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CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 1 CEOS WGISS Technology & Services Subgroup Overview Wyn Cudlip British National Space Centre/QinetiQ.

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Presentation on theme: "CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 1 CEOS WGISS Technology & Services Subgroup Overview Wyn Cudlip British National Space Centre/QinetiQ."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 1 CEOS WGISS Technology & Services Subgroup Overview Wyn Cudlip British National Space Centre/QinetiQ Presentation to WGISS Workshop Beijing, September, 2004

2 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 2 Technology & Services Subgroup o Organised into Task Teams o To address technical issues associated with the: n acquisition n storage n processing n locating n delivery n of EO data and services o Fosters the exchange of technical information o Promotes the use of Open Standards and the development of interoperable systems

3 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 3 T&S Issues o EO-User Perspective: o Locate - Directory Services o Search - Catalogue Services o Retrieve - Data Services o Provider Perspective (in addition to above): o Archive Hardware; Formats; Preservation Strategies o Processing GRID Systems and Tools o Information Exchange – Guideline Documents; Workshops

4 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 4 Directory Services

5 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 5 Directory Services o CEOS International Directory Network (IDN) and the o Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) n With 4 co-ordinating notes around the world o Registry describing over 15,000 Datasets o Uses DIF metadata standard n Now compliant with ISO19115 metadata standard o 50,000 hits per month o Specific User Portals can be created. o

6 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 6 GCMD Search Page

7 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 7 JAXA IDN Portal

8 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 8 Also, can register services

9 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 9 Additional GCMD Services

10 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 10 Catalogue Services

11 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 11 Catalogue Services o WGISS developed the CIP n Catalogue Interoperability Protocol n Based on a profile of the Z39.50 protocol developed by the library community n Allows transfer of search and order parameters and the return of the results o Basis of Interoperable Catalogue System (ICS) n ESA implementation called INFEO n Allows distributed searching of ESA and NASA catalogues n Other Nodes to be added o

12 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 12 ESA EO Portal

13 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 13 Data Services

14 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 14 Data Services o Working to exploit specifications emerging from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) o In particular: n Web Map Server – for rgb raster data n Web Feature Server – for point and vector data n Web Coverage Server – for low-level satellite data o Allows information layers from distributed on- line servers to be combined

15 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 15 Near-Real-Time MODIS Display

16 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 16 JAXA/RESTEC Land Condition Map - Geomorphological Land Classification Map - Sudsurface Geological Map - Soil Map - Land Use Map - Satellite Image (Past) - Satellite Image (Recent) - Elevation map - General Map : Postal Code

17 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 17 Data Search & View System

18 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 18 Archiving

19 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 19 Archive Issues o Archive interchange format (CEOS ICF) o Long-term preservation strategy o Archive hardware issues n Disc vs. tape n reliability o Data formats in general n Format Guidelines Document n Browse Guidelines Document o tape-data recovery activities n Baking recommendations n Assistance to Developing Countries

20 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 20 Disc versus Tape costs

21 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 21 Tape storage trends

22 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 22 GRID Computing

23 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 23 GRID Computing o Large international investment into the development of GRID concepts and tools o Exploitation of computational GRIDs for the benefit of EO data analysis is under investigation by CEOS WGISS.

24 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 24 Grid Computing Environment Globus server system MDS server system PBS GRAM Server Grid FTP Server Grid SSH Server MDS GRIS MDS GIIS LSF GRAM Server Grid FTP Server Grid SSH Server MDS GRIS Globus client system Clients are programs and libraries GRAM Client Grid FTP Client MDS ClientGrid SSH Client UserUser application/toolWeb portal

25 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 25 CEOS Grid Application Projects o Dutch Space n GridAssist workflow management tools n Data simulation project for future missions o European Space Agency n GridEngine cross-grid management tools n Data processing and product generation o NASA/GMU n GeoTree virtual data product generation o NOAA/NOMADS n Climate modeling and data access o China-SIG n EO Data sharing and distribution o NASA/UAH n EO Data mining o USGS EDC n EO Data distribution n WTF CalVal data access o NASA ADG n Grid tools for data product production

26 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 26 Information Exchange

27 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 27 Information Exchange o At WGISS meetings – 2 per year o Through Task Team telecons o Preparation of Guideline Documents o Carry out demonstrator projects o Preparation of Lessons Learnt Documents o Annual EOGEO Workshop o CEOS WGISS Papers at conferences

28 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 28 Task Team Structure WGISS Technology and Services Subgroup Projects and Applications Subgroup Current Tasks: WGISS Infrastructure Current Tasks: International Directory Network CEOS Interoperable Catalog System Data Services Archive EOGEO Workshop CEOS GRID Current Tasks: Global Datasets Global Mapping Book WTF CEOP WTF Core Sites (WGCV) Oil Spill Drift CEOS EO Data Portal

29 CEOS WGISS & Subgroup Meeting Beijing, September, 2004. 29 Contact Information o o Directory (IDN) o Catalogue (ICS) o Data Services o Archive o GRID o EoGeo Workshop

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