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Please copy only as a whole—Caleb Suresh Motupalli The Vision Managed Care for the Whole Man and his Environment PARADISEGATE ™

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Presentation on theme: "Please copy only as a whole—Caleb Suresh Motupalli The Vision Managed Care for the Whole Man and his Environment PARADISEGATE ™"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please copy only as a whole—Caleb Suresh Motupalli The Vision Managed Care for the Whole Man and his Environment PARADISEGATE ™

2 The Helpless Pastor n As a Teacher & Pastor myself, i often find myself behaving like a hypocrite—not doing what i preach (i.e. not loving at all, some times) n It is not because i don’t have compassion, it is because the size of the problem overwhelms me. (With the world knocking at my door via different media, i don’t know where to begin)

3 That is an Echo of Christ, the Chief Shepherd n Christ too wants to wipe every tear, and you were bought, to be His helpmate, to accomplish that task n He lives in you–a member of His body–so you are Emmanuel today to the world to do good, keeping spiritual need uppermost in mind (c.f. Galatians 2:20) n If the task is not being accomplished, you make Christ today, a hypocrite and a liar

4 World Statistics (Spiritual Need) Source: U.S. Center for World Mission (Year 2000)

5 World Statistics (Basic Need) Source: P.M. Harter, MD, FACEP, Stanford University, School of Medicine If we could shrink the Earth's population to a village of 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look like this: 59% of the entire world’s wealth would be in the hands of only 6 people and all 6 would be citizens of the United States 80 would live in substandard housing 70 would be unable to read 50 would suffer from malnutrition 1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education 1 one would own a computer

6 The Ideal Church is a Caring One! n Just because we DO have compassionate intentions, we will NOT be excused n We have to set in place a care-system as part and parcel of the Church and address the need with diligence Matthew 24:36-25:46

7 The Ideal Service n Since seeking the kingdom and its righteousness would add unto us everything else, the Church should cater to primarily the spiritual need n But we should model after Christ and NOT neglect the physical need not only because we care, but also because the world understands only material things

8 The Lord said: n “Let your light (Gospel/talk) so shine before men that they may see your good works (demonstrations/walk) and glorify the Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 NKJV paraphrased; cf. 1 Corinthians 2:4 NASB n “If you have done it unto the least of these brothers of mine, you have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40 n Mark 14:7a NLT paraphrased n “You will always have the poor among you, and you can [have the opportunity to] help them whenever you want to.” Mark 14:7a NLT paraphrased

9 Why do good? n To glorify God and His Son Jesus Christ Matthew 5:16 n Because as a Christian, we claim Godliness 1 Timothy 2:10 NASB; cf. Exodus 33:17-23 n So that our faith may be proved genuine 1 Peter 1:7 NIV

10 Why Glorify God? n We have been created for His glory Isaiah 43:7 n We have been recreated for His glory Ephesians 2:10; Matthew 5:16

11 How can we do any good with evil all around us? Answer: Only by abiding in Him (i.e. coming together) and He abiding in us!!! John 15:4

12 No Abiding No good accomplished No glory to God No glory to the Son No glory to the Bride John 15:1-17 Matthew 5:16 1 Peter 1:7

13 “Abide in Me” n The commandment takes the form of the Sabbath in the Old Testament, where we gather together (abide) on the Seventh Day, resting from all our works n On this Day we receive correction and instruction from the head on how to be good to our neighbor, so we may bring glory to the Father

14 Our Lord’s Prayer to the Father: That we abide and be one John 17:21-23

15 n Today we have the Gospel going forth from “mountain-tops” and God has given us such dominion over all the earth (Genesis 1:28) that we should now have “One world under Emmanuel” n For, those who willingly knelt down before Him will rule with Him n Those who did not kneel before Him will be forced to kneel or face death Status quo of the Abided

16 The Softpill for Abiding: Fall in Line — Obey His Commandment! John 15:10 Take your respective positions in the Body, which is One! It has only Seven tributaries.

17 Christ’s or a Pastor’s helpmate to do good: The church that He ministers the Word to!

18 Who are our neighbors today? The whole world because they are all knocking at our door via various media

19 Role of the Abided of ParadiseGate™ n Managed Care (Paternalism instead of ) for the Whole Man and his Environment n Managed Care (Paternalism instead of Laissez-faire) for the Whole Man and his Environment n NOT domination for the sake of domination

20 Benefits n Peace n Rest n Glory …in short, Paradise!

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