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By Kelly, Jack, Joanna and Samantha.. Population 11 million of our population in the UK are elderly people! The population of the UK is approximately.

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Presentation on theme: "By Kelly, Jack, Joanna and Samantha.. Population 11 million of our population in the UK are elderly people! The population of the UK is approximately."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Kelly, Jack, Joanna and Samantha.

2 Population 11 million of our population in the UK are elderly people! The population of the UK is approximately 61,113,205.


4 Elderly Housing Stereotypes of how the elderly feel. Upset Lonely Depressed Neglected Annoyed Tired Un-well House bound Scared Under valued Angry Isolated Used Happy Contempt

5 How Abuse and neglect can affect the elderly Physical abuse Physical elder abuse is non-accidental use of force against an elderly person that results in physical pain, injury, or impairment. Such abuse includes inappropriate use of drugs, restraints, or confinement. Neglect or abandonment by caregivers Elder neglect, failure to fulfill a caretaking obligation, constitutes more than half of all reported cases of elder abuse. Emotional abuse Verbal forms of emotional elder abuse include intimidation through yelling or threats In emotional or psychological senior abuse, people speak to or treat elderly persons in ways that cause emotional pain or distress. isolating an elder from friends or activities terrorizing or menacing the elderly person

6 Residential Housing for the elderly Residential housing is sometimes better and easier for the elderly as they are spaced just enough room between the houses and its easier for carers to get to them. Some downfalls are: Carers might become or feel less motivated to make sure the elderly are meeting hygiene standards.

7 Living rooms to talk to other residents.

8 Nursing Homes For elderly people who need more help when they are ill or just getting to elderly to look after themselves.

9 Tower Blocks Old people who live in tower blocks may begin to feel locked in and isolated. They height that they are at may scare them and they may have to climb many stairs to get to their home.

10 Living at home Homes often need adaptations for old people to be able to function. Carers will sometimes come in.

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