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Rights to Protect. Contributions for an Inter-American Convention for the Rights of Older Persons 22 February, 2012 Sandra Huenchuan Expert on ageing Economic.

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Presentation on theme: "Rights to Protect. Contributions for an Inter-American Convention for the Rights of Older Persons 22 February, 2012 Sandra Huenchuan Expert on ageing Economic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rights to Protect. Contributions for an Inter-American Convention for the Rights of Older Persons 22 February, 2012 Sandra Huenchuan Expert on ageing Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

2 The consensus built beginning with the Brasilia Declaration Broadening of consensus Sub- regional perspective Rights to protects Technical elements Brazil (2008) Argentina (2009) Chile (2009) El Salvador (2010)

3 The doctrinal and empirical basis of the proposal The existing instruments and international policies that recognize the rights of older persons help to identify some general spheres that should be included in a future covention. Special protection laws for the rights of older persons in Latin America deliver a primary standarization of the rights of older persons. The situation for older persons allows for the identification of specific areas that require a greater and broader protection by the international community.

4 Key contents for a convention Equality and non- discrimination by age Fundamental human rights and freedoms of a general nature Rights of particular interest for older persons Rights for specific groups

5 Equality and non-discrimination by age Prohibition of all discrimination by reason of age and guarantee all older persons effective protection against discrimination by reason of age and any other motive. Adoption of pertinent measures to ensure the realization of reasonable accommodation. Adoption of special measures for the protection of older persons. Development of specific approaches in ageing policies directed towards older persons in high vulnerability situations, including women, persons with disabilities, migrants and persons in poverty or social marginalization situations, among others.

6 Fundamental human rights and freedoms of a general nature Of life and dignity at the end of life Physical, patrimonial, mental and emotional integrity, and to not suffer mistreatment Prevention of torture and cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment Personal freedom and security Freedom of expression and opinion and access to information Equality before the law Access to justice Judicial protection and guarantees Work Guarantee of income, social security and retirement Priority attention Family protection Participation in political and public life Enjoyment of the highest possible level of physical and mental health Education Housing and a healthy environment Awareness, advocacy, etc.

7 Rights of particular interest to older persons Right to live in an independent manner and to be included in the community. Right to an adequate quality of life and access to adequate social/protection services. Fundamental rights and freedoms of persons receiving residential care.

8 Rights of particular interest to older persons. Older womenOlder indigenous persons Older persons belonging to ethnic, linguistic or religious minorities Older persons on risky situations and humanitarian emergencies

9 Enchancers/facilitators for the exercise of the rights of older persons Affirmative actions Intergenerational solidarity Information and data compilation International cooperation


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