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Survey of Issues Misak Sargsian Florida International University.

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Presentation on theme: "Survey of Issues Misak Sargsian Florida International University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survey of Issues Misak Sargsian Florida International University

2 Structure of the Nucleon

3 Nuclear Matter Electromagnetic Interaction Strong Interaction

4 Quark Degrees of Freedom Neutron Stars

5 Pandharipande, Heiselberg, 2000

6 Microscopic Structure of NN Interaction and properties of Dense Nuclear Matter Degenerate neutron and electron Fermi Gas Oppenheimer-Volkoff model, 1939 Observational

7 Microscopic Structure of NN, NNN,... Interactions NN interaction



10 In the Lab

11 How to get nucleons close together Probing at large relative momenta In the Lab


13 Day,Frankfurt, MS, Strikman, PRC 1993

14 Egiyan, et al PRC 2004


16 Egiyan, et al PRL 2006

17 What we Learned from A(e,e)X Reactions



20 neutron proton 6p and 6n rate calculate the expected proton rate

21 92% of the time two-nucleon high density fluctuations are ptoron and neutron 4% of the time proton-proton or neutron-neutron Piasetzky, Sargsian, Strikman, Frankfurt, Watson PRL 2006 Important Implication for the structure of the neutron stars

22 3N Intercation Relativistic Effects Effectively Repulsive ?


24 In the Lab



27 Chemical Potential and Quantum Field Classical Thermodynamics for Open Systems Added energy due to Ni matter introduced to the system Diffusive Equilibrium

28 Particles in the Cold Dense Matter Everything may change when kinetic energy of NN system exceeds 300 MeV The system becomes effectively open Particles which leave the star do not contribute in

29 Kaon Condensation Interaction is attractivekaon energy decreases with density Strangeness Enhancement


31 In the Lab The role of in High Density Fluctuations Role of the Strangeness in High Density Fluctuations Hyperon N interaction Chiral Restoration

32 Chiral Restoration and Hidden Color In the world where chiral symmetry is broken Deuteron (t=0,s=1) two nucleons two-separately color neutral objects In the world where chiral symmetry is unbroken Signature of Chiral Simmetry Restoration with an increase of internal momenum in the deuteron Survey Experiments

33 with an increase of internal momenum in the deuteron

34 Quark Matter Estimates done within Bag Model

35 In the Lab Probing superfast quarks

36 Hard Disintegration N N d


38 Modification of quark distributions in nucllei (EMC effect) α,p t d e e x, Q 2


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