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UML-Based Ontology Toolset Dr. Paul Kogut Lockheed Martin Management & Data Systems Valley Forge, PA.

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Presentation on theme: "UML-Based Ontology Toolset Dr. Paul Kogut Lockheed Martin Management & Data Systems Valley Forge, PA."— Presentation transcript:

1 UML-Based Ontology Toolset Dr. Paul Kogut Lockheed Martin Management & Data Systems Valley Forge, PA

2 Page 2 l Input: URI for HTML webpage l Processing: extract common entities and relationships and link them to appropriate DAML classes and properties u Bill Gates->genericOntology:person l Output: DAML annotation file l Wow factor: accelerate the proliferation of DAML annotated websites by helping the typical website developer who does not care about what an ontology is l Candidate improvements: u Allow the user to select other ontologies besides the default generic ontology è OpenCyc, CIA Factbook, IEEE Standard Upper Ontology u Allow the user to annotate an entire website (not just a single page) AeroDAML

3 Page 3 DAML VisuaLinks l Input: URI for DAML annotated website l Processing: advanced graphical tools from Visual Analytics display property links u persons to organizations... l Output: visualization of DAML annotations l Wow factors: u help analyst mine information from DAML websites u help website developers check for DAML annotation errors l Candidate improvements: u enhance the prototype u integrate with AeroDAML

4 Page 4 ConsVISor l Input: URI for DAML ontology or annotation l Processing: Prolog-based tool that checks ontologies against the DAML+OIL axiomatic semantic specification l Output: list of error and warning messages l Wow factors: u help ontology engineers check ontologies u help website developers check DAML annotations l Candidate improvements: u integrate with Specware and SNARK theorem prover u add BugVISor

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