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Roman Empire #39 Please get a sheet of paper out..

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1 Roman Empire #39 Please get a sheet of paper out.

2 Roman Empire #38 Have notebook out and ready for notes



5 Roman Law Law was first codified by the Twelve Tables Comprised of a court system with lawyers and a judge Foundation for modern laws

6 Julius Caesar Power hungry Roman Senator Power hungry Roman Senator Conquers Gaul Conquers Gaul The Roman Senate grew jealous of Caesar and ordered him to return home The Roman Senate grew jealous of Caesar and ordered him to return home Caesar marched on Rome with his army Caesar marched on Rome with his army

7 First Dictator The other consul, Pompey, lead an army against Caesar The other consul, Pompey, lead an army against Caesar Caesar won the battle and anointed himself dictator Caesar won the battle and anointed himself dictator Caesar was loved by the lower class, but hated by the nobles and Senate Caesar was loved by the lower class, but hated by the nobles and Senate Caesar was betrayed and stabbed to death at the senate Caesar was betrayed and stabbed to death at the senate


9 Augustus (63 BC-AD 14) originally named Octavian Caesars grandnephew and adopted son defeated rivals in civil wars after Caesars death became Romes 1st emperor started a 200-year period of prosperity called the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) Augustus, Romes ablest ruler, creates lasting system of government


11 Roman Emperors #40 Explain how the Republic changed into an Empire.


13 DateName 46 – 44 BCEJulius Caesar + Qualities-Qualities Great General Helped the poor Destroyed Republic Cause of DeathLiked By Killed by BrutusThe People

14 DateName 27 BCE – 14 CEAugustus Caesar + Qualities-Qualities Great Ruler Family Values Helped Jews Cause of DeathLiked By Old AgeThe People and the Senate Begins Pax Romana – 200 years of Roman Peace

15 DateName 14 CE – 37 CETiberius (stoic, unpopular) + Qualities-Qualities Good leaderPicked Caligula Cause of DeathLiked By Smothered byNone Caligula

16 DateName 37 BCE – 4 CECaligula (insane, fat, bald murderer) + Qualities-Qualities Killed most of his family Embarrassed Senate Horse as Consul Steal people at weddings Cause of DeathLiked By Praetorian Guard Himself

17 DateName 41 – 54 CEClaudius (Skilled, but weak ruler) + Qualities-Qualities OK Ruler Adopted Nero Married Agrippina Cause of DeathLiked By Mushrooms fromSome Agrippina

18 DateName 54 – 68 CENero (Insane, dangerous ruler) + Qualities-Qualities Rebuilt RomeKilled wife/mom Killed Christians Beat up people Public Embarrassment Cause of DeathLiked By Himself – withHimself help Nero Fiddled while Rome Burned

19 Stoicism (Stoic) Old Roman To seek control of your emotions is to find virtue Show no pain, fear, joy; no emotion Epicureanism (Epicureans) Greek Import Avoid pain, seek pleasure You do this by avoiding excesses To much of anything is painful

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