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AIRS Standards A Comprehensive Overview Building a Quality I&R Program AIRS Conference-Reno, Nevada June 2, 2009 Presenters Charlene Hipes, Chief Operating.

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Presentation on theme: "AIRS Standards A Comprehensive Overview Building a Quality I&R Program AIRS Conference-Reno, Nevada June 2, 2009 Presenters Charlene Hipes, Chief Operating."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIRS Standards A Comprehensive Overview Building a Quality I&R Program AIRS Conference-Reno, Nevada June 2, 2009 Presenters Charlene Hipes, Chief Operating Officer AIRS Faed Hendry – Manager Training and Outreach- Findhelp Information Services

2 Session Objectives To discuss the AIRS Standards for Professional Information and Referral (Version 6.0) and how they relate to creating a sound organizational framework. How to use the Standards to create a quality service. To highlight recent changes to the Standards To discuss the Standards in relation to the AIRS Accreditation process.

3 Why Standards? Provides a framework Defines a coordinated way to deliver services Outlines expectations Provides a way to measure quality

4 Why are the Standards Important? The standards address all aspects of an I&R services operation. They establish reference points that define expected practices within the field. Compliance can be measured The standards provide a basis for two important credentialing programs: AIRS Accreditation and Certification

5 History. The AIRS Standards for Professional Information & Referral were first published in 1973. The Standards have grown with our field, binding together every aspect of I&R. The Standards are the prime benchmark of quality I&R. Recent advances in technology have resulted in an explosion of information services in all sectors of society

6 History Basic principals of I&R remain as important today as they were when the first Standards were drafted 32 years ago Vision of the early I&R pioneers has provided an enduring framework

7 Standards Revision Process Criteria for making additions and changes to the Standards include the following: Standards should reflect current I&R practice. Standards should be adopted because they improve the quality and consistency of I&R services. Standards should be achievable by all I&R service providers.

8 New Standards The last major change to the Standards was the publication of 5.0 in 2004 that saw the creation of two new standards relating to Crisis Intervention and Disaster Preparedness Crisis Intervention Standard: This standard addresses how to meet the short-term needs of inquirers experiencing crisis who may contact the I&R service. Disaster Preparedness Standard: This standard provides information on how to prepare for the role of community partner during a disaster.

9 New Standards Version 6.0 Additional Channels for Access Content Management and Indexing Program Evaluation and Quality Assurance

10 Quality Indicators A quality indicator is a measurable variable that can be used to determine the degree of adherence to a standard or achievement of quality goals. The indicators are ideals that support and provide a framework for the Standards and replace the criteria that were listed in previous editions.

11 Standards Provide the Basic Framework Service Delivery Standards Resource Database Standards Reports and Measures Cooperative Relationships Disaster Preparedness Organizational Requirements

12 The AIRS Standards and ? The AIRS Standards much like LEGO are building blocks. By using the assorted LEGO pieces build a quality I&R program by identifying which area of the AIRS Standards you would use first. Service Delivery? Organizational Requirements? Using all of the 6 areas and the 28 standards, construct your I&R program according to which area and standard you would use first. BE CREATIVE!

13 AIRS Standards Area I - Service Delivery Standards 1 - 6 Assessment and Referral Provision Information Provision Crisis Intervention Advocacy/Intervention Follow-Up Additional Channels for Access

14 AIRS Standards Area II - Resource Database Standards 7 - 12 Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Data Elements Classification System/Taxonomy Content Management and Indexing Database Search Methods Database Maintenance

15 AIRS Standards Area III - Reports and Measures Standards 13 - 14 Inquirer Data Collection Data Analysis & Reporting

16 AIRS Standards Area IV - Cooperative Relationships Standards 15 - 16 Cooperative Relationships within the I & R System Cooperative Relationships with Service Providers

17 AIRS Standards Area V – Disaster Preparedness Standards 17-23 Emergency Operations and Business Contingency Plan Formal Relationships with Government and Private Sector Emergency Operations and Relief Agencies Disaster Resources Disaster-Related I&R Service Delivery Disaster-Related Inquirer Data Collection/Reports Disaster-Related Technology Requirements Disaster Training and Exercise

18 AIRS Standards Area VI - Organizational Requirements Standards 24 – 28 Governance Personnel Administration Staff Training Promotion and Outreach Program Evaluation and Quality Assurance

19 AIRS Accreditation AIRS Accreditation assesses the ability of an I&R program to demonstrate full compliance with the AIRS Standards It is the primary quality assurance mechanism for gauging I&R excellence. Accreditation is a multi-phase process that assesses more than 200 distinct operational components and culminates in a detailed onsite review. Self-Assessment Readiness Tool

20 Why is Accreditation Important to 2-1-1/I&R Programs Broader recognition by peers in the field. Demonstrated commitment on the part of leadership to meeting the highest standards in the field. Objective evidence of achievement in the areas of service quality and effectiveness. Enhanced credibility in the eyes of the public and other stakeholders. Stronger position in what is emerging as a competitive field, e.g., an edge in competitions for the lead agency status in local 2-1-1 systems. Expanded access to new markets, government assistance and foundation grants.

21 For More Information Charlene Hipes Chief Operating Officer Alliance of Information & Referral Systems (AIRS) PO Box 33095, Portland, OR 97292 (503) 257-3537 Fax: (503) 251-8383

22 Information & Referral System Building a Better World by Bringing People and Services Together

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