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1 Inter-American Committee on Ports Secretariat Executive Secretariat for Integral Development October 5, 2012.

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1 1 Inter-American Committee on Ports Secretariat Executive Secretariat for Integral Development October 5, 2012

2 2 Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) CIP is the inter-American permanent forum at the highest governmental level that promotes development and hemispheric cooperation in the port sector with the participation and collaboration of the private sector. Central Themes Strengthening of the inter- American dialogue Capacity building and community of practice Articulation of cooperation and private-public partnerships, including direct technical assistance Dissemination and promotion of Ports of the Americas. Priority Areas Logistics, Innovation and Competitiveness Sustainable Port Management and Environmental Protection Port Protection and Security Public Policy, Legislation and Regulation Tourism, Ship Services and Navigation Safety Corporate Social Responsibility and Women in Port

3 3 Organizational Structure of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development At the strategic level, the SEDI Executive Secretary ensures integrating CIP with the different areas and themes of SEDI and other OAS Secretariats. Due to its related themes and complementarities with the Department of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism, its Director is responsible of the CIP Secretariat operation. Source: Organizational Charts, Executive Order No. 08-01 Rev. 5Organizational Charts, Executive Order No. 08-01 Rev. 5

4 4 CIP Department of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism CIP, SEDI and the General Secretariat Department of Human Development, Education and Culture Department of Sustainable Development Competitiveness Corporate Social Responsibility Science, Technology and Innovation Scholarships, Training and Capacity Building Secretaría de Seguridad Multidimensional Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) Water Resource Management Energy and Climate Change Mitigation Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI)

5 5 CIP Secretariat (Past) CIP Secretariat Structure: Past and Present CIP Secretary Supporting personnel (3) CIP Secretariat (Present) Executive Secretary, SEDI (strategic level) Director, Department of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism (responsible) Supporting personnel (3)

6 6 CIP Secretariat Expenses (Thousand dollars) 2010 2012* *Updated until September 30, 2012 Travel: OAS participation in meetings and events 2011 OAS Regular Funds were essentially used to pay the CIP Secretary position Total expenses for CIP Secretariat ($000): $456 (2010), $301 (2011), $165 (2012, until Sept. 30)

7 7Conclusion The CIP Secretariat today implements programs more effectively, less costly and with closer links to the activities of the Department of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism (DEDTT), the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) and the Organization of American States (OAS).

8 8 Courtesy of: CEPAL Thank You Inter-American Committee on Ports Cooperation for the development of competitive, safe and sustainable ports in the Americas

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