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Washington, D.C., October 18, 2013 Working Group of the PC on the Strategic Vision of the OAS THE OAS DEVELOPMENT PILLAR.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington, D.C., October 18, 2013 Working Group of the PC on the Strategic Vision of the OAS THE OAS DEVELOPMENT PILLAR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington, D.C., October 18, 2013 Working Group of the PC on the Strategic Vision of the OAS THE OAS DEVELOPMENT PILLAR

2 1948: Charter of the OAS (Art. 3) The elimination of extreme poverty is an essential part of the promotion and consolidation of representative democracy and is a common and shared responsibility of the American States. 1948: Charter of the OAS (Art. 3) The elimination of extreme poverty is an essential part of the promotion and consolidation of representative democracy and is a common and shared responsibility of the American States. 2001: Inter-American Democratic Charter (Art. 11) Democracy and social and economic development are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. 2001: Inter-American Democratic Charter (Art. 11) Democracy and social and economic development are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. 2012: Social Charter of the Americas (Art. 1) Development with equity strengthens and consolidates democracy, since the two are interdependent and are mutually reinforcing. 2012: Social Charter of the Americas (Art. 1) Development with equity strengthens and consolidates democracy, since the two are interdependent and are mutually reinforcing. OAS and Development


4 Human Development, Education and Employment: Reduce poverty, inequality, and exclusion by improving access to quality education and decent work Sustainable Development: Build Sustainability and Resilience in the Americas Economic and Social Development: Promote Inclusive Economic Growth, Competitiveness and Innovation Programs & Objectives: Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Development

5 DESDDHDEEDSD Policy Dialogue and Institutional Strengthening Meetings of Ministers & High-level Authorities Inter-American Committees Inter-Sectorial Dialogues Technical Support, Cooperation and Capacity Building Economic Growth & Social Inclusion Competitiveness, Innovation & Technology Migration Access to Quality Education Innovation in Education Labor and Employment Energy Security Sustainable Cities, Resilience & Risk Management Environmental Governance Water Security Structure

6 ECONOMIC & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATION & EMPLOYMENT SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Economic Growth and Social Inclusion MSME Support e.g. Small Business Development Centers Inter-American Social Protection Network (IASPN) Capacity Building for Trade Negotiation & Implementation of Trade Agreements Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Foreign Trade Information Systems (SICE) Tourism Program Cultural and creative industries Competitiveness, Innovation & Technology Americas Competitiveness Forum Inter-American Competitiveness Network (RIAC) InnovaNet Migration Support to the Committee on Migration 2013 SICREMI Study on International Migration Access to Quality Education Professional development, vocational training and higher education opportunities/scholarships Partnership building and Institutional Strengthening Inter-American Teacher Education Network (ITEN) & Inter-American Collaboratory on the Teaching Profession (Co-TEP)- multilingual, open access knowledge bank for teaching policies and practices Higher Education Platform (HEEP), a virtual sharing space, repository and mapping of projects & research Innovation in Education Portal of the Americas – provide online training, offer open educational resources, reach citizens in remote areas Mobile learning – expand access by capitalizing on mobile device availability Virtual Educa -- boost competitiveness in a knowledge society Labor and Employment Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL) Developing Talent: Bridging the Skills Gap Leo S. Rowe Pan-American Fund Supplementary Financial Aid/Loans Energy Security Energy & Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) US-Brazil Biofuels Partnership (technology exchange and capacity building) Sustainable Communities Integrated approaches to physical planning that mainstreams conservation Risk Management & resilience programs Technology exchange and capacity building Environmental Governance Support formulation of environmental laws, policies & programs Strengthen mechanisms to incorporate sustainable development concerns into decision-making Water Security Integrated Water Resources Management Regional cooperation for coordinated management of shared river basins (Central America, South America)

7 Resources

8 RegionAcademicPAECPDSPLeo RoweTotal Caribbean 771913961368 North America 9944825*176 Central America 2522823312498 South America 317453731141263 Total All Regions14212586932122305 Access to Quality Education Dept. of Human Development, Education & Employment, 2012-2013 Program/ProjectAccomplishments Portal of Americas 5,043 trained Provided support and training platform for CIM, CIDH, Trust for the Americas Inter-American Teachers Education Network (ITEN) 9,509 teachers participated in webinars 18,000 active members in both English and Spanish ITEN communities Virtual Educa 28,500 persons participated onsite in policy dialogue, training in ICTs and education 107,000 online participants High-tech, pop-up school contributed to host city Armando Paz 19,186 participated in programs Building a culture of peace with Youth in C. America through Arts, Media & Social Dialogue Innovation in Education *Rowe fund loans for North America were granted to OAS Staff

9 Resources Dept. of Human Development, Education & Employment, 2012-2013

10 Labor and Employment Continued to position the OAS as the premier forum for political dialogue and cooperation on labor matters at the Hemispheric level, through the 50 th Anniversary of the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML) and ongoing successful operation of the Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL) During 2012-2013, RIAL implemented 17 horizontal cooperation activities between labor ministries of the Americas and offered 3 RIAL workshops; 2 IACML working group meetings were held during the same period Dept. of Human Development, Education & Employment, 2012-2013 Realized inter-ministerial dialogue with the organization of a dialogue between Ministry of Labor and CIM on gender equity in labor market Organized a RIAL Workshop on Child Labor in Costa Rica (Feb.2013), the recommendations of which provided input from The Americas to the Global Conference on Child Labor (Brasilia, Oct.9-10,2013)

11 Establishment of small business development centers in Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Jamaica, and St. Lucia to support small business and entrepreneurs, connecting them with an inter-regional network of buyers and suppliers 500 Central American small business advisors trained on ICT to expand markets for women entrepreneurs Newly established Inter-American Dialogue of High-Level MSME Authorities, the only hemispheric MSME policy forum [2010: Mexico; 2012: United States; 2013: Brazil] Tourism Tourism Meeting of Ministers revitalized leading to establishment of new Partnerships and the development of a new shared sustainable tourism agenda from El Salvador 2011 through Ecuador 2012 and Honduras 2013 Implementation of the First Cycle of the Hemispheric Fund for Tourism (FHT) providing seed capital for tourism projects in poor communities MSMEs Dept. of Economic & Social Development, 2012-2013

12 Developed and launched diploma course in social protection with Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile and University of the West Indies, Jamaica The Inter-American Social Protection Network (IASPN) brokered over 10 exchanges of experiences among OAS member states on social protection and poverty eradication Migration Launch of the 2012 SICREMI Report on international migration policy development and flows in the Americas Social Protection Dept. of Economic & Social Development, 2012-2013

13 Recognition of the OAS as the main forum for inter-American dialogue and cooperation on competitiveness through the Inter-American Competitiveness Network (RIAC) and the Americas Competitiveness Forum (ACF) [2011-Dom Rep; 2012-Colombia; 2013-Panama] Over 100 projects and programs to improve innovation, productivity and competitiveness showcased in the Signs of Competitiveness in the Americas Report (2012 and 2013) which led to 10 cooperation initiatives among OAS member states Enhanced partnerships and support for RIAC from 10 institutions (CABEI, CAF, CIFAL, Compete Caribbean, ECLAC, GFCC, IDB, SIECA, Tec de Monterrey, World Bank) Competitiveness Dept. of Economic & Social Development, 2012-2013

14 Dept. of Sustainable Development, 2012-2013 Provided technical support for the development of ethanol facilities in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador Launched the hemispheric version of the internationally recognized cradle-to-cradle (C2C) certification. Worked with Ecuadorian firm, Batery Alimentos, to meet the technical requirements to receive the first C2C certification in the Americas Energy Security Program resulted in cabinet-approved National Energy Policies and Action Plans in Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis and Saint Lucia Contributed to multi-agency report on the Energy Challenges and Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean to be launched in Uruguay in October 2013

15 Dept. of Sustainable Development, 2012-2013 Worked with governments of Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay to formulate a strategic vision for the Gran Chaco river basin Designed course on Water Diplomacy to be taught at Tec Monterrey in Mexico Conceptualized sustainable development plan for Trifinio region (Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala) that resulted in the signing of a cooperation agreement with the government of Honduras Water Security

16 Dept. of Sustainable Development, 2012-2013 Completed a Flood Early Warning System and Plan for Honduras Contributed as lead author of a chapter on Emergent Risks and Key Vulnerabilities for the Fifth Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sustainable Communities Awarded $700,000 in grants to 14 NGOs in Central America and the Caribbean to develop sustainable community projects in clean energy, waste management and recycling, resilience to natural disasters and sustainable transport

17 Dept. of Sustainable Development, 2012-2013 Convened a major side event on sustainable development in the Americas during the UNs Rio + 20 Conference Gave technical support for the design of green economy processes in Barbados and Saint Lucia Environmental Governance Co-organized (with UNEP) a World Congress which produced the 2012 Rio Declaration on Justice, Law and Governance for Environmental Sustainability

18 OAS and Development 2.0 Capitalize on existing strengths and experience to facilitate a comprehensive, all-of-government approach to development, including through cross-sectoral initiatives Contribute to strengthening of governance and effective public institutions through policy dialogue and strong mechanisms for horizontal cooperation Optimize partnerships to construct human development initiatives that are sustainable and inclusive in nature and that contribute to enhancing innovation and competitiveness Strengthen political dialogue on development and broaden strategic partnerships for cooperation Deepen institutional relationships including serving on working groups of the post-2015 development agenda

19 Inter-American Democratic Charter Social Charter The promotion and observance of economic, social, and cultural rights are inherently linked to integral development, equitable economic growth, and to the consolidation of democracy in the states of the Hemisphere. Shared Vision Art. 11 Art. 2

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