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211 Service Delivery & Quality Assurance: Creating the Complete Package.

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Presentation on theme: "211 Service Delivery & Quality Assurance: Creating the Complete Package."— Presentation transcript:

1 211 Service Delivery & Quality Assurance: Creating the Complete Package

2 Todays Goal Demonstrate the relationship between Quality Assurance and Service Delivery by: 1.Understanding each branch individually 2.How they work together

3 The Complete I&R Package

4 Complete the Puzzle

5 Puzzle Exercise What did you realize? What were your first thoughts on completing the puzzle? What were you feeling working in your group?

6 Why Separate Branches? Ensures partnership Objective third party Safe environment Constant process Timely work load Cost effective

7 Quality Assurance Why is it important? What is monitored? How do we do it?

8 QA: Why is it important? AIRS Standards Contractual obligations and deliverables Customer service goals

9 QA: What is Monitored? Customer service skills Appropriate referrals Proper documentation Client satisfaction


11 QA: How Do We Do It? Call recording and intake monitoring Call calibration exercises Client satisfaction survey Review the trends with Trainer and Service Delivery Work with staff

12 Call Calibration Exercise Listen to a few calls Use the Call Monitoring Scorecard Discuss in your breakout group Prepare two items per group to share

13 Service Delivery What is Service Delivery? Why is it important? How does Training and Quality Assurance impact Service Delivery?

14 Service Delivery: What is it? The end result of Training and Quality Assurance Re-enforcement arm Front line to ensure contract deliverables are being met

15 Service Delivery: Why is it important? AIRS Accreditation Grants, Funders, & Contract Deliverables Fee for Service


17 Training & Quality Assurance: Impact on Service Delivery Consistency Contract deliverables Data, data, data

18 Questions?

19 Thank You! Brandon Dotts Service Delivery and Project Manager 211 San Diego 858-300-1296 Meg Storer Quality Assurance Coordinator 211 San Diego 858-300-1240

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