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September 19 1.Review Question: How does observing lead to drawing conclusions? 2.Practice Observing, Questioning, Academic Listening: Keith Barrys Brain.

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Presentation on theme: "September 19 1.Review Question: How does observing lead to drawing conclusions? 2.Practice Observing, Questioning, Academic Listening: Keith Barrys Brain."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 19 1.Review Question: How does observing lead to drawing conclusions? 2.Practice Observing, Questioning, Academic Listening: Keith Barrys Brain Magic (Cornell Notes) To watch the video and complete the assignment, go to (search Keith Barry Brain Magic) 1.Process your questions and preliminary conclusions 2.Review kinds of thinking weve done 1.OQL : Cornell Notes: Brain Magic 2.Vocab Quiz: Monday, 9/24 (defs, syns, ants) TOPIC: Thinkstrong Rule 2 (ish) LEVEL: Observing, Questioning, Concluding Assessment / Assignment

2 Lets Review 1.What kinds of thinking have we done in this unit so far? – noticing, observing – drawing conclusions 2.What did we do to promote those kinds of thinking? – Think Circle: noticing (and recording) our thoughts – Pics of Campus: noticing (and recording) our world – Conversation: discussing, deciding together 3.Whats missing, between the act of observing and the act of drawing conclusions? – asking questions (inquiring) – searching for answers

3 Cornell Notes 1.TOPIC: Observing, Questioning, Concluding 2.ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Keith Barrys Brain Magichow does he do it??? 3.MAKE 4 SECTIONS (1/2 page each): – OBSERVATIONS – QUESTIONS – CONCLUSIONS – REVIEW

4 Brain Magic Keith Barry 1.Record your observations: – What does Keith Barry say? (main points + questions + examples) (2 observations) – What does Keith Barry do? (primary actions + activities) (5 observations) 2.Formulate questions: – Write your questions: Try to go beyond How does he do it? (3 questions) 3.Speculate and draw (preliminary) conclusions: – Answer your own questionslist your ideas about how KB achieves his brain magic. (3)

5 Observations What Keith Barry did... 1.Second-sight driving 2.Coke bottle explosion 3.Psychokinesis 4.Hand raising hypnosis 5.Cup and spike

6 Lets Review (on your Cornell notes) 1.What kinds of thinking did you do with Brain Magic? – noticing, observing – questioning, inquiring – speculating – drawing conclusions 2.After observing, what must you do next, in order to draw valid conclusions? – search for answers from reliable, credible sources

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