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RMP Program Objectives & Management Questions Question 3: Describe sources, pathways, loadings, and processes leading to pollutant-related impairment in.

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Presentation on theme: "RMP Program Objectives & Management Questions Question 3: Describe sources, pathways, loadings, and processes leading to pollutant-related impairment in."— Presentation transcript:

1 RMP Program Objectives & Management Questions Question 3: Describe sources, pathways, loadings, and processes leading to pollutant-related impairment in the Estuary. 3.1 - What sources, pathways, and processes contribute most to impairment? 3.2 - What are the best opportunities for management intervention for the most important pollutant sources, pathways, and processes? 3.3 - Are management actions effective in reducing loads from most important sources, pathways, and processes? * WG specific questions are being developed as part of 5-yr plan

2 December 12 th –Reviewed 5-yr plan –Progress report Zone 4 Line A Mallard Island Hg, PCBs, and OC Pest Papers PBDE Manuscript May 22 nd –Zone 4 Line A preliminary data –Reporting: Hg, OC Pest, PBDEs –Pilot and Special Studies Ideas 2007

3 First Quarter Goals –Complete Zone 4 Line A reporting –Rewrite 5-yr plan –Sampling (Z4LA, Guadalupe) –Modeling Guadalupe watershed model (Oram et al.) Watershed specific sediment loads (Lewicki et al.) 2008

4 5-yr Budget

5 Zone 4 Line A

6 Instrumentation Campbell Data logger TTS Software ISCO Pumping Sampler Boom Housing Turbidity Sensor Stage Sensor Rain Gage Solar Panel

7 Zone 4 Line A





12 Preliminary Loads Analysis San Francisco Estuary Institute Z4LA (WY 2007)CdCuPbHgTPCBPBDEPAH Load (g)1057,0734,994139276 Export (ug/m2)231,5721,1102. Guadalupe R (WY 2005) Load (g)6,000471,000366,0008,0007001,750- Export (ug/m2) 251,9961,5513437 -

13 (Draft) Sampling Plan for WY 2008 San Francisco Estuary Institute AXYSMLMLAMS Texas Number PCB analysis32 PBDE analysis8 OC pest analysis8 PAH analysis8 Pytethroids8 HgT 40 HgD 20 MeHgT 20 MeHgD 20 TMs 20 SSC 120 Suspended Sediment density 20 DOC 32 POC 32

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