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Semantic Web for the Military User Overview. Outline Objectives – motivation Agenda Participants Next Steps as a group Each area will present –C2 Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Semantic Web for the Military User Overview. Outline Objectives – motivation Agenda Participants Next Steps as a group Each area will present –C2 Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semantic Web for the Military User Overview

2 Outline Objectives – motivation Agenda Participants Next Steps as a group Each area will present –C2 Applications –Doctrine/Lessons Learned –Intelligence

3 Motivation Opportunities of the Semantic Web are being considered and explored in multiple ways by several organizations. Purpose –Bring together the forward thinkers of the Military Services that may take advantage of the Semantic Web –Expose them to Semantic Web concept and how DAML is approaching building the language, tools and services –Expose one-another to early adopter uses of DAML –Explore additional opportunities among the participant potential transition organizations

4 Agenda Overview of DAML activities/thrusts Transition organizations presented –Intelink Management Office - Horus Project –Center for Army Lessons Learned –Navy Development Warfare Command Command and Control Lessons Learned/Doctrine development Breakouts in areas of C2, Doctrine/Lessons Learned, and Intelligence explored additional uses of DAML Agenda with links to presentations and organizations available on

5 SWMU Participant Potential Transition Organizations Air Mobility Command Air Force Research Laboratory – Rome Center for Army Lessons Learned Commander EOD Group 2 Defense Modeling and Simulation Office Intelink Management Office Marine Corps Intelligence Activity Navy Warfare Development Command National Reconnaissance Office Office of Naval Intelligence Office of Naval Research SPAWAR Systems Center US Joint Forces Command Chief of Naval Operations N6

6 Next Steps Each group, C3, Intel, and Doctrine/LL has follow-up action Second meeting in late August/early September –NRL, Dr. David Aha is hosting Next will see reports by each group facilitated by –Joe RockmoreIntelligence –John FlynnDoctrine/Lessons Learned –Tom MartinC2 Applications

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