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Afro- descendants in Latin America: Poverty, Inequality and Discrimination ANNEX II.

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Presentation on theme: "Afro- descendants in Latin America: Poverty, Inequality and Discrimination ANNEX II."— Presentation transcript:

1 Afro- descendants in Latin America: Poverty, Inequality and Discrimination ANNEX II

2 Where are they? Who are they?

3 The Afro descendant Population is concentrated geographically

4 Poverty Rates are higher than national average

5 Unemployment is higher

6 Life is Harder for Afro-descendant Women

7 Infant Mortality is higher

8 Colombia Infant Mortality in Groups 1–4 (rates for 1,000 live births)

9 They are more vulnerable in situations of conflict In Colombia 22 per cent of internally displaced people are Afro Colombians…their assets are not protected.

10 Discrimination In Qualitative research undertaken in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Afro descendants felt discriminated against in the education system, in the labor market, in obtaining housing, in the streets…in the political and judicial systems

11 Breaking the pattern of Inequality: Building a Rights Based Agenda … Leveling the field in secondary and higher education is fundamental.... Improving health infrastructure to reduce maternal/infant mortality... Equalizing opportunities for medium and high level employment…special programs are needed. Expanding access to assets of Afro Descendant communities, particularly in rural areas ( land, biodiversity, credit..).

12 Building a Rights Agenda (cont.d) It is urgent to improve national statistics to reflect the situation of afro descendants on health, education, conflict, employment, participation in financial markets, etc. The Millennium Development goals must be a benchmark to measure poverty reduction among afro descendants..

13 Strengthening Civil Society International Development institutions have a key role to play in supporting Afro Descendant NGOs- technically and financially- and in strengthening community organizations.

14 Are you black? : No !! Your grandmother? Perhaps…

15 Breaking Sheer Discrimination Working with governments, civil society groups and the afro descendant community to understand and act upon (self) discriminatory patterns, attitudes and behavior…

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