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Dolch Words - Second grade C ususeverywash whichwhywishwork wouldwriteyour Try to read the word on the pink slide. Then, click to see if youre right.

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Presentation on theme: "Dolch Words - Second grade C ususeverywash whichwhywishwork wouldwriteyour Try to read the word on the pink slide. Then, click to see if youre right."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dolch Words - Second grade C ususeverywash whichwhywishwork wouldwriteyour Try to read the word on the pink slide. Then, click to see if youre right.

3 us

4 The crossing guard helps us get across the street safely each day.

5 use

6 People use all sorts of things to style their hair.

7 use Some states are banning the use of cell phones while driving.

8 very

9 It gets very windy during a dust storm.

10 wash

11 Mom says Time to wash up! every night before dinner.

12 which

13 Which animals make better pets?

14 why

15 Why are these bears standing in the water? To catch salmon for dinner.

16 wish

17 Make a wish when you blow out your birthday candles.

18 work

19 He earns some extra money by doing yard work.

20 fireworks construction worker workshop work

21 would

22 Would you like to share some cookies with me? Thank you!

23 write

24 write We can write with printing or with cursive.

25 your

26 Row, row, row your boat...

27 "© 2002, Adapted by permission." Welcome to ASL University! The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981-2002 Mayer-Johnson, Inc. Used with permission. Slide show by Julie Lukert and Pam Rottas assistive technology department, Mesa Public Schools Boardmaker Butte Publications used by permission

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