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CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CRIME PREVENTION AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (CPSD) ACTION PLAN, 2009 - 2013 Presented by: by Beverly Reynolds, Programme Manager, Sustainable.

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Presentation on theme: "CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CRIME PREVENTION AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (CPSD) ACTION PLAN, 2009 - 2013 Presented by: by Beverly Reynolds, Programme Manager, Sustainable."— Presentation transcript:

1 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CRIME PREVENTION AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (CPSD) ACTION PLAN, 2009 - 2013 Presented by: by Beverly Reynolds, Programme Manager, Sustainable Development, HSD. 31st March 2011

2 BACKGROUND UNODC –World Bank Report (2007) Crime, Violence and Development: Trends, Cost and Policy Options in the Caribbean – UNODC –World Bank Report (2007) Crime, Violence and Development: Trends, Cost and Policy Options in the Caribbean – Crime and Violence is a development issueCrime and Violence is a development issue Crime and violence largely related to illicit drugs (trafficking and use)Crime and violence largely related to illicit drugs (trafficking and use) Over reliance on criminal justice approach to crime reductionOver reliance on criminal justice approach to crime reduction Central role of governments of Member States in prevention and reductionCentral role of governments of Member States in prevention and reduction

3 Mandates Twelfth Special COHSOD on Children Twelfth Special COHSOD on Children Mandated the CARICOM Secretariat to collaborate with the International Organizations and Third States in developing a regional crime prevention initiative to complement the national and bilateral efforts. Draft CPSD Action Plan - developed in collaboration with UNODC - presented to XVII Meeting of COHSOD (2008); approved the Objectives and Strategic Framework of the Plan as a basis for further consultation at the National level Draft CPSD Action Plan - developed in collaboration with UNODC - presented to XVII Meeting of COHSOD (2008); approved the Objectives and Strategic Framework of the Plan as a basis for further consultation at the National level

4 Objective of the SDCP Action Plan To prevent and reduce levels of violence and crime in CARICOM Member States, the Dominican Republic and Cuba through a cross- sectoral and multidisciplinary approach focused on: To prevent and reduce levels of violence and crime in CARICOM Member States, the Dominican Republic and Cuba through a cross- sectoral and multidisciplinary approach focused on: Groups at risk especially children and youthGroups at risk especially children and youth Institutional responses to crime and violence from a prevention perspectiveInstitutional responses to crime and violence from a prevention perspective Sustainability Sustainability Govt. leadership and commitment ; participatory approachesGovt. leadership and commitment ; participatory approaches


6 SDCP Action Plan: Pillar I - Prevent and Reduce Crime Key Areas Key Areas Early childhood Early childhood Health and Security Health and Security School Settings School Settings Child Victimization Child Victimization Institutional Violence Against Children Institutional Violence Against Children Key Areas Guns Guns Police Contributions Police Contributions Alcohol and Substance Abuse Alcohol and Substance Abuse Violent Youth Gangs Violent Youth Gangs Gender-based Violence Gender-based Violence

7 SDCP Action Plan Pillar II - Foster Social Inclusion Pillar II - Foster Social Inclusion Education Education Employment and Livelihood Opportunities Employment and Livelihood Opportunities Culture and Sports Culture and Sports Drug trade related risks Drug trade related risks Pillar III – Promote Reintegration Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice Prison Overcrowding Prison Overcrowding Alternatives to Imprisonment Alternatives to Imprisonment Promotion of rehabilitation and social reintegration in prisons Promotion of rehabilitation and social reintegration in prisons Restorative Justice Restorative Justice Deportees Deportees

8 SDCP Action Plan Pillar IV - Empower Victims Pillar IV - Empower Victims Prevent Re-victimization Prevent Re-victimization Police and other Institutional Contributions Police and other Institutional Contributions Victims as Witnesses – Vulnerable Groups Victims as Witnesses – Vulnerable Groups Child Victims Child Victims Victims of Gender-based Violence Victims of Gender-based Violence Pillar V – Protect Environment &Economic Resources Environmental Crimes Environmental Crimes Economic Crimes Economic Crimes Corruption Corruption

9 Consultations Total of nine meetings during August to November 2010 Expert Meeting – August, Guyana Expert Meeting – August, Guyana Policy Consultation Policy Consultation 3 rd Joint COHSOD – COTED; Guyana, September 20103 rd Joint COHSOD – COTED; Guyana, September 2010 20 th COHSOD - Education and Employment Guyana, September 201020 th COHSOD - Education and Employment Guyana, September 2010 4 Sub-regional Meetings 4 Sub-regional Meetings 2 Civil Society2 Civil Society 2 Mixed2 Mixed 1 Regional (held in St. Kitts and Nevis 9 countries participated) 1 Regional (held in St. Kitts and Nevis 9 countries participated) 4 consultations with youth (Bahamas, Jamaica, St. KN) 4 consultations with youth (Bahamas, Jamaica, St. KN)

10 Consultations Findings Thematic Areas consistent with many of the issues identified in CYR Gangs and related violence wide-spread across the Community Parenting - critical protective factor against youth crime and violence Community development and governance fundamental to reducing poverty and by extension crime and violence

11 Thematic Priorities and Actions Priorities Supportive/Protective Environment Building Resilience in adolescents and youths Employment Opportunities Reducing Recidivism Addressing gangs and related violence Actions Community development and governance Parenting Life skills training, school retention Shills training, entrepreneur development, 2 nd chance programmes Alternative to incarceration (eg Drug Courts)

12 Initiatives Current Drug Demand Reduction Initiatives Drug courts and treatment and rehab. Centres/programmes Human Resource On line training/CICAD – CARICOM –Universities Initiative Deportees Life Skill programmes Proposed/In the Pipeline Pilot Project in identified countries to address gangs and gang violence; community development; gender based violence; Entrepreneurial training

13 Next Steps Refining Action Plan Refining Action Plan Bi-lateral consultations Bi-lateral consultations Regional programmes Regional programmes Implementation of Pilot Projects Implementation of Pilot Projects Resource Mobilization Resource Mobilization Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and Evaluation Feedback loop for best practiceFeedback loop for best practice

14 Partners European Union (9 th EDF) OAS/CICAD UNODC UNICEF UNDP Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI - USAID) Universities in the Caribbean


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