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Dynamics Research Corporation Hot DAML Submission: DAML Dining Lee Lacy (407) 380-1200 x104 DAML PI Meeting, Nashua, NH July 18-20, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamics Research Corporation Hot DAML Submission: DAML Dining Lee Lacy (407) 380-1200 x104 DAML PI Meeting, Nashua, NH July 18-20, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamics Research Corporation Hot DAML Submission: DAML Dining Lee Lacy (407) 380-1200 x104 DAML PI Meeting, Nashua, NH July 18-20, 2001

2 INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS THROUGH PEOPLE, PROCESSES, AND TECHNOLOGY Dynamics Research Corporation Agenda Motivation and Application Overview Live Demonstration of Current Prototype Behind the Scenes Tour Summary

3 INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS THROUGH PEOPLE, PROCESSES, AND TECHNOLOGY Dynamics Research Corporation Overview Motivation –Demonstrate value-add application enabled by semantic web technology –Support common easily understood domain –Gain understanding of access technologies related to DAML+OIL representations Selected Application –Restaurant ontology supporting repository of information –Restaurant data maintenance software –Itinerary ontology obtainable from travel agents –Semantic join across restaurant and itinerary ontologies

4 INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS THROUGH PEOPLE, PROCESSES, AND TECHNOLOGY Dynamics Research Corporation Restaurant Ontology RestaurantMenu Location Restaurant locatedIn containsItem hasMenu RestaurantMenuItem

5 INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS THROUGH PEOPLE, PROCESSES, AND TECHNOLOGY Dynamics Research Corporation Restaurant Information Repository DAML artifact file (instance data) Available at URL to any human or agent reader

6 INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS THROUGH PEOPLE, PROCESSES, AND TECHNOLOGY Dynamics Research Corporation Form Validation VB Script DAML Export VB Script Restaurant Instance Data Maintenance Restaurant DB DAML+OIL Restaurant Artifact DAML+OIL Restaurant Ontology

7 INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS THROUGH PEOPLE, PROCESSES, AND TECHNOLOGY Dynamics Research Corporation Itinerary Ontology Automatically generated by travel agent Based on Sabre system web itinerary content

8 INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS THROUGH PEOPLE, PROCESSES, AND TECHNOLOGY Dynamics Research Corporation Semantic Join Performed using postal code data property of –Itinerary ontologys hotel location information –Restaurant ontologys location information Search performed by custom application that restricts restaurant location search based on result of hotels location

9 INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS THROUGH PEOPLE, PROCESSES, AND TECHNOLOGY Dynamics Research Corporation Search Code and Output Formatter (DAML artifact) (DAML artifact constructed from Travel Agent Sites, e.g., Sabre) Behind the Scenes SEEK.XML Restaurant Information Repository Itinerary File Identified in Search criteria.XML.HTML.DAML Search Form Find.asp XSLT


11 INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS THROUGH PEOPLE, PROCESSES, AND TECHNOLOGY Dynamics Research Corporation Summary DAML DINING: DAML DINING: Intended to demonstrate practical uses of semantic web technology in simple to understand domain Example application code shows semantic join of hotel postal code from an itinerary file with postal code of stored restaurants Prototype currently being updated XSLT technology used to support queries and formatting

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