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1. Trinidad and Tobagos Response to Impacting Global Events Global Economic Crisis (2007-present) preceded by the Global Food Crisis (2006-2008) negatively.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Trinidad and Tobagos Response to Impacting Global Events Global Economic Crisis (2007-present) preceded by the Global Food Crisis (2006-2008) negatively."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 Trinidad and Tobagos Response to Impacting Global Events Global Economic Crisis (2007-present) preceded by the Global Food Crisis (2006-2008) negatively impacted on the ability of countries to provide effective social protection programmes to vulnerable populations. These events may retard the steady progress achieved in reducing global poverty in line with the MDGs, which set specific targets to halve world poverty by 2015. The Government of Trinidad and Tobago remains committed to realising its vision of achieving sustainable human & social development. Ongoing social programmes have been streamlined and prioritized in order to ensure efficiency in the delivery of social services. 2

3 T&T Framework for Sustainable Development & MDGs Pillar 1: People-Centred Development Pillar 2: Poverty Eradication & Social Justice Pillar 3: National & Personal Security Pillar 4: Information & Communication Technologies Pillar 5: A More Diversified, Knowledge Intensive Economy Pillar 6: Good Governance Pillar 7: Foreign Policy MDG Goal 1: Eradicate Extreme Hunger & Poverty Target 1 A: Halve the proportion of people living in poverty by 2015 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO National Strategic Plan Pillar II: Poverty Eradication and Social Justice- Preference for the Poor and Disadvantaged To reduce the number of people classified as poor by 2% each year MPSD Corporate Objective 1: To reduce the incidence of poverty in society 3

4 Poverty Statistics in T&T Population (1,262,366) Living above poverty line (1,051,551) Non-Poor (937,939) Vulnerable (113,612) Living below poverty line (210,815) Poor (195,667) Indigent (15,148) Level of Poverty and Vulnerability lines TT$ Per MonthTT$ Per Annum Revised Poverty Line 2009/2010 Indigence line$255.003,060.00479.75 Poverty Line$665.007,980.001247.34 Vulnerability Line$831.259,975.00 4

5 Social Sector Investment & Unemployment Statistics YearUnemployment Rate 2000 12.17 2001 10.83 2002 10.4 2003 10.47 2004 8.37 2005 7.97 2006 6.22 2007 5.6 2008 4.6 2009 5.0* The steady decline in unemployment over the past decade from 12.2% (2000) to 5.0% (2009) is testimony to the availability of social intervention programmes that provide sustainable employment opportunities and training targeted at the most vulnerable in society. Allocations to the social sector have ranged from TT$7 billion (9.8% of GDP) in 2004 to TT$15 billion (16.1% of GDP) in 2008. 5

6 Government Ministries involved in Poverty Reduction Ministry of Social Development Social Welfare; TCCTP; PRP Community Development CDF Women in Harmony Export Centres Education School Nutrition Programme School Transport Agriculture, Land & Marine Resources YAPA Public Utilities Hardship Relief Programme NSDP Local Government CEPEP Health C-DAP Financial Aid to Necessitous Parents Planning Housing & the Environment Squatter Regularization Accelerated Housing Programme Science, Technology & Tertiary Education MuST Retraining Programme Works and Transport URP 6

7 Areas of Social Programming in T&T Food Security & Income Generation Targeted Conditional Cash Transfer Programme (TCCTP) & STEP-UP Micro-credit & Entrepreneurship Micro-Enterprise Loan (MEL) Micro-Enterprise Grant (MEG) Employment-related training Women (Women in Harmony, Non-traditional Skills Training Programme) Youths (YTEPP, HYPE, YES, CCC, OJT) General (MUST, Retraining Programme) Social Welfare Old Age Pension Disability Assistance Grant Public Assistance Grant Poverty Reduction Programme Regional Social & Human Development Councils (RSHDCs) Community-based Tele-centres) 7

8 Food Security & Income Generation Trageted Conditional Cash Transfer Programme 8

9 S Social Empowerment & Transformation Programme-Uplifting People FIN Social Protection Programmes Employment Opportunities Life Skills Developmental Programmes Client Assessment Eligibility Family Worker and client will begin to examine the key areas of family life and construct the STEPS to a higher standard of living. Minimum conditions established. Minimum Conditions Achieved Graduation STEP-UP 9

10 THE END 10

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