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Studies of the Deuteron at High Q 2 Hassan Ibrahim Old Dominion University (for the E01-020 Collaboration*) Hall A Collaboration Meeting June 22, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Studies of the Deuteron at High Q 2 Hassan Ibrahim Old Dominion University (for the E01-020 Collaboration*) Hall A Collaboration Meeting June 22, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Studies of the Deuteron at High Q 2 Hassan Ibrahim Old Dominion University (for the E01-020 Collaboration*) Hall A Collaboration Meeting June 22, 2006 * Spokespersons: * Spokespersons: W. Boeglin, M. Jones, A. Klein, P. Ulmer and E. Voutier Graduate Students: Graduate Students: L. Coman and H. Ibrahim (E01-020 Update)

2 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting2 Electron Spectrometer Proton Spectrometer ElectronBeam Target (LD 2 ) 2H(e,e'p)n2H(e,e'p)n2H(e,e'p)n2H(e,e'p)n ServicePositions Q Q Q Q Q Q D D BeamDump Hall A at Jefferson Lab E01-020

3 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting3 Reaction Kinematics e e' q p n nq Reaction Plane Scattering Plane e

4 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting4 Plane Wave Impulse Approximation and Beyondd pn e e' q p' d PWIA np n' p' d p'' FSI e e' q MEC e e' p n q p' IC e e' q p' d n p n' n'

5 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting5 Reaction Cross Section

6 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting6 R LT and Relativity The longitudinal component of the relativistic electromagnetic nuclear current contains additional spin-orbit term. The longitudinal component of the relativistic electromagnetic nuclear current contains additional spin-orbit term. This additional term can interfere with the spin-flip magnetization term in the transverse current component. This additional term can interfere with the spin-flip magnetization term in the transverse current component. But, non-relativistically, there is no such additional term since L reflects charge only and can not interfere with the spin-flip part of T. But, non-relativistically, there is no such additional term since L reflects charge only and can not interfere with the spin-flip part of T. Therefore, we can test relativistic models by separating R LT. Therefore, we can test relativistic models by separating R LT.

7 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting7 Run Summary Neutron Direction Q 2 (GeV/c) 2 P m (MeV/c) xBxB FSIMEC / ICMotivation Parallel (p m || q)2.1 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 < 1 MinimumMaximum Emphasize MEC / IC Anti-Parallel (p m || - q)2.1 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 > 1 MinimumMinimum Study Deuteron Short-range Structure Perpendic- ular (p m q) 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 1VariableMinimum Test Relativistic Models (R LT ) Neutron Angular Distribution0.82.13.5 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 VariableVariableVariableStudy FSI

8 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting8 Mean versus Most Probable Energy Loss (E Loss ) E miss (MeV) Data Simulation Mean E Loss : M. P. E Loss : M. P. E Loss :

9 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting9 ARC versus Tiefenbach Beam Energy Run # ARC E miss (MeV) Tief. E Beam (MeV) Tief. E miss (MeV) E miss (MeV) (ARC - Tief.) 12423.52843.53.50.0 12433.62843.53.60.0 12524.02843.13.70.3 12543.92843.13.50.4 The dependence of E miss on the beam energy for 2 H is calculated for the shown runs from the same kinematics. The nominal ARC E Beam = 2843.6 MeV. This table shows that the variations in the Tief. beam energy are adequate to calculate the actual beam energy for each run.

10 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting10 Coincidence Time No Cuts: No Cuts: E miss Cut: E miss Cut: Q3D f20l

11 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting11 Scintillator Calibration No Cuts: No Cuts: E miss Cut: E miss Cut: Q3D f20l Q3D f20r

12 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting12 Beam Current

13 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting13 Beam Position

14 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting14 Kinematics Calibration Use different hydrogen elastic kinematics at the same E Beam. Minimize the W, E m, p mx, p my and p mz offsets ( y j, j=1,…,5) between the data and the simulation (W M p, E m 0, p m 0). Fit for the relative momentum deviations, e = e'/e' and p = p/p, the in-plane angular offsets, e and p and the out-of-plane angular offsets, e and p ( x i, i=1,…,6) to minimize y j.

15 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting15 Original Variable Offsets A new code was written to fit for the kinematics offsets by minimizing the variable offsets in this table. Run # E Beam (MeV) k (MeV) p (MeV) θ e (mr) θ p (mr) δW (MeV) δE m (MeV) δp mx (MeV) δp my (MeV) δp mz (MeV) 25945008.42918.52877.330.474-30.4839.9662.2393.2210.8470.863 25965008.43159.32617.426.981-33.30110.8582.3474.0080.8411.001 25995008.43425.22338.923.979-36.57910.7712.5634.214-0.3941.358 26005008.43695.42044.620.980-40.3988.7991.8353.944-0.9780.696 26325008.43140.32648.027.265-32.9179.8362.3233.5990.6061.290 26725008.53140.32648.027.265-32.9179.9022.0593.8300.3470.964 27925008.53140.22648.027.264-32.92711.0612.5254.0960.5541.300

16 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting16 Minimized Variable Offsets The minimized variable offsets after the kinematics calibration are shown in this table. Run # δW (MeV) δE m (MeV) δp mx (MeV) δp my (MeV) δp mz (MeV) 2594-0.526-0.168-0.359-0.220-0.239 2596+0.652+0.027+0.216+0.401-0.064 2599+0.818+0.335+0.188-0.152+0.353 2600-0.732-0.292-0.326-0.028-0.265 2632-0.402-0.011-0.182+0.102+0.218 2672-0.336-0.275+0.049-0.157-0.109 2792+0.824+0.192+0.315+0.050+0.228

17 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting17 Kinematics Offsets e (x10 -3 ) p (x10 -3 ) e (mr) p (mr) e (mr) p (mr) Offsets -0.287-0.574-1.146-0.448+1.054-1.440 Uncert. ±0.173±0. 232±0.117±0.132±0.230±0.291

18 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting18 Missing Energy (E miss ) Data (MeV/c 2 )Simulation (MeV/c 2 ) KinematicsLeftRightLeftRight Q3D f002.35312.51 Q3D f102.102.712.55 Q3D f202.423.102.642.45 Q3D f302.513.152.792.45 Q3D f402.253.052.802.57 Q3D f50-2.95-2.62

19 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting19 Relative Momentum Deviation (δ p ) Simulation : Data : Data : Q3D f20lQ3D f20r

20 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting20 PID (Čerenkov Detector) ECSUM ECSUM > 150 99% Efficiency No Cuts: No Cuts: ECSUM Cut:

21 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting21 PID (Pion Rejector) 99% Efficiency PRSUM Cut No Cuts: No Cuts: PRSUM Cut:

22 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting22 Theoretical Calculations We have now Lagets PWIA calculations fully integrated with the recent official MCEEP version. We hope that the full Lagets calculations will be available soon to us (This will include all the different mechanisms such as FSI, MEC and IC. We also expect to use Sargsians calculations once they are made available to us.

23 6/22/2006Studies of the Deuteron at High Four-Momentum Transfer, Hassan Ibrahim, HAll A Meeting23 Summary The experiment ran in 2002 for 2 months and collected about 2 TB of data for more than 120 different kinematics. All the optimizations and calibrations of the two spectrometers have been completed or are finishing up. Extensive software improvements and additions have been made in ESPACE and MCEEP. Many new standalone codes were written to display and optimize the different aspects of the data. Several passes through the data were done to correct for the beam position and to extract the stable current time periods. Lagets PWIA grid interpolation was implemented in MCEEP. The highest Q 2 final results are expected by the end of 2006.

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