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Bullying and Children 1 Bullying - Facing the Challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "Bullying and Children 1 Bullying - Facing the Challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bullying and Children 1 Bullying - Facing the Challenges

2 What can we do? Seek to create families and ecclesias which model relationships of commitment and care. Encourage children towards empathy and self awareness: how to develop these virtues from a young age. 2 Bullying - Facing the Challenges

3 What can we do? Parents can: Strengthen the child’s sense of self awareness Teach him/her how to nurture strong healthy friendships Teach him/her how to introduce himself into a group 3 Bullying - Facing the Challenges

4 Some Personality factors that may help a child from being increasingly victimised: Friendliness Willingness to Share Willingness to Cooperate Skill in joining the play of other children Possessing a sense of humour (being able to laugh at self in a healthy way) 4 Bullying - Facing the Challenges

5 What to do if our child is being bullied?: The child needs to hear these messages: “I hear you, I am here for you, I believe you, you are not alone in this” and “It is not your fault” Report the bullying to school personnel. Find out about their Anti-bullying policy and procedures immediately. 5 Bullying - Facing the Challenges

6 What NOT to do if our child is being bullied?: Don’t minimize, rationalize, or explain away the bully’s behaviour. Don’t rush in to solve the problem for your child Don’t tell your child to avoid the bully Don’t tell your child to fight back Don’t confront the bully or the bully’s parents alone. 6 Bullying - Facing the Challenges

7 What to do if we discover our child is a bully?: Intervene immediately with discipline. Encourage the child towards positive constructive, entertaining and energizing activities. Value time spent with the child Nurture empathy Teach friendship skills - respectful and peaceful ways to relate to others 7 Bullying - Facing the Challenges

8 From Bystander to Witness Simple Formula for children and adults to remember - The 3 ‘R’s Recognize bullying (is it fair?, how does it make people feel?) Refuse bullying (say “no” to bullying behaviour) Report bullying (always report if someone is unsafe, someone is touching or showing private body parts, or saying “no” doesn’t work) 8 Bullying - Facing the Challenges

9 Resume of Day 1.Definition of bullying 2.Effects of bullying and where does it come from? 3.The Bully, The Bullied, and The Bystander 4.Personal experiences 5.Where do we find Bullying? 6.Coping Strategies – Bob Baynham 9 Bullying - Facing the Challenges

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