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1.  Action Item 2.1a: “Improve coordination, effectiveness, and efficiency among federal agencies through establishment of a FICOR”  Key tasks to accomplish.

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Presentation on theme: "1.  Action Item 2.1a: “Improve coordination, effectiveness, and efficiency among federal agencies through establishment of a FICOR”  Key tasks to accomplish."— Presentation transcript:

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2  Action Item 2.1a: “Improve coordination, effectiveness, and efficiency among federal agencies through establishment of a FICOR”  Key tasks to accomplish include: ◦ Provide up-to-date web-based information ◦ Streamline and align policies ◦ Improve the engagement of youth in healthy active lifestyles ◦ Target underserved and disadvantaged communities ◦ Identify partners outside of the federal government who can promote outdoor recreation and provide resources and access 2

3 Federal Interagency Council on Outdoor Recreation (FICOR) Directors of agencies that manage Federal outdoor recreation facilities, lands, and waters (meets twice per year) Bureau of Land Management, Bob Abbey, Director Bureau of Reclamation, Michael L. Connor, Commissioner Fish and Wildlife Service, Dan Ashe, Director National Park Service, Jon Jarvis, Director NOAA, Jane Lubchenco, Director US Army Corps of Engineers, Major General Meredith W.B. (Bo) Temple, Acting Commanding General USDA Forest Service, Tom Tidwell, Chief FICOR Working Group Senior agency staff representatives managing outdoor recreation resources (meets monthly or when needed) USFS Jim Bedwell (202) 205-1240 Kristen Nelson (202) 205-1406 kristennelson@fs.fed. us BOR Kate Goggin (202) 513-1599 Peggy Haren (303) 445-2898 BLM Andy Tenney (202) 912-7094 Patti Klein (801) 539-4235 NPS Joel Lynch (202) 273-3656 Charlie Stockman (202) 354-6907 Patrick Gregerson Patrick_Gregerson@n (202) 354-6972 NOAA Lindsey Williams (301) 713- 3070 lindsey.c.willi ams@noaa.go v FWS Kevin Kilcullen (703)358- 2382 kevin_kilkullen USACE Mary Coulombe (202) 761-1228 Mary.J.Coulombe Pep Periso (202) 761-0036 Peppino.j.persio@us Other Federal agencies and FACA Chartered Advisory Committees Representatives of agencies and councils with health, tourism, transportation and other outdoor recreation related interests or resources may participate and provide input to the working group either on a permanent or ad hoc issue basis to ensure broader Federal coordination Deliberative Pre-decisional Communication---Not Administration Policy 3

4 FICOR Working Group Key Agency Leaders for Recreation & Visitor Services Programs FICOR Principals BLM, BOR, FWS, NOAA, NPS, USACE, USFS, Directors of agencies that Manage Outdoor Recreation Facilities, Lands, and Waters Tribes and Native American Interests Professional Societies, Universities, Research Outdoor Recreation National Interests, Organizations, and Stakeholders State and Local Recreation and Parks Interests Other Federal Interagency Councils and Committees related to Outdoor Recreation, Trails, Rivers, Tourism and others National FACA Advisory Committees: WHHCC, Sport Fishing and Boating, Youth Coordination with Other Federal Agencies with Recreation Interests or Resources FICOR will coordinate with National Outdoor Recreation Interests and Organizations FICOR can provide an opportunity for a national forum for discussion of national issues and solutions. Deliberative Pre-decisional Communication---Not Administration Policy 4

5  FICOR MOU: Interdepartmental Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by the Secretaries of Agriculture, Army (COE), Commerce, and Interior. The MOU, completed in May 2011establishes commitment for land and resource agencies to coordinate outdoor recreation policy, programs and activities.  FICOR Working Group established: Key recreation program leaders from BLM, BOR, FWS, NPS, FS and NOAA have formed a working group to define FICOR functions and stand up operation, establish proposed priorities, consult with external interests and plan the first meeting of the agency leaders. This group will provide the day to day operational support and staffing for the FICOR. Coordinating with DOI (Will Shafroth), CEQ and OMB.  Draft Operational Charter Developed: Charter clarifies organizational operation and function of the FICOR, its working group and relationships with other Federal agencies and external. Draft charter is being reviewed by departmental solicitors. Charter provides an agreement on what FICOR is and the shared vision for FICOR operation. Charter will be signed by the agency directors. 5

6  Communication and Outreach: Conducted White House meeting with CEQ to roll out FICOR in June 20011 in conjunction with Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Council meeting and other sporting interests. Currently developing a communications plan to describe FICOR and its operation. Plan will include how FICOR will engage,reach out to and receive input from major national organizations and FACA councils for coordination.  Establishing Priorities for First Year: Working group, with input from the AGO report and recreation interests, is developing list of priority issues. This suite of emphasis areas and interagency actions will be provided to the FICOR Principals to assess and prioritize for interagency coordination, policy alignment, and collaboration.  Planning for first FICOR Meeting: Working group is developing briefing materials for agency leadership, planning for the Inaugural FICOR Principal meeting. Agenda for the meeting will be to affirm FICOR operational guidance and identify first 1 to 3 year priorities for interagency coordination. Focusing on day long meeting in late Fall of 2011 or early 2012. 6

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