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Published byJennifer Russo Modified over 11 years ago
Hall A collaboration meeting, December 5-6, 2005, 1 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility HALL-A STATUS REPORT Hall A Collaboration Meeting December 5-6, 2005 K EES DE J AGER J EFFERSON L ABORATORY Mauro Iodice has kindly agreed to host a wine-and cheese gathering Monday evening in the Residence Facility, starting at 5:30 pm Eric Voutier has hand-carried a selection of French cheeses If you attend (most of you, I hope) please pay Heather the standard 9 $ contribution
Hall A collaboration meeting, December 5-6, 2005, 2 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Septum Magnets Left septum can run at 60-65 µA Right septum quenched at 30 µA A sweep magnet was constructed for HAPPEx which was predicted to reduce heat deposition by factor 2-4 HAPPEx-He showed only a very modest increase in the max. tolerable current to 35 µA However, HAPPEx-II with the hydrogen target could run at 58 µA In agreement with Eugenes simulation Clearly, the neutron production from the helium target dumps a significant amount of heat into the septa
Hall A collaboration meeting, December 5-6, 2005, 3 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Hall A Approved Proposals PAC 4-27 36 Experiments completed Backlog ~4 years (annual average for Hall A is ~80 days at full funding)
Hall A collaboration meeting, December 5-6, 2005, 4 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Proposals to be submitted to PAC29 Jeopardy E03-003Polarization Transfer in Wide-Angle Compton ScatteringB. Wojtsekhowski17 E03-004Measurement of the Single Target-Spin Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive Pion Electron Production on a Transversely Polarized 3 He Target X. Jiang24 E03-011Clean Measurement of the Neutron Skin of 208 Pb through Parity-Violating Electron ScatteringR. Michaels30 New PR06-00Measurement of the neutron d 2 B. Sawatsky13 PR06-00PV electron scattering in the resonance regionP. Bosted14 PR06-00IA Limitations to the (e,ep) Reaction on 208 PbA. Saha10 PR06-00Strange form factor of the proton at 2 GeV 2 B. Wojtsekhowski35 PR06-00Transversity in π + production X. Jiang 24 PR06-00Single Target-Spin Asymmetry in Inclusive ScatteringT. Holmstrom1 Total158 Allocation(13+7+24+30)74
Hall A collaboration meeting, December 5-6, 2005, 5 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Publications (incl. submissions) in 2005 P. Ulmer et al., Polarization Transfer in the d(e,ep)n Reaction up to Q 2 = 1.61 (GeV/c) 2, PRL. J. Kelly et al., Recoil Polarization Measurement for Neutral Pion Electroproduction at Q 2 = 1 (GeV/c) 2 near the Delta Resonance, PRC, nucl-ex/0509004. K.A. Aniol et al., Constraints on the nucleon strange form factors at Q 2 ~ 0.1 GeV 2, PLB; nucl-ex/0506011. K.A. Aniol et al., Parity-violating electron scattering from 4 He and the strange electric form factor of the nucleon, PRL; nucl-ex/0506010. Geraud Laveissiere, et al., Photon Electroproduction from Hydrogen at Backward Angles and Momentum Transfer Squared of Q 2 = 1.0 GeV 2, PRL; hep-ex/0406062. S. Escoffier et al., Accurate measurement of the electron beam polarization in Jlab Hall A using Compton polarimetry, NIM A551, 563 (2005). K. Kramer et al., The Q 2 -dependence of the neutron spin structure function g n 2 at low Q 2, PRL 95, 142002 (2005). J.J. Kelly et al., Recoil polarization for delta excitation in pion electroproduction, PRL 95, 102001 (2005). V. Punjabi et al., Proton Elastic Form Factor Ratios for Q 2 = 3.5 GeV 2 by polarization transfer, PRC 71, 055202 (2005). L.Y. Zhu et al., Cross Section Measurements of Charged Pion Photoproduction in Hydrogen and Deuterium from 1.1 to 5.5 GeV, PRC 71, 044603 (2005). Zein-Eddine Meziani et al., Higher Twists and Color Polarizabilities in the Neutron, PLB 613, 148 (2005) D.J. Hamilton et al., Polarization transfer in proton Compton scattering at high momentum transfer, PRL 94, 242001 (2005). Marat Rvachev et al., The Quasielastic 3 He(e,e'p)d Reaction at Q 2 = 1.5 GeV 2 for Recoil Momenta up to 1 GeV/c, PRL94 192302 (2005). Issam Qattan et al., Precision Rosenbluth measurement of the proton elastic form factors, PRL 94, 142301 (2005). Fatiha Benmokhtar et al., Measurement of the 3 He(e,e'p)pn reaction at high missing energies and momenta, PRL94, 082305 (2005). Total number of Hall A publications: PRL+PLB 26+2, PRC 13+2, NIM 12. Average time from completion of experiment to submission 20 months with 75% within 3 years. At present 5 experiments that have not submitted a manuscript more than 3 years after completion
Hall A collaboration meeting, December 5-6, 2005, 6 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility PUBLICATIONS Archival papers to be completed in the next year: -E89-044 3 He(e,ep) -E91-026deuteron A and B -E93-050VCS -E94-010GDH -E99-007 G E p -II -E99-114WACS Achievements to date: E89-003 16 O(e,ep) published E91-010HAPPEx-I published E91-011 N-> submitted E93-027G E p -I published E94-012H( ) π o published E94-104 n -> π - ppublished E95-001G M n circulating E99-117A 1 n published Central repository of figures and publications on Hall A webpage Please submit figures of all publications to Rob Feuerbach Please send copy of all publications to Heather simultaneous to submission
Hall A collaboration meeting, December 5-6, 2005, 7 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Scheduled Experiments in Hall A ExpTitleSpokespersons Dec-FebInstallation of polarized 3 He target and Big Bite Mar-MayE02-013Measurement of G E n at High Q 2 G. Cates, B. Reitz, B. Wojtsekhowski JunBack to standard configuration In summer Hall A runs only if in parallel to G 0 backward at low energy E05-103Low-Energy deuteron photodisintegrationR. Gilman E05-004A(Q) at low QR. Gilman Sep-OctE03-105Polarization transfer in 4 He(e,ep)S. Strauch Dec-MarE04-018Elastic scattering off 3,4 HeM. Petratos plus possibly one more standard configuration experiment (E03-101, E04-107, E04-002) FY07run mainly BigBite plus polarized 3 He experiments FY08HAPPEx-III, Lead Parity, Pentaquark search Budget consequences not yet clear. For FY06 an up to 13% reduction (8% plus unknown recission). So far, 6 weeks cut out of summer running for G 0 that will have to be run at a later stage In Hall A highest priority to running experiments scheduled for 2006 This will come at the expense of capital funding for future experiments
Hall A collaboration meeting, December 5-6, 2005, 8 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Hall A Schedule (Tentative!)
Hall A collaboration meeting, December 5-6, 2005, 9 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Budget and Long-Term Outlook Lehman Review (July 12-14) was very successful However, CD-1 still not approved FY06 budget does mention support for PED Kovar has expressed strong support for 12 GeV upgrade even after FY06 budget was decided on New improved design for the MAD spectrometer in Hall A After spectrometer review Larry Cardman stated that a new review of all upgrade instrumentation should happen in early 2006
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