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1 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 NOAAs Global Earth Observation Integrated Data Environment (GEO-IDE) CEOS WGISS-21 Budapest, Hungary 2006 David Clark.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 NOAAs Global Earth Observation Integrated Data Environment (GEO-IDE) CEOS WGISS-21 Budapest, Hungary 2006 David Clark."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 NOAAs Global Earth Observation Integrated Data Environment (GEO-IDE) CEOS WGISS-21 Budapest, Hungary 2006 David Clark NOAA for Glenn Rutledge, GEO-IDE Co-Chair

2 2 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 NOAAs GEO-IDE Scope – NOAA-wide architecture development to integrate legacy systems and guide development of future NOAA environmental data management systems in support of US-GEO and GEO Vision – NOAAs GEO-IDE is envisioned as a system of systems – a framework that provides effective and efficient integration of NOAAs many quasi-independent systems Foundation – built upon agreed standards, principles and guidelines Approach – evolution of existing systems into a service-oriented architecture Result – a single system of systems (user perspective) to access the data sets needed to address significant societal questions

3 3 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 *"Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler. Albert Einstein Service-Oriented Architecture*

4 4 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 Why is GEO-IDE Needed? Important societal issues require data from many observing systems Atmospheric Observations Land Surface Observation Ocean Observations Space Observations Data Systems Coordinated, efficient, integrated, interoperable Discipline Specific ViewWhole System View Current systems are program specific, focused, individually efficient. But incompatible, not integrated, isolated from one another and from wider environmental community 4

5 5 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 Todays Challenges Incompatible syntax (formats) and semantics (terminology) among science disciplines within NOAA. Thousands exist. Several examples: Naming standards – Surface Air Temperature Meteorology (WMO) named Temperature/dry bulb temperature Meteorology (air pollution) named Boundary layer temperature Oceanography named Air Temperature Location standards (latitude, longitude, elevation) Lat/Lon can be degrees/minutes/seconds or degrees to tenths and hundredths Latitude E/W, 0-180 positive and negative, or 0-360 running east or west Z used to designate elevation in both atmosphere and ocean but positive is up in the atmosphere and down in the ocean Formats (>50 formats used within NOAA; translators and standards needed) GRIB, NetCDF, HDF and others used for gridded data BUFR, NetCDF, and many others used for observations Potential for no answer or the wrong answer to important societal questions due to separate NOAA data management systems

6 6 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 Goals Through GEO-IDE NOAA will Identify and address integration gaps in data management systems Create interoperability across existing data management systems Develop and adopt data standards for formats and terminology Integrate measurements, data, and products Examine the need for future data management requirements and will achieve Cost avoidances in NOAA business through improved efficiency and reduced duplication Reduced risks for US IEOS and GEOSS

7 7 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 GEO-IDE Bridging the gaps between stove-pipe systems WeatherClimateOceanographyBiologyGeophysics Standard procedures, protocols, metadata, formats, terminology. Web Services Integration of data across disciplines Improved data stewardship Increased efficiency Leverage industry and community initiatives Integration of data across disciplines Improved data stewardship Increased efficiency Leverage industry and community initiatives Hydrology Geospatial Framework

8 8 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 GEO-IDE - an essential component of environmental information management for NOAA Integrated observing, data processing and information management systems Connected by NOAAs Integrated Data Environment Contributes to U.S. Global Earth Observation System (USGEO) and International Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS).

9 9 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 9 Why Now? Critical to USGEO –six near term opportunities Uncoordinated development leads to inefficiencies, incompatibilities, and duplication of effort. Integration of data among systems is needed to answer questions that address diverse societal benefits Increased efficiency is needed to handle the expected exponential increase in data volumes that will occur over the next decade Societal Benefits Improve weather forecasting Reduce Loss of Life and Property from Disasters Protect and Monitor our Ocean Resources Understand, Assess, Predict, Mitigate and Adapt to Climate Variability and Change Support Sustainable Agriculture and Combat Land Degradation Understand the Effect of Environmental Factors on Human Health & Well Being Develop the Capacity to Make Ecological Forecasts Protect and Monitor Water Resources Monitor and Manage Energy Resources

10 10 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 Vision System of systems – a framework to effectively and efficiently integrate NOAAs many systems Minimize impact on legacy systems Utilize standards: –Adopt, adapt and only reluctantly create –Emphasis on flexibility Work towards a service- oriented architecture

11 11 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 Approach Standards –Adopt, adapt and only as a last resort, create –Open, inclusive process for adoption –Inclusive not exclusive use of standards Service Oriented Architecture Reference: Federal CIO Council, Jan 06 "Services and Components Based Architectures: A Strategic Guide for Implementing Distributed and Reusable Components and Services in the Federal Government"

12 12 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 Standards Standard names and terminology Metadata standards –FGDC and ISO 19115 w/ remote sensing extensions, Format standards –XML Schemas, Spatial Databases (SQL), data formats (WMO, NetCDF, HDF, etc.) Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards: –Features, Coverage (data), Geographic Markup Language Web Services Standards (World Wide Web Consortium)

13 13 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 Service-Oriented Architecture Under an SOA, capabilities are built one at a time to create Web Services The fabric of the SOA is built upon standards for: –discovery (e.g. CF, FGDC, OGC, ISO) –transport (e.g. HTTP, FTP, OPeNDAP, Grid) –use (e.g. netCDF, HTML, OGC, etc.) Can be tightly coupled (SOAP) or loosely coupled (REST)

14 14 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 SOA Concept

15 15 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 Key Development Strategies Maintain and minimize impact on legacy systems Evolutionary development through pilot projects Coordinate activities through Structural Data Types –Grids, time-series, moving-sensor multi-dimensional, profiles, trajectories, geospatial framework, point data and metadata

16 16 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 Project Management Undersecretary for Atmosphere and Oceans DMIT Data Management Integration Team NOSC NOAA Observing System Council (NOAA CIO Member) DMC NOAA Data Management Committee (CIO Council Co-Chair) NOAA Goal Theme: Weather & Water NOAA Goal Theme: Ecosystems NOAA Goal Theme: Commerce & Transportation NOAA Goal Theme: Climate

17 17 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 Future Direction - Priorities FY07 Work with scientists/data system managers to assess requirements and systems –Develop enterprise architecture and GEO IDE Implementation Plan –Implement standards process –Active out-reach activities- inclusive (CEOS WGISS) FY08/09 Incrementally execute work packages –Develop data standards and interoperability mechanisms, e.g., translators and directory services –Direct, test and evaluate changes being made to data management systems FY10/11 Re-evaluate architecture related to new data systems (across NOAA & with national /international partners)

18 18 CEOS WGISS-21 12 February 2014 Conclusions NOAA faces daunting challenges of vastly increasing data volumes and an increasing need for interdisciplinary use of data NOAA is committed to enhancing access and ensuring data and products of enduring value are preserved for future generations NOAA has initiated several activities to actively respond to these challenges. GEO-IDE is a key component

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