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DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 DAML-S Briefing DAML-S Web Services Coalition Presented by: David Martin (SRI) Sheila McIlraith (Stanford KSL)

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Presentation on theme: "DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 DAML-S Briefing DAML-S Web Services Coalition Presented by: David Martin (SRI) Sheila McIlraith (Stanford KSL)"— Presentation transcript:

1 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 DAML-S Briefing DAML-S Web Services Coalition Presented by: David Martin (SRI) Sheila McIlraith (Stanford KSL) Terry Payne (Southampton)

2 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 DAML-S Web Services Coalition BBN: Mark Burstein CMU: Massimo Paolucci, Katia Sycara ICSI: Srini Narayanan Nokia: Ora Lassila Stanford KSL: Sheila McIlraith SRI: David Martin Southampton: Terry Payne USC-ISI: Jerry Hobbs Yale: Drew McDermott

3 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Outline DAML-S technical overview & update Overview of ontology areas Profile, process model, grounding Progress to date Challenges, next steps Directions for 2002-2003 Key challenges (Sheila McIlraith) Joint committee plans (Katia Sycara)

4 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Convergence on Services Commercial vendors, media, forecasters, etc. –Intranets, not just internets W3C Web services efforts Semantic Web community –DAML-S; WSMF & other EU efforts –ISWC: 10 services-related papers, 7 posters Grid computing (OGSA) Ubiquitous computing (devices) –Mobile access to services A remarkable opportunity –Bringing behavioral intelligence to the Web

5 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 DAML-S: DAML for web Services A DAML+OIL ontology/language for (formally) describing properties and capabilities of Web services DAML-??? (Rules, FOL?) XML (Extensible Markup Language) RDF (Resource Description Framework) RDFS (RDF Schema) DAML+OIL OWL (Ontology) DAML-S (Services)

6 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 DAML-S Objectives Automation of service use by software agents Ideal: full-fledged use of services never before encountered: discovery, selection, composition, invocation, monitoring Useful in the real world Compatible with industry standards Incremental exploitation Enable reasoning/planning about services e.g., On-the-fly composition Integrated use with information resources Ease of use; powerful tools

7 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Automation Enabled by DAML-S Web service discovery Find me a shipping service that transports goods to Dubai. Web service invocation Buy me 500 lbs. powdered milk from Web service selection & composition Arrange food for 500 people for 2 weeks in Dubai. Web service execution monitoring Has the powdered milk been ordered and paid for yet?

8 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Upper Ontology of Services Ontology images compliments of Terry Payne, University of Southampton

9 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 High-level characterization/summary of a service Used for Populating service registries A service can have many profiles Automated service discovery Service selection (matchmaking) One can derive: Service advertisements Service requests Service Profile: What does it do?

10 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Service Profile Non Functional Properties Functionality Description

11 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Styles of use Class-hierarchical yellow pages –Implicit capability characterization –Arrangement of attributes on class hierarchy –Can use multiple inheritance Process summaries for planning purposes –More explicit –Inputs, outputs, preconditions, effects –Less reliance on formal hierarchical organization –Summarizes process model specs Profile: Recent evolution

12 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Exploiting Taxonomies of Services ServiceProfile ProductProviding Service Manufacturing Transportation ActionService InfoService PhysicalProduct Service Repair Information Product+ physicalProduct+ manufacturer+ deliveryRegion* deliveryProvider* deliveryType Physical_ Product+ transportationMode+ geographicRegion+ physicalProduct+ Tie in with UDDI, UNSPSC, … DL Basis for matchmaking Multiple profiles; multiple taxonomies name provider role+ avgResponseTime? … FeeBased feeBasis+ paymentMethod+

13 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Upper Ontology of Services

14 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Service Model How does it work? Process –Interpretable description of service providers behavior –Tells service user how and when to interact (read/write messages) & Process control –Ontology of process state; supports status queries –(stubbed out at present) Used for: –Service invocation, planning/composition, interoperation, monitoring All processes have –Inputs, outputs, preconditions and effects –Function/dataflow metaphor; action/process metaphor Composite processes –Control flow –Data flow Process Model: How does it work?

15 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Service Model / Process Model

16 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 AcmeTruckShpng book flight service customer name flight numbers dates credit card no.... confirmation no.... failure notification errror information … ? book hotel service confirmation no. dates room type credit card no.... confirmation no.... failure notification … ? book car service customer name location car type dates credit card no.... confirmation no.... failure notification … ? Composite Process ? Input & Preconditions Output & Effects

17 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Conditional outputs & effects Parameter bindings Pushing the limits of DAML+OIL expressiveness Process Model: Recent evolution

18 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Upper Ontology of Services

19 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Service Grounding: How to access it Implementation-specific Message formatting, transport mechanisms, protocols, serializations of types Service Model + Grounding give everything needed for using the service Examples: HTTP forms, SOAP, KQML, CORBA IDL, OAA ICL, Java RMI

20 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 DAML-S / WSDL Grounding Web Services Description Language –Authored by IBM, Ariba, Microsoft –Focus of W3C Web Services Description WG –Commercial momentum –Specifies message syntax accepted/generated by communication ports –Bindings to popular message/transport standards (SOAP, HTTP, MIME) –Abstract types; extensibility elements Complementary with DAML-S

21 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 DL-based Types WSDL DAML-S Process Model Atomic Process Operation Message Inputs / Outputs Binding to SOAP, HTTP, etc.

22 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 DAML-S / WSDL Grounding (contd)

23 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Review: Upper Ontology of Services

24 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Path of Evolution Release 0.5 (May 2001) Initial Profile & Process ontologies Release 0.6 (December 2001) Refinements to Profile & Process Resources ontology Two approaches to formal semantics Sycara/Ankolekar, McIlraith/Narayanan Release 0.7 (October 2002) DAML-S/WSDL Grounding Profile, Process Model refinements More complete examples Towards 1.0 Expressiveness issues; process modeling; industry tie-in

25 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Related Activities Web site & mailing lists Users UMCP (Hendler/Parsia), UMBC (Finin), Manchester (Goble), CMU (Sadeh), Lockheed-Martin, Ultralog, beta-reviewers, … Tools DAML-S publications WWW10 SW Workshop (2), SWWS, WWW11, Coordination 2002, AAMAS, ICSW (4), IEEE Computer, IEEE Intel. Systems… W3C Web services activities Designated liaison for WS Arch. WG; Katia Sycara Experiment Use cases

26 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Challenges Finding the 80/20 line Profiles: relationship with processes Process modeling: many issues –Variability of public/private aspects of Processes –Extending to offline (sub)processes –Generalizing to multiple roles –Failure, transactions Where and how to go beyond DAML+OIL? –Interface between DL ontology, logical expressions, algorithm/workflow representation Connecting with Industry –Showing compelling value –Not promising too much –Providing an incremental path

27 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Next steps / priorities Focus on use cases architecture Joint committee forming … Move to OWL Model information services Profile: More substantial illustrative taxonomies Tie in with existing taxonomies where possible (e.g. UNSPSC) Process Model Evaluate potential tie-in with an existing effort (WSFL?) Support real-world use Describing and using public WSDL services Possible collaborations with other SemWeb projects Demos directed towards Web services community Tools DAML-S API

28 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Whats Next for DAML-S: 2 Key Challenge Areas Presenter: Sheila McIlraith Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory

29 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Expressiveness of DAML+OIL DAML-S Industry Trends complementary compatible influential Current Challenges

30 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Expressiveness & Semantics Problem: DAML+OIL has a well-defined semantics, but it is not sufficiently expressive to characterize all and only the intended interpretations of DAML-S.

31 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Expressiveness & Semantics Problem: DAML+OIL has a well-defined semantics, but it is not sufficiently expressive to characterize all and only the intended interpretations of DAML-S. Solution 1: A.Distributed operational semantics via Petri Nets.

32 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Expressiveness & Semantics Problem: DAML+OIL has a well-defined semantics, but it is not sufficiently expressive to characterize all and only the intended interpretations of DAML-S. Solution 1: A.Distributed operational semantics via Petri Nets. B.Interleaving function-based operational semantics w/ subtype polymorphism.

33 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Expressiveness & Semantics Problem: DAML+OIL has a well-defined semantics, but it is not sufficiently expressive to characterize all and only the intended interpretations of DAML-S. Solution 1: A.Distributed operational semantics via Petri Nets. B.Interleaving function-based operational semantics w/ subtype polymorphism. C.Semantics via translation to first-order logic.

34 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Expressiveness & Semantics Problem: DAML+OIL has a well-defined semantics, but it is not sufficiently expressive to characterize all and only the intended interpretations of DAML-S. Solution 1: A.Distributed operational semantics via Petri Nets. B.Interleaving function-based operational semantics w/ subtype polymorphism. C.Semantics via translation to first-order logic. Solution 2: DAML Rules?

35 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Wire ProtocolsDescriptionDiscovery TCP/IP HTTP/SMTP/BEEP XML SOAP/XMLP SOAP Blocks XML WSDL WSDL Extensions Process Agreements Inspection Registry (UDDI) Modification of slide by James Snell (IBM) Industry Trends: The Web Services Stack

36 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Wire ProtocolsDescriptionDiscovery TCP/IP HTTP/SMTP/BEEP XML SOAP/XMLP SOAP Blocks XML WSDL WSDL Extensions Inspection Registry (UDDI) Modification of slide by James Snell (IBM) Process Agreements DAMLSDAMLS Invocation Interoperation Composition Monitoring Verification Automated Industry Trends: The Web Services Stack

37 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Wire ProtocolsDescriptionDiscovery TCP/IP HTTP/SMTP/BEEP XML SOAP/XMLP SOAP Blocks XML WSDL WSDL Extensions Agreements Inspection Registry (UDDI) DAMLSDAMLS Invocation Interoperation Composition Monitoring Verification Automated Industry Trends: The Web Services Stack Modification of slide by James Snell (IBM) Process W3C WS Choreograph Group BPEL4WS (Microsoft, IBM, BEA) WSCL (HP)BPML (Most but Microsoft) WSCI (Sun, BEA, Yahoo, …) XLANG (Microsoft), WSFL (IBM), …

38 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Services/Rules (Web Services: Expressiveness Issues & Industry Trends) Breakout Sessions Service Use Cases

39 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Joint US Europe Semantic Web Services Committee Presenter: Katia Sycara Carnegie Mellon University

40 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Objectives Bring together US and European Semantic Web Services researchers Engage in collaborative standardization efforts –DAML-S language –Semantic Web Services Architecture Possible outcome is a W3C Note

41 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 Overall Structure Language Technical Committee –Co-chairs: David Martin and TBD Architecture Technical Committee –Co-chairs: Mark Burstein and Christoph Bussler Industrial Advisory Board Advisory Committee –Murray Burke, Hans-Georg Stork, Jim Hendler Coordinating Committee –Co-chairs: Dieter Fensel and Katia Sycara

42 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 ISWC2003 Location: Sundial Resort, Sanibel Island, Fla, USA Dates:: 20-23 October 2003 Paper Submission Date: April 15, 2003 Workshop Proposals Submission Date: December 16, 2002 Tutorial Proposal Submission Date: Feburary 28, 2003 Demo Proposal Submission Date: July 13, 2003

43 DAML-S Coalition DAML PI Meeting 10/16/02 ISWC2003 Organizing Committee General Chair: Dieter Fensel Program Chair: Katia Sycara Program Co-Chair: John Mylopoulos Tutorial Chair: Asun Gomez-Perez Workshop Chairs: Sheila McIlraith and Dimitris Plexousakis Industrial Track Chair: Christoph Bussler Poster Chair: Raphael Malyankar Finance Chair: Jerome Euzenat Publicity Chair: Mike Dean Local Arrangements Chair: Jeff Bradshaw Sponsor Chairs: Ying Ding and Massimo Paolucci Registration Chair: Atanas Kyriakov Demo Chair: Jeff Heflin

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