft Child Health-FP Excel worksheet See instructions on next slide 7.Provide edited Excel worksheet to Joy by Friday, May 4

9 Child Health Functional Profile Volunteer Instructions Step Six: Make edits in the draft Excel worksheet Select Tools, Track Changes, and Highlight Changes so that we can easily see your edits As you edit, reference the EHR-S FM for statements and descriptions of functions (notify Joy if you feel any of the descriptions require editing) Only make edits to columns F and G Indicate any recommended changes to Status (Column F) N/C = No Change to current criteria M = Recommended Modification to current criteria A = Added a new criteria Indicate modifications to the Conformance Criteria (Column G) SHALL, SHOULD, or MAY (see Child Health-FP Word document for definitions) Edits to the current criteria and/or Copy for new criteria

10 Child Health Functional Profile Example Excel Worksheet Direct Care Functions ID#Name Priority: E, EF, OConformance Criteria Original Row # Status: N/C, A, MModifications or Comments DC.1.3.3 Manage Consents and Authorizations E8. The system SHOULD provide the ability to document an assent for patients legally unable to consent. 109 MSHALL 9. The system SHALL provide the ability to document the source of each consent, such as the patient or the patients personal representative if the patient is legally unable to provide it. 110 N/C 10. The system SHOULD provide the ability to document the patients personal representatives level of authority to make decisions on behalf of the patient. 111 MSHALL A 11. IF no one is available, THEN the system SHALL provide the ability to document lack of assent or consent in the emergency treatment of minors. EHR-S FM Function ID# EHR-S FM Function Name EHR-S FM Function Priority E = Essential Now What systems must do to conform with the EHR-S FM For reference purposes only Indicates we want to modify this conformance criteria We want to change SHOULD to SHALL Indicates we have No Change to this conformance criteria Indicates we want to Add a new criteria to this function. Does it need editing?

11 Child Health Functional Profile Volunteer Tips 1.Sometimes conformance criteria in one function are related to criteria in another; Use the search tool in Excel to determine whether or not the edit you want to make already covered 2.Dont get overwhelmed by the size of the document; Just take on small pieces that are in your particular area of interest or expertise 3.Ask for help/clarification if you need it – there are no published EHR-S FM Profiles to-date; This is new territory for everyone involved

12 Child Health Functional Profile Project Contact Joy Kuhl HL7 PeDSSIG Administrative CoChair (703) 310-6218

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