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FewSomeAll. Multi-Tiered System of Supports A Comprehensive Framework for Implementing the California Common Core State Standards Professional Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "FewSomeAll. Multi-Tiered System of Supports A Comprehensive Framework for Implementing the California Common Core State Standards Professional Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 FewSomeAll

2 Multi-Tiered System of Supports A Comprehensive Framework for Implementing the California Common Core State Standards Professional Learning Module Series d Unit 1: What is a Multi-Tiered System of Supports? Unit 2: Data-based Decision Making Unit 3: Instructional Practices and Supports Unit 4: Leadership for Implementation of MTSS

3 By the end of this unit, you will be able to: 1.Identify the stages of implementation for MTSS 2.Identify the key members of a district or site implementation team 3.Describe the functions of a leadership team 4.Describe the self-correcting feedback loop 5.Identify the status of your district or school site leadership in implementation of MTSS Learning Objectives

4 Rethinking Scale-up Challenge VIDEO: Rethinking the Scale-Up Challenge (Stumbo & Hill, 2009) (West Wind)

5 Rethinking the Scale-up Challenge Key Points 1.The multiple initiatives at both the district and site levels must be aligned to the overall vision and to each other. 2.Teams must develop the capacity to implement multiple initiatives in a coherent and cohesive manner. 3.Educational systems need a new type of leadership that can attend to both the technical challenges as well as the hearts and minds of those who implement the change.

6 Culture of Alignment Alignment of initiatives, transparency, accountability, collaboration, and joint responsibility for student learning equals successful implementation

7 Alignment of Initiatives, Policies and Practices How do the vision, mission, and goals of the school district support or hinder the implementation of MTSS? How can district resources be allocated to support the implementation? What will be the role of the information technology department? How can school district and individual school-site initiatives be aligned with MTSS?

8 District Initiative Inventory Examine current and past district initiatives in terms of – Expected outcomes – Target populations – Whether they were mandated or voluntary – Financial support provided – Relationship to district priorities and strategic plans – How successful they were – Evidence of the level of success

9 District Initiative Inventory

10 Stages of Implementation 1. Exploration 2. Installation 3.Initial Implementation 4.Full Implementation 5.Improvement and Innovation Work to do it right! Work to improve it! Should we do it? Educators make decisions regarding their commitment to adopting the proposed program and practices, and support successful implementation Set up an infrastructure for successful implementation District and school site teams try out the practices, work out the details, and use what they have learned Programs and practices can be expanded to other locations, individuals, and times Team members will begin to suggest and implement ways to make the innovation easier, more efficient, and to embed and align it with other practices

11 Implementation Takes Time A great deal of planning and support is required to change long-established practices and cultures District and school site teams should expect 2-3 years from initial implementation to reach full implementation Build in supports for all involved

12 Time to Reflect Reflect on your own district – Are there initiatives that are being proposed and/or considered? – Has the district considered the stages of implementation that will lead to sustainable programs and practices? – What steps have been taken prior to initial implementation?

13 Systemic Levels District LevelSite Level Grade/Course Level Student Level

14 Exploration and Initial Implementation Require – Clear and unbiased understanding of the current practices and the way these practices impact outcomes for students – Strong vision and commitment at all levels of leadership – Careful consideration of district and site cultures – Developing and navigating a course for improvement – Formal leadership and stakeholders must fully participate in problem-solving and decision making (Schmoker, 2006)

15 Successful MTSS Leadership Collaborative and facilitative leadership Provide the basis for embedding and sustaining MTSS Align supports and practices to effectively implement MTSS Develop a communication plan for communicating consistent and timely MTSS information to site teams and the community.

16 District Leadership Crucial to ensure that systemic support for MTSS is in place prior to, and continuing as, site leadership teams are developed

17 Leadership Within MTSS Functions of leadership teams: – Align policies, practices, and procedures to support site implementation – Design the MTSS to support the learning of all students To accomplish these functions: – Include district and site administrators to provide leadership, support, and authority – Include all other individuals with decision making authority over curriculum, instruction, and assessments.

18 District Model (Adapted from Michigan Dept. of Education) Cabinet Level Team Implementation Planning Team Provides vision for the district, political support for innovation, and visibility for MTSS Ensures allocation of resources Works to remove barriers to implementation Collects, summarizes, and evaluates data Analyzes the data to develop a district-wide implementation plan Coordinates and monitors the plan Creates and modifies support materials Identifies barriers to implementation Coordination 1 1 2 2 3 3

19 PLANDO STUDY ACT The Continuous Improvement Feedback Loop District Leadership Team COMMUNICATE

20 District Level Implementation Team Gathers and examines data on student progress, practices, policies, and procedures Develops a plan to implement MTSS Coordinates, supports, and monitors the plan

21 MTSS Coordinator Directs the implementation – Trains and coaches support staff and other members of the leadership team – Ensures there are experts available for content – Provides materials – Conducts evaluations

22 Systemic Levels District Level Site Level

23 Site Implementation Leadership Team Membership Principal Teachers – General educators – Special educators – English Learner educators Support staff – Psychologists – Speech and language specialists – English Language development specialists – Reading Specialists – Paraprofessionals Parents and families Other members where appropriate

24 Site Implementation Leadership Team Roles and Responsibilities Align current initiatives and activities Collect and analyze current academic and behavioral data Complete a site MTSS needs assessment – Determine what supports are in place – Use the resulting data to establish priorities Build necessary infrastructure to establish and sustain MTSS practices Facilitate and evaluate the implementation of data- informed problem-solving Continuously monitor the implementation of MTSS Consistently communicate

25 The Continuous Improvement Feedback Loop Site Leadership Team Communicate PLANDO STUDY ACT COMMUNICATE

26 PLANDO STUDY ACT The Continuous Improvement Feedback Loop Grade / Course Level Team COMMUNICATE

27 DO STUDY ACT COMMUNICATE PLAN DO STUDY ACT COMMUNICATE STUDY ACTPLAN Self-Correcting Feedback Loop District Leadership Team Grade/Course Level Team Site Leadership Team Improving the system Improving Instruction

28 MTSS Needs Assessment and Action Planning Tool


30 1: Not Yet Implementing / Planning3: Proficient - The required system is in place and is beginning to have an impact 2: Implementing at Marginal Level – Just beginning the process of building the required systems 4: Exemplary – Full implementation with an effective outcome MTSS Needs Assessment and Action Planning Tool


32 Time to Reflect What did you learn in Unit 4? What questions do you have?

33 FewSomeAll

34 Dona Meinders WestEd Center for Prevention and Early Intervention 916-492-4013 Further Information

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