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Secretariat for Multidimensional Security
Our Obligations (According to Executive Order No. 08-01 Rev
Our Obligations (According to Executive Order No Rev. 4 of the General Secretariat) To advise the General Secretariat and the OAS political bodies. To support Member States in meeting their international security commitments. To act as the Technical Secretariat of the Committee on Hemispheric Security of the Permanent Council. To represents the Secretary General in dealings with the political bodies of the Organization, on missions, in international meetings, and in other events dealing with matters in its area of competence; prepares special reports and performs other tasks as assigned by the Secretary General. To direct the development of programs and projects of cooperation and technical assistance. To establish and maintain cooperative relations with international and regional organizations, as well as public and private institutions. Nuestras obligaciones han sido sintetizadas por el Secretario General en la Orden Ejecutiva No Rev. 4, en los siete puntos que ustedes pueden ver en pantalla: Asesorar a la Secretaría General y a los órganos políticos de la OEA. Apoyar a los Estados Miembros en el cumplimiento de sus compromisos internacionales en materia de seguridad. Actuar como la Secretaría Técnica de la Comisión de Seguridad Hemisférica del Consejo Permanente. Representar al Secretario General ante los órganos políticos de la OEA. Dirigir la formulación de programas y proyectos de cooperación y asistencia técnica. Elaborar lineamientos básicos de legislaciones modelo en materia de seguridad; fomentar mecanismos y espacios para el intercambio de experiencias e información entre los Estados Miembros en su área de competencia; y desarrollar actividades destinadas a fortalecer las capacidades humanas e institucionales para mejorar la seguridad desde un enfoque multidimensional en todo el Hemisferio. Establecer y mantener relaciones de cooperación con organismos internacionales y regionales, así como instituciones públicas y privadas
SMS Secretariat for Mulitdimensional Security
Summits GA General Assembly PC Permanent Council SG Secretary General CHS Committee on Hemispheric Security MISPA REMJA SMS Secretariat for Mulitdimensional Security Specific Funds DSDH Department of Defense and Hemispheric Security CICTE Inter-American Committee on Terrorism CICAD Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission DSP Department of Public Security 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Prioritization of our mandates and duties
Support the political and affiliated organizations in the Inter-American system. Support the institutional strengthening of member states in issues of security. Support the development of legal frameworks in issues of security in Member States. Support the efforts carried out by Member States in issues related to the prevention and impact of crime and violence. Support the efforts carried out by Member States as they address organized crime. Support the efforts of Member States in issues related to other threats to security, such as natural disasters or man-made threats. Support the Member States’ capacity to develop and gather information as well as with the communication and dissemination of the material related to security themes in the hemisphere.
Addressing our priorities
In terms of Policy Coordination: The Secretary General of the OAS, through the Secretariat of Multidimensional Security, supervises, coordinates or acts as Executive or Technical Secretary of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission; of the Inter-American Committee on Terrorism; of the Inter-American Convention against the Manufacturing and Trafficking of Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and other Related Meterials; of the Hemispheric Plan against Transnational Organized Crime; of the Mulitlateral Evaluation Mechanism of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission; Working Group to Prepare a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter- American Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs; the technical group on transnational organized crime; the Meeting of national authorities on issues of treatment; the meeting of authorities responsible for policies on prison and incarceration; the meeting of Forensic Specialists; and the Group of Experts on Drug Demand Reduction, Money Laundering, Maritime Trafficking and Chemical Precursors.
This is how we address our priorities
On Legislative issues: We support member states in the ratification of international instruments, in their adoption and implementation (National Legislation, Models of Legislation and Comparative Analysis). On issues of Institutional Strengthening: We promote professionalization, accountability processes and specialization of law enforcement agencies, border control agencies, Penal Justice Institutions, Regulatory agencies, Armed forces, civil society and the private sector. We also support member states in the development of information systems within the context of security. On issues of other threats: Preparation for natural disasters, clearance and protection of critical infrastructure. On issues of Communication, Information and Dissemination: Maintain an Inter-American Observatory on Drugs, and Observatory on Citizen Security and develop yearly statistical summaries.
During the period August 2010 - August 2011...
In terms of supporting political organizations: Aided the activities of the Committee on Hemispheric Security aimed at drafting the Declaration of the General Assembly in San Salvador and other activities of the Secretary General on the Assembly We actively participated in preparation of the International Conference in Support of Central American Security Strategy and the Conference itself, as members of "Friends" of the Security Strategy We contributed to the organization and implementation of two ordinary sessions of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission We contributed to the organization and implementation of two ordinary sessions of the Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism
During the period August 2010 - August 2011 ...
In terms of technical cooperation: We initiated or continued the operation of 46 programs On issues of internal reorganization: We created a new Department: Hemispheric Defense and Security We recieved three new Department Direcotrs: Adriana Mejía (Public Security); Abraham Stein (Hemispheric Defense and Security) and Paul Simons (CICAD). We said goodbye to a good friend: Jim Mack
In 2012… In terms of support for political organisms:
We will maintain our relief activities of the Committee on Hemispheric Security, in particular regarding the preparation of the draft plan of action to follow up on the Declaration of San Salvador. We will continue to participate in the activities of the Friends of the Central American Security Strategy. We will continue to address the political bodies, meetings of National Authorities, entities of the OAS Technical Groups, Working Groups and Evaluation Mechanisms We will contribute to the organization and implementation of regular sessions of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control, in particular the special session designed to celebrate 25 years of CICAD We will contribute to the organization and implementation of regular meetings of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism We will support the organization and implementation of the Third Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Security in the Americas, held in Trinidad and Tobago
In 2012… In terms of technical cooperation:
We will maintain the operation of our programs We will seek to implement a special program within the Central American Security Strategy, to be initially applied in the three countries of the "northern triangle" more Belize Mission Support Security in Central America or "MAS Central America." In terms of internal reorganization: We will put into operation the Department of Defense and Hemispheric Security. "
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