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Dioxin Sources, Loadings, and Inventory Data for San Francisco Bay RMP Technical Review Committee Meeting March 18 th, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Dioxin Sources, Loadings, and Inventory Data for San Francisco Bay RMP Technical Review Committee Meeting March 18 th, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dioxin Sources, Loadings, and Inventory Data for San Francisco Bay RMP Technical Review Committee Meeting March 18 th, 2008

2 Draft Data – Do not cite or quote

3 Past and Projected Dioxin and Furan Emissions in the US (Peek et al 2002) Draft Data – Do not cite or quote

4 Sources of Dioxins and Furan Emissions in the San Francisco Bay Area g TEQ/year (BAAQMD 2002) Draft Data – Do not cite or quote

5 Stormwater is the Dominant Pathway High uncertainty due to lack of data Draft Data – Do not cite or quote

6 Local Watershed/Stormwater Data Wenning et al. 1999 and SFRWQCB 1997 1995-1996 wet season Runoff from 2 storm events at 13 outfalls in Bay Area Hourly sampling of storm drains from 2 sites (Oakland and Benicia) during one storm event High variability in dioxin concentrations Draft Data – Do not cite or quote

7 Wenning et al. 1999 Draft Data – Do not cite or quote

8 Direct Atmospheric Deposition Data Based on limited BAAQMD data set? California Ambient Dioxin Air Monitoring Program Administered by CARB Data from December 2002-2004/2005 Ambient monitoring for dioxins and dioxin-like compounds at multiple locations statewide Focuses on urban areas 5 sites in SF Bay area Identification of potential sources Direct deposition data? Draft Data – Do not cite or quote

9 Dioxins in Ambient Air Patterns were similar among sites Typical Congener Profiles California Ambient Dioxin Air Monitoring Program Data Analysis, Draft Report by Sonoma Technology, Inc, February 2008 Dioxins Furans Draft Data – Do not cite or quote

10 Dioxins in Ambient Air Draft Data – Do not cite or quote

11 Municipal Effluent Data Draft Data – Do not cite or quote

12 Municipal Effluent Data Draft Data – Do not cite or quote

13 Petroleum Refinery Effluent Loading Data SFRWQCB data Draft Data – Do not cite or quote

14 Central Valley Loading Data 2002-2003: 2 wet season, 2 dry season events (SFEI 2003) Draft Data – Do not cite or quote


16 Sources of Uncertainty in Loading Estimates Limited data Chemical analysis Congeners below detection limits Extrapolation to other facilities, tributaries, etc. Erosion of buried sediment

17 2000 NOAA EMAP Sediment data 56 sites throughout the Bay EPA: Concentrations were quite low as compared to other bays and harbors near large metropolitan areas. Dominated by higher chlorinated congeners Many lower chlorinated congeners < MDL

18 Dioxin in Cormorant Eggs

19 Proposed Dioxin Sampling Plan Draft Data – Do not cite or quote

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