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Take Note: Carl Jung Collective Unconscious Archetypes Joseph Campbell

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1 Take Note: Carl Jung Collective Unconscious Archetypes Joseph Campbell
Monomyth Hero’s Journey (HJ) 3 Phases of HJ 12 Steps of HJ additional Archetypes specific to HJ All these terms are “testable” items for upcoming assessment

2 Carl Jung Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist –contemporary of Sigmund Freud—whose study of the human mind led him to define the collective unconsciousness Photo from quotation from “Jung on Mythology,” p. 63

3 Just as the human body shows a common anatomy over and above all racial differences, so, too, the human psyche possesses a common substratum transcending all differences in culture and consciousness. Photo from quotation from “Jung on Mythology,” p. 63

4 I have called this substratum the collective unconscious, … [which holds the mental record of common human experiences]. Picture from quotation from “Jung on Mythology,” p. 63

5 Just as everyone has two arms and two legs, so too does everyone share common ideas for stories and the characters who populate the tales. Picture from

6 The manifestation of the collective unconscious =
Archetypes The manifestation of the collective unconscious = Characters, Symbols, Situations that reoccur in literature across time and space

7 Joseph Campbell Scholar and mythologist Studied Jung’s work
Established “monomyth” = Hero’s Journey Author of . . .


9 “ A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder; fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won; the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.” Joseph Campbell The Hero With a Thousand Faces, p. 30

10 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
The book . . . outlines the shared plot of myths across cultures highlights the archetypes









19 “Heroes on a Journey” Discovering what Harry Potter, Neo,
Luke Skywalker, Frodo Baggins, and Perseus share.

20 The Hero’s Journey The Quote: “All stories consist of a few common structural elements found universally in myths, fairy tales, dreams and movies". The Premise: Characters frequently pass through 12 stages as they transform into heroes. The Primary Source: The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell andThe Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler The Application/Extension: Heroes live around us and within us.


22 12 Steps make a Hero Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of Call
Meeting the Mentor Crossing the Threshold Test, Allies, & Enemies 7. Approach the Inmost Cave 8. the Ordeal 9. Reward 10. Road Back 11. Resurrection 12. Return with Elixir

23 I. Departure/separation
Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of Call Meeting the Mentor

24 II. descent/Transformation/initiation
5. Crossing the Threshold 6. Test, Allies, & Enemies 7. Approach the Inmost Cave 8. the Ordeal 9. Reward 10. Road Back

25 III. Return/revelation
11. Resurrection 12. Return with Elixir

26 Step 1 Audience meets the Hero in the Ordinary World

27 1. The Ordinary World The normal, ordinary, predictable world of the hero; everyday life. Could be a place of security, calm, peace, or a place of suffering, boredom, anguish. (Often the hero’s birth or ancestry are mysterious or noble; there’s something extraordinary about this guy.)

28 The Ordinary World Perseus grows up on quiet, little island.
Luke grows up on a quiet, little moisture farm. Harry lives in a closet on Privet Drive. Neo works in a mundane, dull office building. Frodo lives a life of ease in the Shire.

29 Step 2 The Hero receives the Call to Adventure, a challenge, a quest, or a problem that must be solved

30 2. The Call to Adventure A challenge, problem, temptation, earth-shattering revelation, or traumatic event. Internal—feeling of discontent, Hero is unsettled, something is missing, he doesn’t fit in External--hero receives a message, someone comes to get him, the phone rings, something is taken from him

31 Campbell says this about the call to adventure:
The call [is] a … moment, of spiritual passage, which, when complete, amounts to a dying and birth. The familiar life horizon has been outgrown; the old concepts, ideals, and emotional patterns no longer fit; the time for the passing of a threshold is at hand. Picture from quotation from “The Hero with a Thousand Faces,” p. 51

32 The Call To Adventure Perseus is challenged to kill Medusa by Polydectes. Artoo reveals part of Leia’s message to Luke; Ben urges him to join the rebellion. Harry is invited to attend Hogwart’s School. Neo is given a message to “follow the White Rabbit.” Gandalf reveals the secrets of Bilbo’s ring to Frodo.

33 Step 3 Hero expresses fear/unwillingness and is Reluctant or Refuses the Call

34 3. Refusal of the Call The Reluctant Hero.
“I can’t,’ “Leave me out of it,” “Not me,” “Not now.” The character is reluctant, disbelieving, fearful.

35 Refusal of the Call Perseus distresses over where to go and how to get there. Owen plays on Luke’s guilt to keep him on the farm. Uncle Vernon prevents Harry from leaving. Neo resists accepting the truth about reality and his destiny. Frodo wishes someone else would deal with the Ring, offers it to Gandalf.

36 Step 4 A meeting with Mentor provides encouragement, wisdom or magical gifts to push the Hero past fear and doubt

37 4. Meeting the Mentor aid from a protective figure
supernatural helper can take a wide variety of forms: wizard, old man, dwarf, crone, fairy godmother commonly gives the hero a protective amulet or weapon for the journey *talisman *magic weapon

38 Campbell says this about supernatural aid:
For those who have not refused the call, the first encounter … is with a protective figure … who provides the adventurer with amulets against the dragon forces he is about to pass. Picture from quotation from “The Hero with a Thousand Faces,” p. 69

39 Meeting the Mentor Athena & Hermes aid Perseus. Merlin aids Arthur.
Ben Kenobi aids Luke. Dumbledore aids Harry. Morpheus aids Neo. Gandalf aids Frodo

40 Step 5 The character commits; he steps into the adventure, the story begins; he leaves the ordinary world and enters the special world.

41 5. Crossing the First Threshold
Hero encounters the Threshold Guardian Blocks the path~ Hero is not ready OR --Points the way~ Hero enters the “Other” world Once through—no turning back

42 Campbell says this about the crossing of the first threshold:
The hero goes forward in his adventure until he comes to … the entrance zone of magnified power. Beyond … is darkness, the unknown, and danger. Picture from quotation from “The Hero with a Thousand Faces,” p. 77

43 Crossing the First Threshold
Perseus dons the sandals, helmet, sword and shield and leaves Sephiros to find Medusa. Luke leaves his farm (recently destroyed) and Tatooine. Harry boards the Hogwart’s Express. Neo chooses the red pill (not the blue one). Frodo leaves the Shire; volunteers to take the Ring to Mordor.

44 Step 6 The hero investigates the new world, learns, meets friends, encounters enemies, develops strength, courage, and other honorable traits through tests and trials.

45 6. Tests, Allies & Enemies various ARCHETYPES abound temptress loyal companion white goddess evil figure w/ god heart earth mother shadow damsel in distress each successful test proves the Hero's ability and advances the journey toward its climax

46 Campbell says this about the road of trials:
Once having traversed the threshold, the hero … must survive a succession of trials. p. 97

47 Tests, Allies, and Enemies
Perseus outsmarts the gray sisters. Luke encounters rascals in the Mos Eisley cantina and trains with Ben aboard the Falcon. Harry meets friends and foes at Hogwart’s. Neo trains with Morpheus aboard the Nebuchanezzar. Frodo travels east, evading Ringwraiths, Orcs, and other bogies and baddies.

48 Step 7 Danger approaches, caution is needed, tension builds: clarity blurs between friend and foe, duty and desire, good and evil.

49 7. Approach Inmost Cave Belly of the Whale
early obstacle that takes Hero to lowest, darkest point considers giving up

50 Approach to the Innermost Cave
Perseus lands on Medusa’s isle. Luke enters the Death Star. Harry enters the Forbidden Forest. Neo re-enters the Matrix. Frodo enters Shelob’s Lair.

51 Step 8 All hope is lost; A time of darkness and uncertainty.

52 8. Supreme Ordeal also known as the Abyss
the climax—will the hero survive?! the big fight scene the toughest obstacle (internal/external)

53 The Supreme Ordeal Medusa awakens!
Luke is trapped in the trash compactor. His scar burning, Harry collapses in agony before Valdemort. Neo is betrayed by Cipher and “trapped” in the Matrix. Frodo collapses having been betrayed by Gollum and poisoned by Shelob.

54 Step 9 The hero enjoys the Reward of having confronted fear and death

55 9. Reward: Seizing the Sword
specific to Hero may be great knowledge reconciliation with lover tangible item (magical sword, Holy Grail) a moment to celebrate

56 Reward: Seizing the Sword
Perseus slays Medusa. Luke rescues Leia, finds the secret plans, and escapes from the Death Star. Harry solves the puzzles surrounding the Sorceror’s Stone. Neo rescues Morpheus. Frodo destroys the Ring at Mt. Doom.

57 Step 10 Oh no! The character got comfortable too soon. Final - perhaps fatal - stumbling blocks and obstacles arise to challenge the character.

58 10. Road Back Refusal of return Magic Flight/Pursuit
doesn’t want to leave Magic Flight/Pursuit chased out trying to escape Rescue from Without moment of hopelessness rescuer steps in

59 The Road Back The Kraken threatens Andromeda’s life.
Darth Vader kills Ben Kenobi. Ron is disabled, Hermione leaves… Harry confronts Voldemort alone. Neo tries to escape from Agent Smith but is killed. Frodo discovers the Shire is in ruins and ruled by Saruman.

60 Step 11 Purifies, redeems, and transforms the Hero on the Threshold home

61 11. Resurrection Hero “reborn”… “transformed” bigger…better… badder
The second, ultimate, now-or-never, do-or-die confrontation; the character’s last chance to overcome the odds.

62 Resurrection Perseus defeats the Kraken, saving Andromeda.
Luke destroys the Death Star. The magic of his scar protecting him, Harry defeats Valdemort and recovers the Sorceror’s Stone. Neo, after being reborn with a kiss from Trinity, defeats Agent Smith. Frodo expels Saruman, liberating and restoring the Shire.

63 Step 12 Ahhh! Good triumphs over evil, love saves the day, the hero returns home in triumph and all live happily ever after.

64 12. Return with Elixir How will Hero’s return benefit society?
Elixir = Boon (gift to share with others) Purpose of journey– How will Hero’s return benefit society?

65 Return with the Elixir Perseus worthy and tested leader.
Luke brings peace and security to land. Harry saves the day (for now). Neo accepts and relishes his role as the Chosen One—leads with confidence. Frodo protects the Shire.

66 additional Terms Slay the Dragon Atonement Apotheosis
defeat enemy; conquer fear; overcome obstacle Atonement “at one” internal turmoil calmed peace with one’s self & other characters Apotheosis elevated to god-like state/ worshiped

67 Resources Paul Reiff: Vernon Hills High School Robin L. Simmons

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