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HoU in Poland Waldemar OGŁOZA Cracow Pedagogical University

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Presentation on theme: "HoU in Poland Waldemar OGŁOZA Cracow Pedagogical University"— Presentation transcript:

1 HoU in Poland Waldemar OGŁOZA Cracow Pedagogical University

2 Participants in Polish HOU: Pilot-programme schools (~25) Teacher-training colleges (Cracow Pedagogical Universites) Astronomy Clubs, Planetaries... (MOA, Almukantarat,... ) Unregistered users who benefit from the online resources, but who do not participate directly.

3 Example of HoU grow activity Coronado case Scientific picnic Asteroids discovery

4 Trade Coronado filter price = ~50 school visiting MOA webcam movie

5 Let people know about HoU

6 Asteroid discovery

7 Example of HoU grow activity Coronado case Scientific picnic Asteroids discovery Another method ???

8 Polish HoU activities: 1. Repeat Eratosthenes' experiment to measure the radius of the Earth 2. Home-built PVC telescopes and spectrographs 3. Supernovae programme and web-portal 4. Eclipsing binary stars programme and web-portal 5. Minor planets discovery programme 6. Webcam astronomy (see C08 tal at 15:30) 7. Use of INO (see C09 tal at 15:45) and LCOGTN robotic optical telescopes 8. (Planned) use of robotic radio telescopes 9.Simulations of Solar cycles observaions 10. Theoretical exercises based on existing observations 11. Discovering features on Earth using Google Earth

9 Repeat Eratosthenes' experiment to measure the radius of the Earth

10 PVC Telescope P ractical, V ersatile, C heap T elescope Pipes ~17 $ Obective6 or 50 $ Eyepiece~ 50 $

11 Home-built spectrographs

12 Use of LCOGTN telescope - Imaging - RGB colour imaging with filters - Photometry (variable stars and supernovae; H-R diagrams of clusters) -Time-lapse movies (e.g. minor planets; moons of Jupiter)

13 Supernovae programme and web-portal

14 2006 light curves SN2006ac, JD 245+ SN2006ef, JD 245+ SN2006iv, JD 24540+ SN2006mq, JD 24540+ SN2006oq, JD 24540+SN2006or, JD 24540+ SN2006mr, JD 24540+ SN2006jc, JD 24540+ SN2006ep, JD 245+ SN2006jd, JD 24540+ SN2006my, JD 24540+ SN2006ov, JD 24540+ SN2006hb, JD 245+ SN2006dd, JD 245+

15 LCOGTN cooperation example:

16 Solar cycles simulator

17 Jodrell Bank Internet Observatory SCAN SPECTRUM Crab nebula observations

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