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Slide 1 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Report on CEOS SIT meeting Ivan Petiteville (ESA), WGISS Chair October 2007,

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Report on CEOS SIT meeting Ivan Petiteville (ESA), WGISS Chair October 2007,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Report on CEOS SIT meeting Ivan Petiteville (ESA), WGISS Chair October 2007, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany ESA Logo

2 Slide 2 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 CEOS Meetings since last WGISS CEOS SIT-20 ( ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Jun. 07 ) CEOS SIT-21 ( ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Sep. 07 ) + several teleconferences: –CEOS SEC (Secretariat), –CEOS SIT (Strategic Implementation Team), –CEOS IPTF (Implementation Plan Task Force)

3 Slide 3 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 CEOS SIT-20 ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, June 2007

4 Slide 4 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Overall Agenda Constellations Workshop –Status of the 4 CEOS Constellations prototypes and confirm space agency participation and support for the objectives (a Constellations Workshop immediately precedes SIT-20 and will tackle these points. SIT-20 (see next slides)

5 Slide 5 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Constellations Workshop With inputs from Stephen Ward.

6 Slide 6 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 The Virtual Constellations 4 constellations –Ocean Surface Topography: Stan Wilson and Francois Parisot –Atmospheric Composition: Ernest Hilsenrath –Land Surface Imaging: Bryan Bailey –Precipitation: Chu Ishida 2 potential constellations in near-future: –Ocean Colour –Disaster (linked to DI-06-09)

7 Slide 7 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Context 19 months since Principals endorsed the CEOS Virtual Constellations concept 4 pilot studies proposed and launched to test the concept –initial Teams assembled and study Leads volunteered –SIT Liaisons volunteered to ensure senior-level exposure and guidance –Some early workshops already successfully held SIT-authored Process Paper in progress - to guide future Constellation proposals and provide corporate memory –will continue to evolve with experience gained

8 Slide 8 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 What did the Constellations Concept set out to achieve ? (1/2) Move the CEOS dialogue from all topics & all agencies to focused discussions involving smaller groups of space agencies in their specialisations of interest Focus resources on a small number of implementation coordination goals to demonstrate what can be achieved and to inspire agencies to engage in the process Attract more senior-level support & resources from space agencies

9 Slide 9 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 What did the Constellations Concept set out to achieve ? (2/2) Apply a common standards or thresholds approach to: –Facilitate broader participation of space agencies large and small, established and emerging –Ensure that all players understand the criteria required for their contributions to be of value in a global context – eg the GCOS Climate Monitoring Principles –Provide guidance to aspiring entrants

10 Slide 10 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Activities in 2007 Refinement of the concept name based on GEOSEC feedback: The CEOS Constellations for GEOSS –better reflects the context and purpose of our efforts –affirms CEOS as the space agency forum for GEOSS space segment Establishment of a Systems Engineering Office (Constellations SEO) by NASA: –technical resource funded by NASA and willing to support pilot and following Constellation teams with issues and obstacles as they emerge –trial application to the Atmospheric Composition Constellation –needs will vary from team to team Development of the 1st draft of the CEOS Implementation Plan for Space-based Observations for the GEOSS –Constellation efforts should be consistent with the targets therein

11 Slide 11 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Workshop objectives Inform CEOS community of objectives and progress to date by the 4 Pilot Teams Confirm all necessary agencies are engaged and providing required resources Further develop the discussion on possible inputs from CEOS Constellations to the GEO meetings in Nov. 07 Theme leads to share concerns and seek solutions –provide support and guidance required by Leads –any issues related to the application of the SEO

12 Slide 12 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Workshop Guidelines for Leads Pilot study objectives & outcomes (Proposal) –2007 outcomes (inc for GEO Summit) –Longer-term outcomes Participation & resources –current and desired –Actions required Progress in H1 2007 –Progress planned in H2 2007 (Work Plan) –Obstacles and issues requiring resolution by SIT Linkages to GEOSS Space segment and CEOS IP

13 Slide 13 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Land Surface Imaging Constellation Objectives and Outcomes in 2007 Focus on mid-resolution (10m-30m) optical systems 3 primary objectives defined that address both near-term and long-term LSI Constellation goals: –establish agreements, among space agencies operating mid-resolution LSI satellite systems, to better cooperate; –develop preliminary standards for a mid-resolution LSI Constellation; –contribute to the production of a fundamental climate data record (FCDR requested by GCOS). Coordinated access to the global land surface imaging data needed to complete the UN FAO Forest Resource Assessment 2010 (FRA2010).

14 Slide 14 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 LSI Working group on Ground Segment activities led by JP Antikidis (WGISS/CNES) Letter of intent for CEOS Reps to engage resources

15 Slide 15 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 SIT-20 meeting With inputs from JL Fellous & S.Ward

16 Slide 16 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Meeting objectives 1.Review the draft CEOS Implementation Plan for GEOSS Space Segment Principals to review their agency contribution to the various actions. 2.Status of the 59 CEOS Climate actions for GCOS identify measures required by space agencies to address obstacles. 3.Status of CEOS Constellations prototypes confirm space agency participation and support 4.Report on developments in the IGOS Partnership and Themes 5.Review CEOS contribution to GEO Summit (Nov. 07) 6.Improve co-operation between CEOS and CGMS in support of GEO objectives.

17 Slide 17 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Message from CEOS Chair (B.Ryan, USGS) Chair wants CEOS to transition to sustained action via: –Delivery of systems, data, and products in support of the GCOS IP and GEO WP tasks; –Full development of the Constellations concept; –Alignment of Working Group resources and outcomes with the CEOS IP objectives; –Continuing the role of the CEOS Executive Officer.

18 Slide 18 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 CEOS Implementation Plan for GEOSS Space Segment CEOS agencies encouraged to review the currrent CEOS IP to identifying tasks to which they might contribute

19 Slide 19 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Coordination among CEOS, CGMS, and WMO in support of GEO (1/2) Review similarities and differences among CEOS, CGMS, and WMO, Opportunity/obligation for coordinated action to support GEO, GCOS, and other partners: –RSSC-CM for climate product processing, –GSICS for inter-calibration, –definition/implementation of the space-based GOS; –coordination is equally relevant for other GEO SBAs where CEOS, CGMS and WMO SP are active.

20 Slide 20 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Coordination among CEOS, CGMS, and WMO in support of GEO (2/2) Proposed next steps were: –Enhanced information exchange; –Common documentation: Framework paper in context of GEO; Common GCOS IP Action Plan; –Annual leadership meetings; –Alignment of activities/infrastructure to support common partners and stakeholders: joint meetings, projects and reporting; –Scope/responsibilities: Review organisation and subsidiary groups: reduce redundancy; better allocate common resources.

21 Slide 21 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 WMO Space Programme major update of the space-based Global Observing System of WMO in order to : – to include climate needs responding to GCOS; –to use different orbit scenarios whenever appropriate; –to optimise overall design of current historical constellations GEO, LEO/SSO; will include long-term provisions for a number of observations through specific mission concepts for radio-occultation sounding, global precipitation measurement, sea surface wind vector observations, earth radiation budget and other observations;

22 Slide 22 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Report on GEO WP Tasks (1/2) CEOS contribution to GEO Work Plan Tasks is performed through: voluntary involvement of CEOS agencies its Working Groups WGCV, WGISS and WGEdu, the direct involvement of CEOS Chair and SIT Chair; In general, actions where CEOS is Lead and Point of contact generally show good progress.

23 Slide 23 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Report on GEO WP Tasks (2/2) Good progress on DI-06-09, potential virtual constellation for risk management Progress made in CL-06-02 (GCOS) & CL-06-01 (Sustained Reprocessing and Reanalysis Efforts – led by WGCV): reprocessing efforts for key variables identified in GCOS Implementation Plan are ongoing Progress on DA-06-02 (GEOSS Quality Assurance Strategy – led by WGCV): draft guideline for data quality assurance (in line with the work of GSCICS) GEO Data Quality Assurance Workshop ( Oct.) 2007; CEOS Cal/Val Web Portal is under development and will be hosted by ESA; Progress made in DA-07-03 (Virtual Constellations – led by SIT Chair).

24 Slide 24 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 CEOS Response to GCOS Implementation Plan 59 actions in CEOS Plan (Atmospheric, Oceanic, Terrestrial domains & Cross-Cutting issues): –21 Priority 1 actions: delivery of significant outcomes within a 1-2 year timescale; –32 Priority 2 actions : continuous, on-going actions, or actions which require additional information from potential contributors in order to be suitably defined; no necessarily delivery of significant result in the 1-2 year timescale. Proposed to defer related activities until all Priority 1 actions are being suitably progressed and further capacity is available; –5 Priority 3 actions, considered premature at this stage, were also identified;

25 Slide 25 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Activities since Jan 2007 (1/4) Jan-Feb 07: –CEOS, assisted by GCOS, identified 21 top priority actions for implementation by space agencies in 2007 March-April 07: –CEOS Climate Focal points designated by CEOS members and associates to monitor progress within their respective agencies of the actions. 18 Climate Actions Teams created. –Each one animated by a Focal Point from various CEOS Agency. –Each Team is responsible for the executions of several Climate actions.

26 Slide 26 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Activities since Jan 2007 (2/4) March-April 07 (cont): –Plan announced by NASA and NOAA to restore a key ozone layer climate sensor, the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS), to the NPOESS programme (launch in 2009). Essential for the CEOS action # A-8. –Coordination between WMO GSICS programme and CEOS Working Group on Cal/Val (both led by NOAA). Objectives: promote the reduction of measurement uncertainty improve the accuracy of climate data records.

27 Slide 27 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Activities since Jan 2007 (3/4) March-April 07 (cont): –EUMETSAT Workshop (15-16 March). Organised by WMO Participants: CMA, JMA, NOAA, WMO, EUMETSAT, CEOS and GCOS. Objective: refine the concept of a Global Network of Regional Specialized Satellite Centres for Climate Monitoring (RSSC-CM). RSSC-CM concept addresses GCOS requirements for sustained datasets, products and services. For each ECV, one or two RSSC-CM would be responsible to generate consistent high-quality ECV satellite products, to validate them and to make them available in agreed formats with metadata, to conduct research, to contribute to reanalysis, to provide documentation and training. The concept submitted for endorsement by satellite operators on 1 May 2007.

28 Slide 28 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Activities since Jan 2007 (4/4) May-June 07: –CEOS SIT-20 meeting (June 19-20) All specialists meet. Full review of CL-06-02- related activities. Progress report issued –WMO Workshop (June 21-22) on Re- design and Optimization of the Space-based Global Observing System (GOS). Goal: Review definition of the space-based subsystem of the GOS to better address GCOS requirements for sustained observations of climate variables.

29 Slide 29 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Climate Action Teams (example)

30 Slide 30 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07

31 Slide 31 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Conclusions on GCOS Climate activities Significant progress in past six months. Constant effort within space agencies to improve adherence to GCOS Climate Monitoring Principles and carry forward Climate actions. Monitor closely progress of individual climate actions including coordination with WMO and the RSSC-CM initiative Actions: –CEOS Chair to prepare a report to COP-13 on progress by CEOS in implementing response to GCOS IP –CEOS agencies to nominate PoCs and allocate required resources for Climate Action Teams –SIT Chair invites space agencies contributing to FCDRs to report to CEOS Exec Officer on how their missions address the GCMPs

32 Slide 32 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 CEOS Relationship to IGOS-P CEOS invited IGOS Partners to reconsider their positions on the future of IGOS-P as GEO should encompass the IGOS-P themes. Creation of a small group to study the best way to transition IGOS Themes into GEO. On going discussion between each one of the 8 IGOS-P Theme Teams and GEO SEC. Transition should be completed b y 2008

33 Slide 33 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 CEOS SIT-21 ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, September 2007

34 Slide 34 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 Main elements Same topics as for previous SIT meeting + preparation for GEO Summit (Nov. 07) Virtual Constellations: –draft Way Forward document to improve the VC process –US Agencies showing keen interest in new studies Ocean Colour and Disasters CEOS IP: new inputs (status 2007; definition of activities + resources + responsibility for 2008). Focus on SBAs and IGOS.

35 Slide 35 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 CEOS-GEO Secretariat meeting 26 Sep. 2007

36 Slide 36 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 CEOS-GEO Implementation Steering Group Creation of CEOS-GEO Implementation Steering Group to better focus CEOS tasks and activities in addressing the GEOSS space component. Better CEOS connectivity to GEOSS SBAs and associated (including crosscutting) Tasks, to GEO Committees and to IGOS Themes Members: –CEOS Executive Officer, –members of the SIT Organizing Team (NOAA), –CEOS participants from the GEO Committees, –CEOS Working Groups (Chairs or representatives), –CEOS-designated experts for each of the SBAs, –IGOS Theme Team Leaders (and/or representatives from associated Communities of Practice).

37 Slide 37 WGISS CEOS WGISS 24, DLR, Oberpfaffenhoffen, Germany, 15-19 Oct 07 CEOS IP CEOS (represented by its Executive Officer, by Chu Ishida, and SIT NOAA Team ) to engage in a second mapping exercise with GEO SEC (CEOS activities vs GEO Targets and GEO Tasks) Objective: redefine CEOS tasks and activities (2008 and beyond) with space component priorities better aligned with the GEOSS Work Plan: activities to be directly linked to identified GEO/SBA and GEO/IGOS-related Tasks,

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