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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 House SenateBasics 1Basics 2Grab Bag.

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2 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 House SenateBasics 1Basics 2Grab Bag

3 This is the length of a House term

4 What is 2 years?

5 This is the number of members in the House of Representatives

6 What is 435?

7 In terms of residency, the Constitution requires this of House members

8 What is living in the state represented?

9 This is the term for when distribution of House seats occurs after each census

10 What is reapportionment?

11 This city currently has no representation in the House

12 What is Washington D.C.?

13 This is the length of a Senate term

14 What is 6 years?

15 This is the number of years you must be a citizen in order to run for Senate

16 What is 9 years?

17 The Senate is called this because all of its seats are never up for reelection at the same time

18 What is a continuous body?

19 This is how Senators were chosen before the 17 th Amendment

20 What are state legislatures?

21 The Senate is the equivalent of this in the British parliament

22 What is the House of Lords?

23 This is what we call each 2 year period of Congress

24 What is a term?

25 This is another word for a 2 house legislature, such as the U.S. Congress

26 What is bicameral?

27 An emergency can prompt the president to call one of these

28 What is a special session?

29 This is what typically happens in off-year elections

30 What is the presidents party loses seats?

31 Congress keeps its pay high while preventing public outcry over its pay by using these

32 What are allowances or fringe benefits?

33 This is what we call the time it takes to finish the years business

34 What is a session?

35 This is changing district lines to benefit one party or group over another

36 What is gerrymandering?

37 When one person is allowed to represent a geographic region, this is the name of the system

38 What is single member district?

39 This is the act that permanently set the number of seats in the House of Representatives

40 What is the Reapportionment Act of 1929?

41 This is the number of the current term of Congress

42 What is the 112 th Congress?

43 This is the number state representing Arizonas statehood

44 What is 48?

45 This Middle Eastern country is the worlds only theocracy

46 What is Iran?

47 This actress received an Academy Award for best actress in 2010 for The Blindside

48 Who is Sandra Bullock?

49 Term used to describe the annual NCAA Division I basketball tournament ?

50 What is March Madness

51 This is the current U.S. Speaker of the House

52 Who is John Boehner (R-Ohio)?

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